Poly Dongguan Songhu Lingfeng Garden / LUCQ Play
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Poly Dongguan Songhu Lingfeng Garden / LUCQ Play
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unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects


In today's urban life, both adults and children are living under great pressure, and time passes quietly in their hands.


Can we create a place like this,


Let time stay for a short time, pick up the lost time and leave a good mark?


Let children become "Friends of time" and arouse our happy memories of childhood?



A good Children's playground should not only be well integrated into the surrounding landscape, but also pay attention to the immersion experience.


The overall landscape plan takes "time" as the axis and "mark" as the bottom, and gives time marks with temperature and memory to the space, so as to create a new era park for people's open communication, rest and play.


This time, we are mainly responsible for the deepening design of the two nodes of "swing of time" and "mark of growth".

作为其中重要的景观节点 , 我们将“时间”元素融入到设计方案中,希望为孩子们打造一场梦幻的时间之旅,在这里留下他们成长的印记,也希望借此唤起已经成为大人的我们快乐的童年记忆。

As one of the important landscape nodes, we integrate the "time" element into the design scheme, hoping to create a dream time journey for the children, leave the mark of their growth here, and also hope to arouse the happy childhood memory of us who have become adults.


Swing of time: through the long time tunnel, there is a swing of time at the end, which is the conclusion of the tunnel and the introduction of the birth of vitality. Time seems to slow down here, in the crescent swing gently swing, spend a quiet time.


Different from the conventional circular swing, the design focuses on the sense of leisurely experience, and the overall white gives people an elegant and clean feeling. At the same time, swing seats of different sizes can meet the different needs of children and adults.


The mark of growth: the long time corridor bridge passes through the air, connecting the past and present time and space. Here children's childhood and our memories of childhood meet, time flow, this is the mark of growth, but also we give each "children" time gift.


As the biggest highlight of the venue, at the beginning of the design of the time tower, we hope that it can remind everyone of the value of time, don't lose your time, let it slip away from the memory.


The two orange halos symbolize the hour hand and minute hand on the clock. They revolve around the central axis.


The facade of the time tower is made of metal perforated plate, which makes the interior light sufficient and does not appear oppressive. It is also convenient for parents to understand the situation of children in the process of playing. The rich recreational functions (climbing, big slide, up and down microphone, etc.) make it the favorite of children.


Standing on the time corridor bridge, you will find that the terrain and sand pit, combined with the digital pattern on the ground, form a huge clock plate. The slide on the slope and the balance beam in the sand pit are the hands of the clock plate. Seize the time, and time to become friends, happy to run and play, leave your mark here.


Project file:


Project Name: Poly Dongguan Songhu Lingfeng Garden


Project children's playground project location: Dongguan, Guangdong


Owner: Dongguan Jinhang Real Estate Development Co., Ltd

设计年份:2020 年 6 月

Design year: June 2020

呈现时间:2020 年 9 月

Presentation time: September 2020


Landscape Designer: Guangzhou Pubang Garden Co., Ltd


Design and construction unit of children's Playground: Shanghai Lok Hill Amusement Equipment Co. Ltd.


Photography team: Sanying landscape photography

Appreciations towards LUCQ Play for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/06/21
Editor:Lucas Lee
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