Casa Houlpoch 是一栋位于墨西哥尤卡坦的上世纪老房子,Casa Houlpoch的名字来自该地区的一条蛇,它经常“参观”此地的废墟。
Casa Houlpochis an old Yucatecan house from the end ofthe last century that gets its name from a snake from the region that regularly“visited” the property's ruins.
在其殖民风格的外观背后,建筑可容纳四间卧室和一间工作室公寓,总建筑面积为 315 平方米。
Behind its colonial facade, this houseaccommodates four bedrooms and a studio apartment, with a total of 315 squaremeters of construction.
步入大厅,迎接我们的是一盏古老的铸铁灯(在 19 世纪的城市房屋中很常见),悬挂在原始的金属梁上,与白色的木梁一起点缀高远的天花板.
Upon entering the hall, we are welcomed byan old cast iron lamp (very common to observe in the nineteenth-century housesof the city) that hangs from the original metal beams that together with thewhite wooden beams embellish the high ceilings of the residence.
客厅采用柔和的色调, Artesano 的现代和休闲家具布置其中,融合了绿色植物和 Galería Urbana Blanquis 的艺术品,例如中央桌子上俏皮的 Timoteo 和沙发上方的 Pedro Friedeberg 的画作,使空间熠熠生辉。
The Livingroom, in pastel tones, hasmodern and casual furniture byArtesano, integrating greenery and piecesof art fromGalería Urbana Blanquis, such as a playfulTimoteoonthe center table and a painting by Pedro Friedeberg above the sofa, crowningthe space.
The graypastatile “carpet” issurrounded by an antique white floor border that joins the kitchen and diningroom through three old colonial doors that were reused, as they were found,preserving their character and its historical value.
厨房采用意大利面砖和白色石英饰面,以衬托炉子上方的旧尤卡坦油烟机。由 Axoque Studio 设计的吊灯协调了空间,并将自己融入了从莫桑比克带来的木质家具,如 tzalam 长椅和餐桌,这是荷兰业主在尤卡坦半岛定居之前居住的国家。
The kitchen, with finishings in pasta tileand white quartz, has a reinterpretation of the old Yucatecan hoods above thestove. The pendant lamps, by Axoque Studio, harmonize the space and integrate themselves into the wooden furniture such as thetzalambenches and the dining room table, which were brought from Mozambique, acountry where the Dutch owners lived before settling in the Yucatan peninsula.
餐厅通过可移动玻璃门与露台相连,营造出一种宽敞开阔的感觉,视觉效果转移到外部。在这个空间中,通过装饰和家具,表达业主所认同的三种文化:桌子、中心装饰品和鼓——这些从莫桑比克带来,以及覆盖两把乌得勒支椅子的织物上的图案荷兰设计师兼建筑师 Gerrit Rietvelt。沙发上放着墨西哥艺术家费尔南多·安德里亚奇 (Fernando Andriacci) 的一幅画作,对面则是一头装饰着 Huichol 艺术珠子的牛头,作为装饰元素,就在一辆带有 Prinsenvlag 颜色的传统荷兰自行车之上。
The dining room is connected to theterrace through a sliding glass door, generating a feeling of spaciousness andclarity where the visuals escape to the exterior. It is in this space wherethrough decoration and furniture, the three cultures with which the ownersidentify themselves converge, the table, its centerpiece, and the drum, werebrought from Mozambique, as well as the patterns on fabric that covers twoUtrecht chairs by Dutch designer and architect Gerrit Rietvelt. On the sofarests a painting by the Mexican artist Fernando Andriacci and on the oppositeside a cow's head adorned with beads of Huichol art stands out as a decorativeelement just above a traditional Dutch bicycle with the colors of thePrinsenvlag.
在中央庭院,一个 chukum 游泳池围绕着古老的殖民建筑的石头遗迹,其中一棵大树与其叶子产生了壮观的光影,营造出举办户外厨房的完美氛围。
In the central courtyard, achukumpool surrounds the stone remains of an old colonial structure where a largetree generates a spectacular play of light and shadow with its frond, creatingthe perfect atmosphere to host an outdoor kitchen.
房子的公共部分和私人部分通过具有两种不同纹理的围栏象征性地连接起来,一方面,我们在下部有原始的石砌砖,在上部则是用 chukum 完成的新墙,连接过去与现在。
The public and private parts of the houseare symbolically connected by the perimeter fence that plays with two differenttextures, on one hand, we have the original stone brickwork in the lower part,and in the upper part a new wall finished withchukum, linking the pastwith the present.
The volumetry of the back of the propertyreads as a totally disruptive design from the historical part of the residencewhere the steps to the second level (where two rooms and a terrace are located)serve as a visual axis and as a sculptural element, becoming the hallmark ofits architecture for its dynamism.
Casa Houlpoch“蜿蜒”的楼梯以Kukulkán古庙(玛雅神话中的羽蛇神)的千年楼梯为灵感,在每一个春分的时候,都可以观察到光和影从神殿上方投射下来。
The “meandering” with which the CasaHoulpoch stairs begin takes as inspiration the millenary staircase of theancient temple of Kukulkán (Feathered Serpent and god in Mayan mythology) inChichén Itzá, where at each equinox it can be observed as the deity (formed dueto the effects of the light and the shadow that is generated), descends fromthe upper part of the temple.
With a much simpler design, the masterbedroom on the first level has a headboard made of pasta tiles on which a NeonCaron painting rests. The views from the bed, escape to the exterior thanks tothe use of sliding glass doors at two opposite ends of the space, the firstwith a view of an interior garden and the second with a view of the pool.
在 Casa Houlpoch,我们力求尊重和拯救尤卡坦殖民时期建筑的历史价值,将它们与当代细节和体量相结合;并以当今生活的舒适,以重新诠释、纯粹和清醒的方式,创造不同的氛围,让住户在温暖的半岛气候中放松身心并享受户外活动。
At Casa Houlpoch we seek to respect andrescue the historical values of Yucatecan colonial architecture,combining them with contemporary details and volumes; and with the comforts oftoday's life, in a reinterpretative, pure and sober way, creating differentatmospheres to relax and to enjoy the outdoors in the warm peninsular climate.
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Project:Casa Huolpoch
Firm:Workshop, Diseño y Construcción
Team:Arq. Francisco Bernés Aranda, Arq. Fabián Gutiérrez Cetina, Arq. Isabel BargasCicero, Ing. Alejandro Bargas Cicero.
Location: Mérida, Yucatán.
Completition date: June 2021.
Covered area: (m2): 315 m2
Interior design:Workshop, Diseño y Construcción
Photographer / website:Tamara Uribe /
Furniture:Artesano MX
Art:Galería Urbana Blanquis