Along the 318 pilot project
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“Man himself is mute, and it is the image that speaks. For it is obvious that the image alone can keep pace with nature.”- Boris Pasternak


Another year is coming to an end. This year, we are still in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic. The sudden pause button to our lives forced us to think more about relationships both on human & human or human & architecture.“Is building only a cold concrete box? Is building just a shelter for humans?“, questions like these appear in our brain spontaneously. Bunch of thoughts collide and integrate, eventually we reach a consensus. Perhaps, architecture is not only a "tree" that grows out of the land, but also the residence of human consciousness.


ARCHERMIT was founded in Chengdu, China. As the pioneer and practitioner of Imagist theory of architecture, we pursue to inter-grow with nature, aim to create poetic venue based on motion and vitality and build a new generation multidimensional experience space.

1 、在高寒高原地带进行建造,遇到的技术难点有哪些?

1. What are the technical difficulties encountered in projects at frigid and high-altitude areas during the construction period?

1 、然乌湖营地是我们西藏项目中温差最大的一个, 季节温差及昼夜温差非常大, 极端情况下单日温差超过40 度。这对建筑材料、建筑设备的选择带来非常多的限制。

① Ranwu Lake International Self-drive Tour and Recreational Vehicle Campsite has the largest temperature difference among our projects in Tibet. The temperature difference between season and day is huge, and in extreme cases, the temperature difference between day and night is over 40centigrade degrees.This brings many restrictions to the choice of construction materials and equipment.

▲ 然乌湖营地

2 、除了温差,极端天气也十分影响正常施工时间安排。 西藏大部分地区一年有超过 5 个月的冰雪天气,夏季突发的雨雪、高温、大风等恶劣天气使得一年当中可以正常施工的时间和周期非常有限。 邦达旅游集散中心所在的邦达草原,每年10月底开始下雪,一直要到次年5 月左右冰雪才能解封。

② In addition to temperature differences, extreme weather also affects the normal construction schedule.Most parts of Tibet have more than five months of snow and ice in a year. Sudden rain, snow, high temperatures, strong winds and other bad weather in summer limit the time and period of normal construction in a year.The Bangda grassland, where our tourism transportation center is located, begins to snow at the end of October every year, and the snow and ice cannot thaw until around May of the following year.

▲ 建设中的邦达旅游集散中心

3 、由于西藏地形复杂,大部分地区道路崎岖、 弯多弯急、隧道涵洞密布, 泥石流 塌方等造成道路损毁的情况时有发生,这对施工材料和施工设备运输带来非常大的影响。 超过 13 米的建材几乎无法运达施工现场,大型施工设备如吊车、打桩机等无法运送,道路损毁和恶劣天气也会导致运输时间的不可控。

③ Due to the complex terrain in Tibet, most of the roads are rugged and curved, tunnel culverts are densely covered, and road damage caused by mudslides and landslides occurs from time to time, which has a great impact on the transportation of construction materials and equipment.Building materials over 13 meters can hardly be transported to the site, large construction equipment such as cranes and pile drivers cannot be transported, road damage and bad weather will also lead to uncontrollable transportation time.

▲ 天路72拐


4 、高海拔对施工人员身体体能是一项非常大的挑战,然乌湖海拔 3900 多米, 2016 年项目开工不到半个月,第一波工人就集体撤场, 怒江观景台海拔 2800 多 米,仅做桩基础打孔工作就换了6 波工人。很多低海拔地区的施工人员根本无法 适应高海拔气候, 这也导致施工人员的选择变得局限。 另外,高海拔对一些施工 工艺也带来非常大的挑战, 如电焊、 混凝土浇筑、金属板材的安装等等。

④ Ranwu Lake is over 3,900 meters above sea level. High altitude is a great challenge to the physical fitness of construction personnel. In 2016, the first wave of workers withdrew from the site in less than half a month after the project started.Many workers from plain areas can't adapt to the high-altitude climate, which limits the choice of construction workers.In addition, the high altitude also makes great challenges to some construction techniques, such as electric welding, concrete pouring, metal plate installation, etc.

2 、针对这些难点, 你们是怎么解决的?其中可能涉及到一些独创性的技术研究 么?

How did you solve these difficulties?Could there be some ingenious original technical research involved?

其实,谈不上独创性的研究,大部分建造手段都是日常的,或是前人用过但被大 众逐渐遗忘的,我们只是选择了合适的建造方式来解决问题。而关于施工建造的 独创性, 我们认为还是要依靠革命性的新材料研发才能得以实现。

In fact, there’s no research we could say it’s original, most of the construction methods are normal and daily used, or used by predecessors but gradually forgotten by the masses, we just choose the appropriate method to solve the problems.As for the originality of construction, we believe that it could only be achieved by the development of revolutionary new materials.

考虑到高寒地区的温差极大,在进行建筑选材时,要避免采用变形系数大的板材 作为建筑材料,这些材料容易受温差变化导致老化、变形、脱落的加剧, 于此, 应主要选用石材、 木材、水泥制品、 当地本土材料和一些变形系数小的金属材 料;施工工艺方面,要尽可能多的采用胶粘的施工工艺,而尽可能少采用水泥粘 接的施工工艺。一方面高寒地区施工周期短不利于水泥粘接施工,极大的温差和 冬季冰冻会造成水泥粘接大量的开裂、剥落、 脱落、碱蚀等等。

Considering the great temperature difference in high latitude area, we avoid using plate materials with high deformation coefficient. These materials are easily influenced by temperature changes, leading to aging, deformation and even fall off. In order to avoid hidden danger, we mainly choose stone, wood, cement products, local materials and some metal materials with low deformation coefficient. Besides materials, we use adhesive construction technology as much as possible, and as little as possible the use of cement bonding construction technology.On the one hand, the short construction period in the frigid area is not conducive to cement bonding construction; On the other hand, great temperature difference and freezing in winter will cause a large number of problems, such as cracking, peeling, peeling, alkali erosion and so on.

然乌湖营地是我们在西藏的第一个项目,建筑主体为钢结构,外观主材经过多番 周折,最后选定白色水泥纤维板、红色耐候钢板、现场筛选的卵石、废弃火车枕 木等。项目建成后一度成为 318 沿线的标杆项目,在西藏地区颇具影响力,这也 为我们后续几个藏区项目创造了机会。

Ranwu Lake International Self-drive Tour and Recreational Vehicle Campsite is our first project in Tibet. The main building is a steel structure. After many twists and turns, the exterior materials are finally decided, white cement fiberboard, red weathering steel plate, pebbles selected on site, abandoned train ties, etc. are chosen.After the completion of the project, it becomes a benchmark project along Route 318, which has great influence in Tibet and creates opportunities for our subsequent projects.


怒江 72 拐峡谷观景台是我们现在还在施工中的项目, 我相信建成后会是西藏地区独具特色的体验挑战项目。 其中一号观景台主体是钢桁架结构, 从悬崖上出挑 27米,外观主材是红色耐候钢板和进口 SGP 夹胶玻璃。

Viewing Platform of Nujiang (Salween River) 72-turnings Canyon is still under construction. We believe it will be a unique project for experience and challenge in Tibet after completion.The main body of No. 1 platform is a steel truss structure, 27 meters cantilever out from the cliff, the main material of the appearance is red weathering steel plates and imported SGP laminated glass.


邦达旅游集散中心,建筑主体也是钢结构,坐落在海拔 4200 米的邦达草原,外观 主材采用白色陶瓷薄板、铝单板、当地片石、 石板瓦等。拉萨奔驰全球服务中心 是我们在西藏大城市的首个项目,紧邻文成公主剧院, 远眺布达拉宫,建筑主体 也是钢结构,外观主材是白色和藏红色陶瓷薄板、深灰色的高强度合金铝板。

The main building of Bangda Tourism Transportation Center is also constructed by steel structure, located 4200 meters above sea level bangda grassland. The main materials of appearance are white ceramic sheets, aluminum plates, local stone, slate, etc.The Lhasa Mercedes Benz Global Service Center is our first project located in the big city of Tibet, adjacent to Princess Wencheng Theatre and overlooking Potala Palace, which is also a steel structure and presented by white and Tibetan red ceramic sheets and dark grey high-strength alloy aluminum sheets.



在西藏这种交通运输不便、 施工周期受天气影响非常大的地方, 钢结构是非常理 想的建造方式,现场施工量少、安装快捷、综合造价可控。这些项目的外观主材 共同特性是耐候性好,施工工艺相对简单,简化现场操作,利于项目落地。我们 希望这些具有创造性设计的项目在品质和完成度方面也是非常优秀的。

In places like Tibet, where transportation is inconvenient and construction period is greatly affected by weather, steel structure is an ideal construction method, with less on-site construction, fast installation and controllable comprehensive cost.The common characteristics of the main exterior materials of these projects are good weather resistance, relatively simple construction process, simplified site operation, which are all conducive to the project landing.We hope these creatively designed projects will be excellent both in quality and completeness.



Considering the special conditions of the region, reasonable construction time and process planning are necessary. Not only ensure the project schedule, but also avoid the severe adverse impact of snow and ice period and sudden bad weather on construction.

从这个角度来说, 我们完成的不仅仅是狭义上的设计, 更要从设计的角度先行考虑项目落地偏远地区受到的制约。在设计初期就要尽可能多地考虑到材料运输的问题,避免采用大规格的建材。高寒地区采用钢结构建造时,要特别注意结构构 件的合理拆分,保证材料科学的力学性能前提下,将材料拆分为便于运输的尺寸 规格。同时很多大城市常用的设备都很难送达,要考虑合理的施工措施和机械设 备以及考虑好替代的施工手段,确保施工建造的顺利开展。

From this point of view, what we have completed is not only design in a narrow sense, but also consider ahead the constraints on the project landing in remote areas from the design perspective.Based on this point, the transportation of materials should be considered as much as possible at the beginning to avoid the use of large specifications construction materials.When steel structures are used for construction in frigid regions, special attention should be paid to the reasonable separation of structural components. On the premise of guaranteeing the mechanical properties of materials, the materials should be divided into sizes convenient for transportation.At the same time, many commonly used equipment in large cities is difficult to deliver, so reasonable construction measures, mechanical equipment and alternative construction methods should be considered to ensure the smooth development of construction.




尽可能避免复杂的施工工艺,高寒高海拔地区对施工人员身体体能、心理承受都是非常大的挑战, 理性选择合理的工艺做法和施工措施,提前在项目地区做好各 类施工咨询工作, 避免盲目追求“ 高技” 导致的“ 水土不服” 造成资源浪费。

As far as possible, avoid using complex construction technology. Working in high altitude areas is a giant challenge to construction personnel both physical and psychological. In order to avoid waste of resources caused by blind pursuit of "high technology", proper process and construction measures must be chosen rationally and preparing different kinds of construction consulting work about the site in advance seems necessary.

这些技术问题藏区的项目都会遇到, 怒江观景台项目是非常典型的代表, 这个项目遇到的设计和施工问题, 几乎可以囊括藏区所有项目遇到的问题。怒江观景台项目从设计之初, 我们就提出了“ 挑战” 的理念,除了提供给游客关于“ 挑战” 的体验之外,项目本身的设计和建造也是对高海拔地区工程建设的一次重大“ 挑 战”,对于我们在藏地工程的实践有着非常重要的意义。

All these technical problems mentioned above will be encountered by most Tibetan projects, and Viewing Platform of Nujiang (Salween River) 72-turnings Canyon is a typical representative. The design and construction problems encountered in this project can almost cover all the problems encountered by all Tibetan projects.Since the beginning of design, we have proposed the concept of "challenging". In addition to providing tourists with "challenging" experience, the design and construction of the project itself is also a major "challenging" to the engineering construction in high altitude areas, which is of great significance to our engineering practice in Tibetan areas.


观景台选址在一处悬崖之上,与怒江落差 110 米,场地横跨 260 多米的怒江,且 正好处于河谷风口,北岸紧临 G318 , 但南岸却没有道路设施,可达性非常差。从 一开始的地形测绘、地质勘查开始, 设计工作就困难重重。为了营造天路 72 拐、怒江峡谷“ 险中求险” 的西行体验, 设计方案也做了非常大胆的尝试和挑战。后 续做了大量的专项设计论证工作,地灾评估、 风洞试验、 TMD 计算、悬臂钢结构施 工模拟等等,为后续的施工建造提供了足够的技术支撑。

The site is located on a cliff with a 110-meter drop from the Nujiang (Salween River). The site spans over 260 meters of the Nujiang and is right at the air opening of the valley. The north bank is close to Route 318, but the south bank has no road facilities and is very poor in accessibility.From the beginning of the topographic mapping and geological exploration, the design work was fraught with difficulties.In order to create a westward journey experience of 72-turnings and Nujiang Canyon, the design scheme also makes a very bold attempt and challenge.A large number of special design demonstration work, such as disaster assessment, wind tunnel test, TMD calculation, cantilever steel structure construction simulation and so on, has provided sufficient technical support for the subsequent construction.


同时,怒江观景台空气稀薄,含氧率低,常年伴随六级以上大风,两岸山体表层 地质结构不稳定, 雨季期间泥石流及落石现象时有发生,施工安全隐患极大。观 景台建设过程中, 我们和施工团队一起攻克了不少难题。

At the same time, the Viewing Platform has thin air and low oxygen content, accompanied by strong winds of more than six levels all year round. The geological structure of the mountain surface on both sides is unstable, and debris flow and rock fall occur from time to time during the rainy season, resulting in great potential risks for construction safety.During the construction, many difficulties have been overcome based on the joint effort of the design team and construction team.

难题一: 测绘和测量放线。 由于项目建筑物、 构筑物的分部横跨 260 多米的怒 江,怒江南岸只有仅能单人通行的崎岖毛路, 需手脚并用才能通行。前期虽然做 了 1:100 的详细地形图,在实际测量放线时也困难重重。有些点位处于悬崖峭壁 上,河谷的风非常大,无人机无法精准操控, 只能选择 RTK 测量仪人工放线,没 有临时施工便道, 只能绑安全绳悬吊在悬崖上开展测量放线工作。

Difficult 1: Mapping and survey laying out.As the buildings and structures of the project straddle the Nujiang River, which is more than 260 meters long, the south bank of the Nujiang has only a rugged hairy road that can only be passed by one person, requiring both hands and feet to pass.Although 1:100 detailed topographic map was made in the early stage, there were many difficulties in the actual laying out.Some points are located on the cliff. Due to the strong wind in the valley, the UAV cannot be controlled accurately, so it can only choose THE RTK measuring instrument to manually lay out the line. There is no temporary construction access road, so roping on the cliff to carry out the survey and laying out the line is the only choice.


难题二: 基础开挖。观景台位于天路 72 拐和怒江虎跳峡之间,特殊的地理位置导 致大型机械无法通过。观景台地基采用桩基础,桩基础处于悬崖峭壁上的不同面 层,无道路及平整施工面, 条件限制只能选择人工水磨钻方式进行桩基施工。桩 基最深达 35 米,下部全部为岩石,而且岩层不断变化, 多数岩层的岩石坚硬且密 度很大, 更换了市面上 50 多种钻头都无法达到钻孔需求,项目部送取岩石样品至 重庆、山东等刀具厂家进行岩石分析定制钻头,才配置出适合本项目的定制钻 头。桩基础的施工历经半年之久,更换了 6 个施工班组,经过数百人的努力才得 以完成。

Difficult 2: Foundation excavation.The Viewing Platform is located between 72-turnings Canyon and The Tiger Leaping Gorge of Nujiang. The special location makes it impossible for large machinery to pass through.The viewing platform adopts pile foundation, which is located in different layers on the cliff without roads and flat construction surfaces. Therefore, the artificial hydraulic grinding and drilling method can only be used due to the limited conditions.The deepest pile base up to 35 m, the landform is all rock, and rock changing. Most of the layers of rock are hard and dense. We replaced more than 50 bits on the market but none can achieve drilling requirements. Therefore, the project department sent rock samples to Chongqing, Shandong and other cutting tools manufacturers and finally customized a suitable bit.The construction of the pile foundation took six months, six construction teams were replaced during that time. This work cannot be finished without efforts from hundreds of these people.


难题三: 人员、设备和材料的运送。 施工人员和材料在施工现场的转运也是一个 难题。怒江南岸没有施工便道,施工人员需要驾车绕行几公里, 从临时钢桥跨过 怒江,再步行至施工点位, 在海拔 2800 多米的条件下, 工人从施工板房到达施工 点位需要接近 2 个小时,来回耗费约 4 个小时(无负重的情况下)。观景台基础 为钢筋混凝土深桩基,主体为高等级钢结构, 外观主材为混凝土、钢构件、耐后 钢板、不锈钢、 特种玻璃等。用于怒江南岸的材料虽然经过多次的设计拆解,但 仍然非常重,单靠人力无法送到。一些中小型的施工机械(挖掘机、破碎机、空 压机等等)也无法到达南岸。为此, 项目部先搭建了临时跨江滑索,保障施工机 械的两岸来往,后来又架设了货运滑索,保障施工材料顺利送达南岸。同时,多方努力将一台 100 吨吊车送达南岸施工现场, 并在怒江北岸搭建了 60 式塔吊。施 工材料运达现场后使用吊车卸货,再使用塔吊转运至过江吊装平台,在通过滑索 送达对岸,之后只得采用人工方式转运至各施工部位, 前后需要至少 4 次转运。

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Published on 2023/03/03
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