由SPARK思邦设计的上海闵行横泾港东岸滨水景观公共空间改造项目于近期完工并开放,这是SPARK思邦对闵行区公共景观空间总体改造的开篇。 SPARK is delighted to announce the completion of the Minhang Riverfront Regeneration, the initial phase of SPARK’s much wider regeneration master plan of the public space of Shanghai’s Minhang district. ▲ 滨水景观岸线 Waterfront shoreline
闵行区滨水景观项目是一个雄心勃勃的城市更新故事。仅仅24个月前,该区域杂草丛生的河岸还是一片衰败,面对着通往破旧工业仓库的小路,以及工业和废弃的公用设施,显示了该地区多年被忽视的状况。 The Minhang Riverfront is an ambitious story of urban regeneration. A mere 24 months ago it was a decrepit overgrown riverfront faced by low grade industrial warehouses with remnants of paths, industrial and disused utilities evidence of many years of change and neglect within the district. ▲项目区位 Project location ▲ 滨水景观改造前后状况 Site before and after upgrading works 如今,它已经成为一个充满活力的开放空间的核心场所,由SPARK设计的城市公园连接起包含商业、科技和复合用途的综合体,现有的开发项目已经围绕它进行了升级。 Today it has become a vibrant mix of commercial, technology and institutional uses connected by SPARK’s urban park, an open space armature around which existing developments have been upgraded. SPARK的提案勾画了一个长达750米的休闲空间,满足了政府和社区对该空间场所如何更好地促进同行人相互关联的愿景,并推动了一个更可持续的生活环境。 SPARK’s proposal creates a 750 metre long recreational environment that meets the government and community’s desire for a sense of place that facilitates better pedestrian connections and promotes a more sustainable living environment. ▲ 河岸活动广场 Riverfront event plaza ▲项目鸟瞰 Aerial view ▲750米长的河滨景观轴 Waterfront axis with 750 meters long ▲ 总体鸟瞰 Master plan and aerial perspective
SPARK思邦以单细胞硅藻重复出现的图案为设计理念。硅藻是有许多美丽形式的单细胞藻类,可以清洁水质。我们将硅藻的形态抽象成二维和三维的物体,使河岸充满活力,讲述河流和环境再生的故事。 SPARK’s design concept used the single cell Diatom as a recurring motif. Diatoms are single cell algae of many beautiful forms that naturally clean water. We have abstracted the Diatom form into two- and three-dimensional objects that animate the river embankment telling the story river and environment in regeneration. ▲ 景观概念 Landscape concept ▲硅藻架桥Diatom Bridge ▲ 鸟瞰夜景 Aerial view
河岸的设计包括连续的绿色带状步道、跑道和自行车道以及三座人行桥。这些设施将社区中的住宅、教育和商业连接在一起。 The design of the riverfront includes continuous green ribbons of walking, jogging and bicycle tracks and 3 pedestrian bridges that link the residential, education and business communities together. ▲ 人行天桥手绘图 Sketch of pedestrian bridge ▲ 人行天桥剖面图 Section of Pedestrian bridge ▲ 人行天桥 Pedestrian bridge ▲ 滨河步道 Riverfront boardwalk ▲ 绿色带状步道 Green ribbons of walking
景观的设计是通过分层的四个不同的区域来加强滨水体验的创造,并首次实现了对河流的可达性。这些线性区域采用了抽象的河岸形态,沿河岸分布着草坪、咖啡馆、体育公园和活动广场的创新活动区域。 The landscape was designed by layering four distinct zones that enhance views create and for the first time accessibility to the river. The linear zones take on an abstracted riparian form and house innovative pockets ofactivity with lawns, cafés, a sports park and event plaza. ▲河岸休憩区域
SPARK同时为该项目定制了一系列的路牌标识和城市家具,为改造后的环境赋予了故事性和可达性。 SPARK designed a bespoke wayfinding and furniture strategy that contributes to the storytelling and accessibility of the transformed environment. ▲ 硅藻雨篷 Diatom Canopies ▲ 定制路牌及城市家具 Bespoke wayfinding and furniture
SPARK合伙人Stephen Pimbley说:"闵行滨水再生项目很好的展现了城市开放空间如何成为公共再生和社会可持续性的关键因素。该项目为当地区域培养了一种市民的责任感,并为未来居民的生活质量树立了一项本土的标准"。 Stephen Pimbley, Partner SPARK said “The Minhang project exemplifies how urban open space can be a key factor in civic regeneration and social sustainability. It has instilled a sense of civic pride in the district and set a local benchmark for the quality of life for future residents”. SPARK的合伙人林雯慧说道:"我们对这个项目的潜在目标感到非常激动,我们的想象力为河岸带来了新的生命,并提供了一个安全、令人向往的环境,吸引了本地居民、学生、游客和商务人士去探索这条曾被人遗忘的河岸并庆祝它的重生"。 Lim Wenhui, Partner at SPARK said “We were really excited about the potential goals of the project to our imagination to bring new life to the riverfront and provide a safe, attractive environment that invites residents, students, visitors and business people discover the forgotten riverfront and celebrate its rebirth”.
项目信息 项目名称:上海闵行横泾港东岸滨水景观公共空间改造 完成时间:2021年 总用地面积(平方米):23,787平方米 Project name: Minhang Riverfront Regeneration Year: 2021 Site area (sqm): 23,787 sqm
项目设计:SPARK思邦 项目董事:斯蒂芬.平博理,林雯慧,闵薇 项目客户:上海南滨江投资发展有限公司 团队成员:严丹,Luca Maccarinelli,朱茜琳, 李萌豪,叶军,杨熙 项目摄影:三映摄影事务所,闵薇 媒体联络:肖雪瑞 Design Architect:SPARK Architects Project Directors: Stephen Pimbley, Lim Wenhui, Min Wei Design team: Danny Yan, Luca Maccarinelli, Xilin Zhu,Li Menghao, Jason Ye, Yang Xi Client: Shanghai Nanbinjiang Investment Development Co., Ltd. Photography: Shine Lab三映摄影, Min Wei Media contact:Xiao Xuerui
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