Chongqing Xinhu North Sports Culture Park / GVL
Chongqing has launched a campaign to build community sports and cultural parks on the fringes of the established areas, and plans to build 92 community sports and cultural parks by 2020. The Hubei Sports and Cultural Park in Chongqing, designed by GVL Yij
Chongqing Xinhu North Sports Culture Park / GVL

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Project Year
Site Area
20452 m²
Text description provided by the architects


In the urban construction, there are always some plots left because of their limited areas. Since August, 2018, Chongqing has begun to make use of this kind of lands to build a series of sports culture parks, ninety two of which will have been built by 2020. Designed by GVL, Chongqing Xinhu North Sports Culture Park is one of the first completed parks.


Research on the surroundings


Located in the north of Dadukou District where Shuangyuan Road, Shanchuan Road and Shanhe Road meet, the park is surrounded by high-density residential communities which are in need of activity spaces. Based on the demands of the local residents, GVL team has taken advantages of the natural resources and created a sports culture park for all ages.

▲ 总平面图。

Overall plan

地尽其利 高差处理

Make the best of the land ------- height difference

▲ 巧妙利用高差形成活动空间。


Occupying an area of 20,452 m2, the site is about 140 m long from the east to the west and 170 m from the south the north. The terrain is complicated with multiple height differences ----- height difference between the highest part and the lowest part reaches 13.5 m. Trying to keep the original hilly terrain, the design team has created gentle slopes, lawns and hedges instead of retaining walls.

▲ 场地铺设透水材料,引流雨水。

permeable pavement ensures good drainage.

▲ 原来的“积水坑”变成“沙池”,周边设有排水沟以防雨水再积聚。

the sand pool with drainage ditches around replaces the puddle to prevent rainwater from gathering.

▲ 沙池边休憩阶梯,家长可“居高临下”看护孩子。

steps for parents to take a rest and watch over their children.

巧用天时 日照分析

Make the best of the climate -------- sunlight analysis

▲ 实景鸟瞰图,楼盘成为园区的“庇荫”。

Aerial view of the park——surrounding buildings well shelter the park.


Chongqing is well known as one of the four “furnace cities” in China. When studying on the site, the design team were happy to find the surrounding buildings happened to shadow the park. Thus they’ve analyzed the sunlight and the living habits of the local residents, creating a series of landscapes and sports facilities accordingly.

14 夏至日照分析.gif

▲ 当地夏至日照分析。sunlight analysis on the Summer Solstice

▲ 当地冬至日照分析。

sunlight analysis on the Winter Solstice


The children’s playground is designed in the ventilated area. Varied fitness equipment and deciduous trees are scientifically arranged in or around the fitness area, allowing people to enjoy sunlight in winter and shadows in summer.

▲ 老人健身区。

fitness area for the elderly

▲ 儿童活动区。

playground for children

百家相聚 廊架设计

Gathering center ------- the central corridor

▲ 公园中心廊架。


In the old days, Chinese people had the tradition of making clothes with rags collected from other families, because they believed that children wearing this kind of clothes would be blessed. Making use of the left lands to build sports parks for the communities is also a blessing for the residents. Based on this tradition, the designers have made reference to the blessed clothes of Qing Dynasty which is collected in the Art Museum of Tsinghua University, trying to create a friendly and unique corridor for the users with its fresh colors and elegant structure.

19 廊架概念演绎.gif


As one of the most important landscape elements in traditional Chinese gardens, corridor is mainly used for connection and leading the way. “Visitors to the park may have no idea about the design idea, but they will feel warm and familiar with it. This recognizable gathering corridor is just what we want.” said the designers.

▲ 色彩清爽,便于识别。

recognizable fresh colors

▲ 结构简约,最大限度释放空间。

simple and elegant structure

▲ 廊架底下聚集了各类小贩。

vendors gathering in the corridor

林下凉街 绿化空间

Shady street provides green spaces

▲ 林下休憩空间。

shady space for taking a rest


To continue the urban context, the design team uses tree groups to imitate the traditional buildings along traditional Chongqing streets. The width of the path is also designed according to the traditional street. Transforming the urban context and scale into different landscape spaces is also a way to eliminate the sense of strangeness.

▲ 园路宽度参照重庆老街而设计。

The width of the path makes reference to traditional Chongqing streets

▲ 公园出入口结合周边社区的人流动线而设置,刚种植的树木还没完全长起来。

The entrance and exit of the park is designed according to the flow of people. Trees were newly planted.


The ground is mainly paved with environment-friendly permeable asphalt and ashlar bricks, and the green plants are mainly selected from local species. Just as the designers said, “the park is the place for hundreds of families, and the green spaces under trees will be ideal place for them to stay and relax. When the trees and plants grow up, they will make the spaces more comfortable.”

▲ 雨后坐椅。地面用的是仿石砖。

bench after rain/the ground is paved with ashlar bricks.

▲ 健身步道。铺装采用透水沥青。

footpath paved with permeable asphalt


the elderly attracted by flowers

亲子互动 活动设施

Parent-children interaction -------- activity facilities

▲ 鼓励的“凝视”。

Encouraging “stare”


According to the survey on the living habits of different people, the design team has designed different sports spaces for all ages, among which the most popular space is the children’s playground. Interactions between parents and children are quite normal but exteremely touching in this area.

▲ 初次玩滑梯,上有姐姐“护航” ,下有爸爸“保驾”。

the first sliding experience secured by elder sister and father

▲ 冒雨打羽毛球的爷孙俩。

Grandfather and grandchild are playing badminton in the rain.

▲ 与宠物赛跑的男孩。

the race between the bog and his pet

▲ 夕阳下的“足球种子”。

football players under the setting sun

城市更新 从公有到共有

Urban renovation: from public to sharing


According to the official statistics, since its opening, the number of visitors to the Chongqing Xinhu North Sports Cuture Park has reached an average of 3,300 person-times per day. Besides the nearby residents, the sub-district offices and schools would also like to hold activities here. From a publicly-owned land to a sharing space, the park has greatly encouraged the communication between people and provided a more colorful lifestyle.

▲ 场地原貌。

site before renovation

▲ 场地现貌。

site after renovation


The idle lands usually become “dead corners” of a city. Different from traditional urban public facilities, corner parks will play an important role in promoting the development of the culture, ecology and society if well treated and designed. Adding to urban open spaces, optimizing the city image and promoting the city quality, corner parks are now blooming everywhere. And they are pretty important in building a park city.


委托单位:龙湖 / 道合






Appreciations towards GVL for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/06/17
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