Exhibition Reveries Urbaines / Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec
Exhibition Reveries Urbaines
Exhibition Reveries Urbaines / Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec
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Text description provided by the architects

2016年十月,国际知名的设计师 Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec在VitraCampus举办了名为 RêveriesUrbaines的展览。此次展览在扎哈哈迪得设计的消防站举办,展览以城市发展为概念,广泛的研究了城市发展的种种可能,并大胆以不同的城市背景去设想。整个展览像一本展开的手绘本,人们随着展出的模型和动画去探索种种可能。身临其境的展览方式让人们置身于不同的情景中,每一个展出的模型描绘了科幻城市的不同篇章。Following their exhibition >Album< in 2012,internationally renowned designers Ronan and ErwanBouroullec return to the Vitra Campus in October2016. The exhibition >Reveries Urbaines< atthe Zaha Hadid Fire Station presents concepts forurban development, and is a wide-ranging study ofpossible development solutions for cities that maybe imagined in very different urban settings. Like alarge open sketchbook, the proposed solutions arepresented as a gentle walk through models andanimations. The exhibition is designed to beimmersive and to bear the visitor away intodifferent scenarios, with each model showcased as achapter in an urban fiction.

Rêveries Urbaines 是Ronan and ErwanBouroullec’s第一个关注公共空间的项目。展出的影片和研究模型都围绕着14个特定城市空间的主题开展,其中包括:蔓生植物,手电筒,阳伞,喷泉,凉亭等。通过永远线条,透明的材质,给这些人们日常走路,集会,交谈的空间赋予一种新的魔力。在展出的一些装置是设计师两兄弟为世界上一些城市特意设计的。当人们在参观展览的时候,会拿到一本介绍各个情景信息的小册子方便理解。> Reveries Urbaines < features Ronan and ErwanBouroullec’s first projects that concentrate onpublic spaces. Films and research models arearranged around fourteen proposals that re-inventcertain motifs for urban spaces: vines, torches,parasols, a fountain, a kiosk etc. The aim is togive a new sense of magic to the places where wewalk, meet, and talk, by the use of lines, harmonyand transparency. The installation points to some ofthe ongoing projects the brothers are developing forseveral cities around the world. A handout withdetailed information on the scenarios presented willaccompany the exhibition.

Ronan Bouroulle将这个展视为一次连续性的探索研究:展览展出了一些正在进行的研究:例如“实际的幻想”研究了现存的公共空间,是一个思路开放且信息丰富的项目。有些人可能会觉得展览会令人不安与惊讶,因为到目前为止城市发展的现状和我们的主观臆想并不相同,但我喜欢处于这样的情形中。在过去的20年中,我认为我们最好的主张是我们那些并没有特别准备的项目。Ronan Bouroullec describes the show as continuousresearch:The exhibition presents ongoing research: open andabundant research, a >pragmatic reverie< thatis designed to exist in public spaces, perhaps inWeil. Some people may find the exhibition perturbingor surprising because, up until now, urbandevelopment has never been our subject. I like beingin that position. Over the past 20 years, I thinkour best propositions were linked to subject forwhich we were not particularly prepared.

谈及他们的合作方式, Erwan Bouroullec是这样说的:项目的建造方式,与我们往常的工作方式有一定的区别。在我们的合作中,所有项目都不限于指定地区或设计师。本次展览汇集了关于公共空间发展的命题,这些命题同样适用于魏尔,巴塞尔和哥本哈根。实际上,所有这些原则有个共同的优点——含有抽象元素。他们适用于所有含糊不清的问题。正是在这种“真空”环境下,我们才有可能对onsite的命题重新构思。Erwan Bouroullec speaks about their collaborativeapproach:The project was built from a certain distance, whichis our normal way of working. In our work, noproject is dedicated to a particular person orplace. The exhibition brings together propositionsfor developing public spaces that could equallyapply to Weil, Basel or Copenhagen. In fact, all ofthese principles have the advantage of containing anelement of abstraction. They reply to a questionthat is not completely clear. 

Appreciations towards Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/03/20
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