Avocado House / Francisco Pardo Arquitecto
A secret house tucked away under the green
Avocado House / Francisco Pardo Arquitecto
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unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

墨西哥事务所Francisco Pardo Arquitecto为一对年轻夫妇和他们的孩子设计了一座别致的住宅: Avocado House,旨在让他们在周末远离城市生活的喧嚣。住宅距离墨西哥城仅两小时车程,位于巴耶德尔布拉沃的乡村湖泊地区。

Designed by Mexican firm Francisco PardoArquitecto, Casa Aguacates — Avocado House, conceived for a young couple andtheir child as a weekend retreat to escape the bustle of urban life, is locateda mere two hours from Mexico City, in the rural lake area of Valle del Bravo.

这座占地3 公顷的项目坐落在群山之间的山谷中,全年气候宜人,并享有壮丽的自然景观,周围环绕着一片向下延伸直到茂密森林和峡谷的鳄梨田。

Offering pleasant weather all year round andstunning panoramic views, the luxuriant three-hectare site, nestled in a valleybetween the mountains, is covered by an avocado field that slopes down into adense forest and glen.

“设计的主要目标是确保住户能够充分享受周围的森林景观,同时,客户也希望鳄梨田能够完好无损,这激发了我们把住宅隐藏在地下的灵感”——公司创始人Francisco Pardo解释道。

“Themain goal was to guarantee a privileged view of the forest, but at the sametime, the client also wanted to leave the avocado field intact, which inspiredus to literally bury the house” —— explains Francisco Pardo, founder of thefirm.


The whole concept revolves around the intentionto preserve the natural elements and generate minimum impact on thesurroundings. As a result, avocado trees sprout above the concealed andunassuming structure, which overlooks the treetops of the forest. As keen hanggliders, the couple had a special interest in what they deemed the “fifthfaçade” — the view from the sky, which is designed as meticulously as itscounterparts, to help the house naturally blend into the context.


This solution also provides optimal internalthermal conditions, in an area affected by considerable temperature variationbetween night and day, thanks to the earth above the roof that keeps the houseat a constantly mild temperature.


Inside, the sunken volume unfolds as a largeexposed concrete container with a simple open layout, where the limited numberof partition walls are low and isolated from the roof in order to create acontinuous concrete ceiling running through the whole plan. A big open spacegives direct access to a terrace with a hot tub facing the forest, and featuresa kitchen, dining room, and living room, with few custom designed elements suchas the kitchen island and the impressive black metal fireplace punctuating thespace. A master bedroom, the kid’s bedroom, two additional guest rooms and astudio are accommodated around this space, completing the plan.






The back area was pierced to become an interiorpatio, providing a second source of sunlight and ventilation, as well as ajuxtaposition of natural elements. On one side, the house enjoys a view ofuntamed greenery; on the opposite, a refined landscape. Thus, the projectrepresents a subtle expression of architecture’s ability to control and coexistin creative tension with its natural surroundings.


简洁的色调和纹理营造出统一且自然的氛围,而材料的选择则有助于实现极简主义美感,并考虑到建筑作为周末住宅的功能,确保了极低的维护成本。裸露的混凝土结构与涂有 Chukum (一种来自尤卡坦地区的天然灰泥)的墙壁相结合,以及由从施工过程的脚手架中回收的松木制成的隔板。储藏室是一个可持续的小木屋,坐落在住宅的上方的山坡上,用铸造的剩余木材建造而成。亦可作为观景点,享有周围广阔的自然景观。

A simple tone and texture palette creates anoverall natural feel, while the material selection contributes to the minimalaesthetic and ensures very low maintenance considering the property’s functionas a weekend home. The bare concrete structure combines with walls coated inChukum, a natural stucco from the Yucatan region, and partitions made of pinewood recycled from the falsework of the construction process. An equallysustainably-sourced cabin serves as a storage room or lookout point, boastingpanoramic views of the surroundings, built above the house in leftover woodfrom the casting.



Francisco Pardo的Avocado House自然地适应了场地,生动地表达了建筑与自然、野性与家庭之间的共生关系。

Naturally adapting to the site, Casa Aguacatesby Francisco Pardo is the vivid expression of the symbiosis betweenarchitecture and nature, wildness and domesticity.




PROJECT NAME:Casa Aguacates (Avocado House)
LOCATION:Valle de Bravo (México)
ARCHITECT:Francisco Pardo Arquitecto
DESIGN TEAM:Francisco Pardo, Wilfrido Estrada, Karen Burkart, RosaMedrano, Catalina Lombardo, Joanne Elliott, Nayeli Mendez, Ivan Saucedo, JuliánRomán Ramirez, Renato Torres.
ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION:Alejandro Moctezuma, Banah de México
246 sqm (interiors)
86 sqm (outdoor)
110 sqm (roof garden)
Wall finishing: Chukum
Lighting: LUZ DESIGN, Saul Bonilla
Furniture: La Metropolitana
PHOTOGRAPHER:©Sandra Pereznieto, ©Diego Padilla

Appreciations towards Francisco Pardo Arquitecto for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/06/03
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