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非常感谢张唐景观予gooood分享以下内容。更多关于他们:Z+ T STUDIOongoooodAppreciationtowardsZ + TSTUDIOfor providingthe following description.云朵乐园是成都麓湖生态城内道路和湖面之间的一个狭长的滨水绿地,面积约25000平方米。由于是在现有条件上进行改造,设计有许多限制条件,包括已有湖岸线、码头、紧急消防通道等。受到麓湖生态城人造湖水系统的启发,云朵乐园的主要概念是将公园儿童活动功能和对水的环境教育功能结合,形成一个寓教于乐的公园。它既是一个有趣的儿童公园,又是一个露天的自然博物馆。水的各种相态及汇集形式,云、雨,以及冰、雪、溪流、河道、池塘、漩涡等都被巧妙地结合在活动场地和节点设计中,形成跳跳云、互动旱喷广场、曲溪流欢、涌泉戏水池、冰川峡谷镜面墙、雪坡滑梯、漩涡爬网这些独特的活动场地。设计师深度参与建造过程是该项目能顺利进行的一个重要因素。张唐景观艺术工作室整合设计师、艺术家、结构师、工程师和技术工人,从设计和建造上对一些重要节点深度把握,在工厂内部测试、制作,然后现场安装。既能够有效降低造价、控制工期,又能保证质量确保设计的意图能很好地实现。云朵乐园建成后在行业内、公众中反响良好。正式开放前,管理方邀请十几个家庭进行内部测试,并据此对设计、细节、管理和维护进行了优化调整。为了确保每一个人都能获得良好的体验,公园对每一天的人流量进行了一定限制。云朵乐园以一滴水的故事为概念,从水的不同形态出发,设计了一系列互动的、具有科普意义的景观节点。The Cloud Paradise is a 25, 000 SM promenade alongthe side of the lake in the Luhu Eco City inChengdu, Sichuan Province. The design was tightlyrestricted by existing conditions including thepreservation of the existing structures, the contourof the lake and the fire code. Inspired by thedesign of the water system of the Luhu Eco City,water is the theme in the Cloud Paradise. The CloudParadise was designed as a children’s park meant toteach about water and the natural environment. Itwas designed to not only serve as a playful park,but also an outdoor natural museum. Z+T Studiodesigned the bouncing cloud, the interactive drydeck fountain plaza, the creeks, the interactivespring water pond, the glacier mirror wall valley,the snowy sliders and the whirlpool crawling net.Through these uniquely designed landscape featuresand program, information related to water forms likeclouds, rain, creeks, rivers, ponds, ice, snow andwhirlpools is presented in special ways. In order toachieve the design goals, the designers at Z+TStudio participated heavily in the constructionphase. As the consortium of designers, artists,structural engineers, and technicians, the ArtWorkshop of Z+T Studio played a key role from thedesign to the final realization of the project. TheArt Workshop designed and fabricated many keyelements. Prior to the final production andinstallation, the Art Workshop constructed thefull-size mock-up and ran intensive tests of thedesign in the Z+T Studio’s workshop space. Throughthe participation of the Art Workshop and thisunique design-built procedure, the cost of theproduction, the schedule, the quality and the designintegrity have been better controlled compared toconventional procedures. Prior to its grand opening,the management of the park invited a dozen familiesto test play the facilities in the park. Based ontheir feedback, together with Z+T Studio, themanagement fine-tuned the details and optimizedmaintenance strategies. For a better experience inthe park, the management also established a ceilingfor the overall number of daily visitor. Since itsopening, the Cloud Paradise has gained positivefeedback from the public and professionals. The parktells a story of the life and time of a drop ofwater. Through a series of participatoryrecreational components, it integrates environmenteducation into diversified playful experience.▼公园鸟瞰,Aerial View©Z+T Studio湖边小岛上有一朵巨大的“跳跳云”。在这个内部充气的巨大异形蹦床上,孩子们可以体验腾云驾雾的感觉。为便于后期维护管理和人数控制,跳跳云被安置于小岛之上,唯有通过一座小桥才可到达。The white inflatable trampoline, a popular place forfamily to play together, is a metaphor of cloud. Theplayful white cloud-like trampoline is the startpoint of the water story.▼跳跳云,White Cloud-like Trampoline ©Arch-Exist▼在这个内部充气的巨大异形蹦床上,孩子们可以体验腾云驾雾的感觉,White Cloud-likeTrampoline ©HaiZhang不同于基于水的造型而设计的景观节点,“旱喷广场”真正让水的灵动触手可及。为消除人们乘兴而来,却由于物业未将喷泉设备打开,以致败兴而归的遗憾,设计在旱喷泉中引入了机械动力装置,当踩蹬踏板时,喷泉喷射而出,孩子们便可在水流间嬉戏玩耍。人与人、人与自然的互动随之产生。从旱喷泉中喷出的水汇聚在广场中央,顺地形流淌,自然形成一条蜿蜒曲折、可以充分接触体验的溪流,不仅营造了“曲溪流欢”之景,也可用作消防通道。“曲溪流欢”形成的溪流在“山脚下”的平坦处汇集成一个浅浅的小池塘,孩子们可以安全地进入玩耍。池塘中有七个小涌泉,分别对应不同的触控开关,开关集中设置在涌泉旁的大石台上,可供游玩者自行控制涌泉的开和关。为更全面地展现水的形态,项目还设置了以旋涡为灵感的定制游乐设施,包括爬网、滚轴滑梯、激光阵、树屋等。爬网取形于麓湖吉祥物鹿之角,孩子们在其中玩耍时会产生旋涡般的视觉感受。The second node next to the cloud trampoline is theinteractive fountain. It represents rainfall. Fourcustom stationary bicycles are designed to trig thefountain jets.Water collected from interactivefountain flows to a meandering creek. The shallowrelief is used to transform a 5-meter wide hardpavement to a joyful place, yet still meet the fireaccess code.The meandering creek becomes a braidedriver at its lower end before it runs into thewading pool.Fountains in the wading pool arecontrolled by pad sensors embedded in a stone tableat the side of the pool. It encourages interactivitybetween people and landscape.Water is pumped fromthe lake and purified before starting its journey atinteractive fountain. It runs through creek andwading pool, and then runs to the wetland gardenbefore traveling back to the lake.The customdesigned and fabricated play equipment tells thestory of water ripple. It accommodates all sorts ofactivities for the playground.▼互动喷泉,Interactive Fountain ©Arch-Exist▼蜿蜒的溪流,Meandering Creek ©Arch-Exist▼“曲溪流欢”,Braided River ©Arch-Exist▼溪流在平坦处汇集成一个浅浅的小池塘 ©HaiZhang▼小池塘,Wading Pool ©Arch-Exist▼游乐设施,Ripple Play Structure ©HaiZhang在原有山坡地形的基础上,设计构筑了一处由白色水磨石构成的滑坡,并在其周边辅以环形走廊、旋转楼梯及沙坑等游乐设施。白皑皑的滑坡如同滑雪场一般,人们不必等到冬日,便可一享滑行的快感。以小水滴为灵感,设计师在临湖码头入口处构筑了一处具有雕塑感的“水滴剧场”。该构筑物由不锈钢异形管材加工而成,其内部水滴状坐凳为由镜面不锈钢材料制成,可以弹动,增添了趣味感。受冰川峡谷形态的启发,设计将场地中一处原有挡土墙和树木为主的穿行空间加以调整,形成了由三角不锈钢镜面构成的能够反射天光的墙壁。墙壁底部配备有电子感应设备和音响,每当行人经过,感应设备便会激发音响,发出叮叮咚咚的滴水声,宛若峡谷中的回声。The semi-circle concrete slide is designed based onthe existing topography. It tells the story ofsnow.The water droplet-shaped pavilion with smallreflective stainless steel seats are fabricated byan art workshop with a team of artists, designers,engineers and contractors.Two mirror wall designedbased on the existing retaining walls tells thestory of glacier. A series of motion detect sensorsare installed along the passageway. People walkingthrough the passageway will trig the sensors to makewater dripping sounds.▼白色水磨石滑坡,The Snow Slide ©HaiZhang▼水滴剧场,The Water Droplet Pavillion ©Arch-Exist▼冰川廊道,The Glacier Corridor ©Arch-Exist湿地亦是不可或缺的水体验场所之一。项目在现有水系的基础上增加了一处可以进入的湿地花园,其中有可近距离观察的各种水生植物、蝌蚪、青蛙和鱼等,为人们提供了良好的自然教育机会。一座满布“冰凌”的拱桥沿湖而立,既保障了湖岸流线的完整性,又满足了通航的需求。桥体内部暗藏LED灯和感应器,每至夜晚,灯光伴随行人的移动而变化。而日光之下,由镜面不锈钢管构成的“冰凌”桥面则将周边环境一一反射。A steel bridge tell the story of ice. It ensures theintegrity of the lake shoreline and improves theaccessibility to the park. The bridge is fabricatedin the art workshop and installed on site.Lushaquatic plants are designed in the wetland garden tocreate a quiet place with wilderness. Water used inthe play area is cleaned here before it goes back tothe lake.The wetland garden is an importantcomponent of this outdoor nature museum. It providesopportunities for people to learn and get close tothe water and various plants.▼湿地花园,The Wetland Garden ©HaiZhang▼冰凌桥,The Ice Bridge ©Arch-Exist▼平面图,plan项目概况项目地址:成都麓湖生态城设计时间:2016年5月-2016年12月建成时间:2017年6月面积:25000㎡甲方:成都万华新城发展股份有限公司景观设计:上海张唐景观设计事务所艺术工作室:郑佳林、刘洪超、孙川、范炎杰、胡一昊设计团队:张东、唐子颖、张卿、徐敏、周啸、彭阳、席琦、顾欣骏、王琪、卞少豪摄影:张海、存在建筑More:Z + TSTUDIO更多关于他们:Z+ T STUDIOon gooood