Casa Las Olas / Young Projects
A vacation villa with a dense forest and a beach
Casa Las Olas / Young Projects
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

Las Olas度假屋项目由纽约建筑工作室Young Projects设计,坐落在多米尼加共和国Playa Grande一处郁郁葱葱、以前未开发的场地上,一侧是茂密的丛林,另一侧是原始的海滩。这座占地20000平方英尺的度假屋被称为“Casa Las Olas”,旨在利用该房产的两面性,灵感来自丰富的自然景观,以及业主对接待大批家人和朋友进行专注于健康和创造交流的静修的兴趣

Playa Grande, Dominican Republic—Located on a lush, previously undeveloped site in Playa Grande in the Dominican Republic, The Retreat House, designed by New York-based architecture studio Young Projects, sits at the cusp of a dense jungle on one side, and a pristine beach on the other. Known as “Casa Las Olas,” the 20,000-square-foot vacation home is designed to take advantage of both faces of the property, drawing inspiration from the rich natural landscape and the owners’ interest in hosting large groups of family and friends for retreats focused on wellness and creative exchange.

静修屋是一个深的中心,面向海洋的4.5英亩的化合物,它也具有两个客房,一个瑜伽馆,和一个结构放松毗邻海滩。所有建筑结构和室内设计由Young Projects设计,有柔和蜿蜒的小路每个连接。“这些精心设计的步道保护了自然场地的环境,在关键时刻巧妙地重构景观,改造野外丛林变成了可居住的空间,”项目负责人布莱恩·杨说

The Retreat House is the hub of a deep, ocean-facing 4.5 acre compound, which also features two guest homes, a yoga pavilion, and a structure for relaxation adjacent to the beach. All structures and interiors are designed by Young Projects, with softly meandering pathways

connecting each. “These carefully choreographed promenades preserve the natural environment of the site, subtly restructuring the landscape at key moments to transform the wild jungle into habitable space,” says Young Projects principal Bryan Young


Visitors arrive at Retreat House from a narrow road that meanders through tropical gardens, and approach the building on a travertine and gravel footpath. The open-air entrance, lined in weathered ipe, leads under the home and up travertine steps into a breezy central courtyard. There, framed views of the ocean and horizon are revealed, eliciting a sense of arrival. Young describes the ascent as “a moment of compression releasing into the courtyard, and dramatic reveal of the postcard view of the ocean and horizon.”


In essence, the Retreat House is a courtyard parti, where indoor rooms form a ring encircling the central courtyard, which spills dramatically onto the beach at the property’s front. The ring shifts and molds around the site’s most spectacular natural elements, including an age-old treecovered with vines, bromeliads, and other symbiotic species situated at the courtyard’s center. A sunken seating area at the base of this tree offers space for intimate gatherings or breakfast in the dappled morning light. The outside face of the courtyard is white concrete poured into a formwork of palm stems gathered from the site. The stems were cut to various lengths in order to create an abstract yet organic and textural quality for this central space. The scalloped surface plays with light and shade. “In one manner, it is a living room set in the jungle,” says Noah Marciniak, Project Manager and Partner at Young Projects.


The jungle canopy becomes another architectural guideline for the home: its roof nearly grazes the canopy’s lower leaves but does not disrupt them. The roof is a defining element of the residence. Constructed from 160 exposed scissor trusses which change shape and rotate, it undulates across the top of the home, accentuating the residence’s semi-circular form and the panoramic experience of the site. The wife has compared the animated roof geometry to yoga positions.Overall, the residence’s interior spaces provide privacy while insistently pointing towards the spellbinding landscape outside. Dramatic spatial moments and views of breathtaking natural vistas punctuate each room and drive circulation through the home. “A sense of discovery keeps moving you from one space into the next,” explains Young. Each of the home’s seven bedrooms feature a flood of natural light and private balcony for jungle- and ocean-gazing. Most spectacularly, the master bedroom slips out from the rest of the second floor to offer views in all directions. The balcony features a private meditation nook and yoga platform designed specifically for the wife.

内部公共空间也充分利用了该建筑群的室内外空间生活方式和面向大的窗户和门,可以打开显示广阔的露台和广阔的视野。作为一个“24小时熟食店”的概念厨房迎合户外野餐在露台或海滩。对于更正式的宴请,贵族席餐厅设有两张厚实的Paola Lenti桌子,采用熔岩石瓷砖和黑绿色晶莹剔透的珐琅釉面可容纳28人,天花板高度的玻璃门可从三面打开露天用餐的侧面。

Interior common spaces also take advantage of the compound’s overarching indoor-outdoor lifestyle and are oriented towards large windows and doors that can be thrown open to reveal sprawling terraces and expansive views. Conceptualized as a grab-and-go “24-hr Deli,” the kitchen caters to outdoor picnicking on the terrace or beach. For more formal meals, the lofty dining room features two substantial Paola Lenti tables in lava-stone tile and black-and-green crystalline enamel glaze that seat 28, as well as ceiling-height glass doors that open on three sides for al fresco dining.

露天客厅是一个引人注目的双层通高空间,延伸到30英尺高,带有暴露在头顶的屋架上,Young projects设计了藤蔓Bover吊坠暂停。同样由Young Projects设计的大象桌(Elephant Table)固定了整个房间。这六块抛光的台地石英岩的排列可以分开,作为凳子,讲台,或边桌,或聚集成一张桌子,供更大的群体聚集。


The open-air living room is a dramatic double-height space, extending up to 30-feet high, with exposed overhead roof trusses from which Young Projects-designed rattan Bover pendants suspend. The Elephant Table, also designed by Young Projects, anchors the room. This arrangement of six polished Mesa Quartzite stones can be taken apart, acting as stools,

podiums, or side tables, or aggregated into a single table around which larger groups gather. The table is personally significant to the owners, as each element represents a different member of the family (two parents and four children).


Elsewhere in the room, multiple seating areas and tables for freeform gathering face either inside, towards a custom concrete bar, or to the pool or ocean just outside. The pool itself features an infinity edge towards the ocean, while its shallow end incorporates a wide wading section in which lounge chairs can be submerged. Similarly, the family room draws attention to both interior and exterior activities. A built-in entertainment center and suspended mahogany-and-steel shelving unit become one focal point, while ceiling-height glass doors on three sides open to the home’s natural surroundings, becoming another draw. Just adjacent, a terraced plein-air zone with a weathered ipe ceiling (the result of a second floor overhang) serves as a cigar lounge, game room, and screening area. Concrete benches and terraced steps accommodate sitting or lounging, while the ceiling hosts a hidden projector that drops down, transforming the entire area into an outdoor movie theater with three levels of seating for 30-50 viewers.

室内的调色板是现代和热带的,重点是颜色,纹理和天然木材。一层以饱和色调为主:客厅餐厅以深翡翠绿的面料为特色,用蓝绿色的威尼斯灰泥点缀墙的后面是一堵定制的黑漆嵌壁式墙,而图书馆的后面则是一堵深蓝色的墙桃花心木架子。相比之下,二楼的卧室通风良好,很朴实。专注于中性色调和纺织品,藤条表面与白色雪花石膏水磨石地板相交偶尔的颜色和材料的口音。主卧室设有定制的纺织品屏风由Hiroko Takeda和KWH设计,而客房则有浅红色的威尼斯石膏口音墙。

The interior palette is contemporary and tropical, with a focus on colors, textures, and natural woods. The ground floor is dominated by saturated hues: The living room features deep emerald green fabrics, the dining room is punctuated by a teal venetian plaster wall behind a custom black lacquer built-in, and the library by a deep navy wall behind mahogany shelving. In contrast, the second-floor bedrooms are airy and earthy. With a focus on neutral tones and textiles, rattan surfaces intersect with white alabaster terrazzo floors and occasional accents of color and material. The master bedroom features a custom textile screen by Hiroko Takeda and KWH, while the guest suites have a light-blush venetian plaster accent wall.



Closer to the Retreat House, the Guest House is a quiet, sun-drenched 4-bedroom, 4-bathroom oasis for additional guests. The building comprises a series of four identical suites whose orientations rotate under a single roof, where the shaded areas between each bedroom create shared outdoor spaces. The orientation of the structure was determined by two towering, age-old ficus trees (affectionately called the Avatar and baby Avatar by the architects) located in the adjacent clearing; each suite offers a view of one of the two trees through full-wall picture windows located at the foot of each bed. Located in the only area on the lush property that is a natural clearing, the home is slightly removed from the shade of the jungle canopy and receives a significant amount of direct sunlight. It also has the capacity to serve as lodging and studio space for visiting artists, acting as something of a creative residency.


Adjacent to the shore, the Rock House and Yoga Pavilion become zones focused on thoughtful exercise, meditation, and relaxation. The Rock House nestles at the beach’s edge as a unified collection of six stone-like masses—a geometry broadly suggestive of naturally eroded rock formations or strange ruins. Inside, the six cavities accommodate an open-air massage space, an underground sauna, a cold plunge pool, a treatment room, and steam and outdoor showers. At the beachside Yoga Pavilion, a large cantilevered roof offers shade and raincover for group yoga sessions, music performances, and al fresco dinners overlooking the ocean. The roof itself is an expansive ipe yoga deck, bounded by an infinity edge water feature on all sides and offering sprawling, uninterrupted views of the Dominican coast.


Project Credits:

Architecture: Young Projects

Bryan Young, Principal

Noah Marciniak, Partner and Project Manager

Interior Design: Young Projects with Sukey Novogratz

Interior Design Consultant: Jean Lin of Colony

Structure: Silman

Construction: Gentry Construction and Vanderhorst

Landscape: Green Paisajismo and Juan Diego Vasque

Local Consulting Architect: Estudio Sarah Garcia

Contributing Dominican Designer: Desiree Casoni

Styling and Floral Arrangements: Casa Alfarera (Ysabela Molini) and Bosque Urbanos (Natalia

Franch) and Marina Vidal-Young

Detailed Square Footage:

Retreat House:

- Conditioned – 675 m2 / 7,265 ft2

- Under Roof – 1,915 m2 / 20,612 ft2

Guest House:

- Conditioned – 136 m2 / 1,468 ft2

- Under Roof – 237 m2 / 2,554 ft2

Glitch House:

- 182 m2 / 1,961 ft2

Appreciations towards Young Projects for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/12/19
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