Feng River Wetland Environmental Design In Xian China By Gvl Group / GVL
Feng River Wetland Environmental Design In Xian China By Gvl Group
Feng River Wetland Environmental Design In Xian China By Gvl Group / GVL

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非常感谢GVL怡境国际集团予gooood分享以下内容。更多请至:GVLongooood.Appreciations towardsGVLforproviding the following description:主客共享的“大公园,微旅游”理念让那些花钱的市政景观项目,通过运营思维有了赚钱的可能。市政类项目可以满足市民的休闲需求,绿树成荫、花团锦簇,楼台亭阁,莺歌燕舞——这样的美景令人赏心悦目,一经面世定会让市民乐开了花儿。但如果仅停留于此,这样的笑容恐怕未必长久。如果没有收益,在经历一段运营期后,一些项目就会因为运维问题而难以持续展现当初的美景,从而陷入杂草重生,垃圾遍地的窘境。而由GVL怡境国际集团设计的西咸沣河生态湿地公园,将单一市政功能的公园变身为可持续运营的旅游景点,通过“大公园,微旅游”模式解决了这一难题。With the idea of “big park and micro tourism”, it ispossible to make many costly civil landscapeprojects profitable. Civil projects will meetcitizens’ demands for relaxation. Green trees,colorful flowers, platforms, and pavilions as wellas singing birds form a beautiful scene, which issure to bring joy and happiness to the citizens uponcompletion. However, it’s far from enough. Theproblem is that, without proper operation and anyearnings, the beautiful scene will not last long.And finally places will be overgrown with weeds andwastes and covered by wastes everywhere.Nevertheless, Xi’xianFeng River Wetland Park, whichis designed by GVL Group, has been transformed intoa sustainable tourism destination. The model of “bigpark and micro tourism” has solved the problem.▼公园鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view of the park项目区位Location在西咸新区,一条20公里长的大西安新中心新轴线横贯南北,勾勒出未来城市新的功能与形象格局。而沣河作为贯穿西咸新区南部的主水脉,是西安文化古城与西咸国际新区的交界线,承载了自西周以来灿烂的历史文化遗产,也被寄望城市的未来。In Xixian New District of Xi’an City, a 20km long newurban axis runs across the new city center fromsouth to north, outlining the new future of thecity. As the main river flows through the South ofXixian New District, Feng River is the boundarybetween Xi’an ancient city andXixian InternationalNew District, witnessing the splendid history of thecity and embracing its beautiful future.▼项目区位分析,沣河作为主水脉贯穿西咸新区南部,location analysis,FengRiverflows through the South of Xixian NewDistrict asthe main river项目位于沣河西岸西宝高速至科技六路之间的滨河生态景观带,全长4公里,河岸平均宽度100米,占地面积约88万平方米,是进入西咸国际文化教育园的东部门户。Located on the west coast of FengRiver, betweenXi’an-Baoji Expressway and the No. 6 Keji Road, thesite is about 4km long and 100m wide averagely,covering a total area of about 880,000 m2. It is theeast entrance of Xixian International Cultural andEducational Park.▼项目区位分析图,location of the project设计缘起DesignPurpose2014年8月,西咸文教园以国际化的城市设计指引建设,从一纸规划走向落地。14平方公里的生地上亟待展示区,为国际社区提供高端服务配套,吸引人流的同时营造招商环境。但单纯设计一个美丽、生态的公园,能够为城市新区建设带来何种能量?公园后期养护成本何以维持?是设计团队面临的问题。对此,怡境集团董事长彭涛带领设计团队多次赴现场,与建设方项目主要负责同志密切沟通,试图以运营思维推导设计,站在未来的角度思考项目定位。August, 2014, Xixian Cultural and Educational Parkwas completed according to plan. The 14 parkis in need of an exhibition zone to provide high-endservices and attract consumers. However, what abeautiful and ecological park will bring to the newdistrict, and how to realize its long-termmaintenance? These problems have greatly challengedthe design team. Therefore, the Chairman of GVLGroup Peng Tao has led the design team toinvestigate on site and communicate with the peoplein charge for many times, trying to plan and designfrom the perspective of operation and future.怡境集团董事长彭涛认为,“设计团队面临的不仅仅是一个市政景观设计任务书,而是从整个西咸文教园区的运营来思考如何导入客群流量,为公园运营方提供财政反哺。”As MrPeng Tao said, “It is not only an assignmentof civil landscape design but also a taskinvolving the future operation and maintenance.What we need to think is how to attractconsumers and provide financial support for thelong-term operation.”▼沣河(文教园区段)湿地生态公园总平面图,site plan of Feng River WetlandPark (Cultural and Educational Park part)为此,怡境设计团队提出市政项目的旅游逻辑:以“大公园,微旅游”的思路,将市政公园项目作为旅游目的地来考虑,既解决了城市双修问题,又解决了旅游产品的构建问题,同时还以“小生活,新模式”理念赋予了区域市民以新生活方式,最终得以实践西咸新区的“创新城市发展模式”。Accordingly, GVL team has proposed to design andoperate the project in the mode of tourismoperation. With the idea of “big park and microtourism”, the team has designed the civil park as atourism destination. In addition, the idea of “microlife and new mode” has introduced a new lifestyle tothe citizens, which finally benefits the “innovativeurban development” of Xixian New District.▼公园鸟瞰图,植物空间、湿地空间和人行步道空间相互交融,bird-eye’s view of thepark, the plants, wetlands and walk paths integrateinto a whole01.城市双修工程:以“古河道,新绿洲”实现城市双修UrbanRenovation: Renovate the urban area with theidea of “old watercourse and newoasis”荡荡“八水绕长安”,历史上的“渭、灞、浐、泾、沣、滈、涝、潏”拥城泽地,在西安附近构筑成天然密集的水网系统,给长安带来了“陆海”(指湖泊和池沼较多)的美称。但此后“八水”遭受不同程度的侵扰,重构沣河及周边的生态环境,让沉寂的河道焕发新的生机迫在眉睫。Surrounded by Wei River, Ba River, Chan River, JingRiver, Feng River, Hao River, Lao River and YuRiver, Chang’an, the ancient name of Xi’an City, wasonce called the “sea on the continent”. However, theeight rivers have been destroyed more or less sincethen. Reconstructing the eco system along Feng Riverand recovering the watercourse are very urgent.▼公园局部鸟瞰图,partial bird-eye’s view of the park候鸟栖息 |Migratory Birds Habitat项目所在沣河段,还是全国三大候鸟迁徙路线之一的中部路线,场地中原有的滩涂湿地,每年十月至次年三月,将迎来多种候鸟栖息。Feng River is on one of the three migration route ofbirds. The intertidal zone and wetland within thesite are the habitat for migratory birds. Everyyear, the wetland will welcome different species ofbirds from October to March.▼候鸟栖息地设计概念图,design concept of the migratory birdshabitat设计师利用雨水的滞蓄过程,设置环境友好的抛石围堰,创造更丰富的湿地系统,营造适合鸟类栖居的生境。而通过植物空间阻隔与人行流线引导,同时不干扰鸟类的活动。To collect water, the designers have created a weirwith ripraps to create an effective wetland systemand a sound environment for the birds. Plants andwalk paths are used to protect birds from anydisturbance.▼候鸟栖息地,结合抛石围堰营造适合鸟类栖居的生境,themigratory birdshabitat, creatinga sound environment for thebirds witha weir with ripraps▼候鸟栖息地,植物空间与人行步道保护鸟类的活动免受干扰,themigratory birdshabitat, plants and walk paths are used to protectbirds from any disturbance海绵城市 | SpongeCity西咸新区沣西新城为全国首批海绵城市建设试点区,项目担当起文教园景观绿地系统实践海绵城市的试验点。海绵城市团队运用填-挖方技术,营造微地形形成天然海绵体,通过雨水花园、人工湿地、生态草沟、渗透池、蓄水模块等设计收集酸性雨水,地面选用会呼吸的环保材料,符合年径流总量控制率超过85%,雨水径流面源污染消减量大于60%,用水回用30%以上的技术要求,真正具有“弹性”和“可持续性”。▼海绵城市概念图,concept diagram of the sponge cityAs one of the the pilot districts of Sponge Citytechnology, Fengxi New Town of Xixian New Districtis an experimental site within the cultural andeducational park. The Sponge City team has created amicro-topography by filling and excavating.Rainwater garden, artificial wetland, bio-swale,infiltrating pool and reservoir are designed tocollect acid water. The ground is covered bybreathable materials to ensure the annual flow,reduce the pollution of the rainwater, and recyclethe waste water. All these measures ensure theflexibility and sustainability of the park.▼公园局部,通过微地形、雨水花园、生态草沟等设计来实现海绵城市的概念,partial view ofthe park, realizing the idea of the sponge city bymicro-topography, rainwater gardenandbio-swale, etc.湿地净化体系图:湿地净化 |Wetland Purification System: WetlandPurification利用现状供水泵站每日排出的反清洗用水,设计梯级净化湿地/雨水花园,构建线性人工生态湿地,在超量雨水时由末端原规划的排涝泵站排出,达到水源的动态平衡,形成集科普性、参与性、观赏性为一体的湿地体验。Making use of the drainage water from the supplypumping station, the team designed a stair-stylerainwater garden and a linear artificial wetland.Excessive rainwater will be drained away to keep abalance of the water. It has created a wetland foreducation, participation and touring.▼湿地净化体系概念图,concept diagram of the wetlandpurification system02.旅游产品构建:以“大公园,微旅游”构建产品体系Creationof A Tourism Product: The idea of “big parkand micro tourism” helps to establish aproduct system“观光的草坪千篇一律”几乎成为城市公园建设的通病,“有趣的公园万里挑一”才是满足现代城市生活的要点。设计团队站在社会问题的角度审视设计,项目前期对西安各大公园开展实地调研,摸查市民的使用满意度,从中探寻有待设计解决的问题。同时,通过民意调查和大数据捕捉文教园潜在游客和未来居住人群的需求,以科学分析结合感性的认知进行功能梳理。调研发现,业态丰富、有创意、体验感强的公共开放空间是现代城市居民的主要诉求,人们更向往时间短、距离近的互动型和社交型旅游活动。To design a park which is interesting and differentfrom others is the key to meet the demands of moderncity life. Before the design, the team has had asurvey on the satisfaction of parks in Xi’an City,trying to find some solutions during the process. Atthe same time, the team predicted the requirementsof the potential tourists and future residentsaccording to the survey and big data, and thendefined the functions. According to theinvestigation, public spaces which aremultifunctional, creative and rich in experiencesare popular with modern citizens. Modern peopleprefer to participate in nearby and social-typetourism activities.▼公园局部鸟瞰图,一个业态丰富、有创意、体验感强的公共开放空间,partial bird-eye’sview of the parkwith public spaces that aremultifunctional, creative and rich in experiences植物迷宫 | PlantsLabyrinth迷宫图案抽取西周青铜器云纹和雷纹,圆形与方形的连续构图,象征对大自然的崇敬。Labyrinth pattern is inspired by bronze ware of theWestern Zhou Dynasty. Circular and square patternsshow respect to nature.▼公园局部,云纹和雷纹的植物迷宫采用圆形与方形的连续构图,partial view of thepark, the plants labyrinth uses circularandsquare patterns, inspiredby bronze ware of theWestern Zhou Dynasty▼从高点的观景台看植物迷宫,viewing theplants labyrinth fromthe high spot of the platform地形起伏的花田|The Rolling FlowerField地形起伏的花田,通过流线组织出高点俯视、身在其中、豁然开朗的多重体验。The rolling flower field provides multi-experiencesfrom different perspectives.▼公园中起伏的草坪绿地,the rolling grassland in the park▼公园中的黄色花田,the yellowflower field in the park▼置身于地形起伏的紫色花田中,putting oneself in therollingpurple flower field▼流线组织出高点,俯视花田,overlooking the flower fields at thehigh spot organized by the circulation游乐场:探索性游戏空间 |The Playground:APlace EncouragesChildren To Experience AndExplore设计尊重河堤外场地的高差,将游乐场设计成一个探索性游戏空间,让孩子充分发挥想象力去探索趣味。The design has taken advantage of the heightdifferences out of the embankment and designed aplayground which will encourage children toexperience and explore.▼公园局部鸟瞰图,色彩斑斓的游乐场空间,partial bird-eye’s view of thepark, theplayground area is rich in color▼游乐场空间,利用河堤外场地的高差设置,the playground space designedbytaking advantage of the height differencesout of the embankment▼游乐场局部,一个探索性游戏空间,partial view of the playground spacethatencourages children to experience andexplore▼孩子们在游乐场上玩耍,children are playing on the playgroundspace03. 精致生活赋能:以“小生活,新模式”赋能精致生活BoutiqueLife: The idea of “simple life and new mode”contributes to a boutiquelife西咸文教园是集健康、休闲、文化、生态、服务于一体的高端国际社区。为满足高知客群对生活品质、学习教育、自我价值的追求,项目建筑团队设计了与环境高度融合的精品建筑,营造轻松的氛围,形成多场景的交流场所;以运营的思维策划全年全龄的活动,打造最强的归属感的社区情感联系。Xixian Cultural and Educational Park is high-endinternational community integrating healthcare,recreation, culture, ecology and service. To meetthe demands for high-quality life, education andself-worth, the architectural design team hascreated a boutique building which is in perfectharmony with the surroundings. Relaxing atmosphereand varied communication spaces will satisfy peopleof different ages all year round. It will strengthenthe bond between the citizens and the community.24驿布点计划 |24-hour ServiceStation沣河活力廊道作为交通大动脉,以500米服务半径设置24驿,智能服务系统联系大西安旅游。Along the main road, “Feng River corridor”, 24-hourservice stations are built to serve a radius of 500meters. The intelligent service system is connectedwith the Xi’an Tourism system.▼24驿站设计概念,concept of the 24-hour service station这里同样欢迎远到而来的客人,在公园里的房车、帐篷营地即可24小时体验生态户外的野趣。The Wetland Park welcomes tourists from afar with thecaravan and tent camp which allows people to havecolorful outdoor experience at any time.▼沣河湿地生态公园房车、帐篷营地区,the caravan and tent camp area为最大程度融入生态、自然场域,建筑团队以现代手法,呼应山、水的形象,使用简洁的体块让虚实空间在此交融,为高知客群提供智慧型社交场所。能量补给站,兼具加油、超市、公共洗手间、餐厅、便民警务室等功能。另外,考虑到现代城市人的娱乐诉求,设计师对公园场地进行弹性设计,预留出足够的空间为音乐节等活动提供场地。父母的周末是孩子们的专属时间,同时也是家庭之间的社交时间。在简约、时尚的咖啡厅,感受生活在当下的无限美好。To keep in harmony with the surroundings, thearchitectural design team have created simple andelegant blocks by modern skills, which providepeople with intelligent social spaces. The buildingshouse petrol station, supermarket, bathroom,restaurant and police office.What’s more, tomeet people’s desire for entertainment, the teaminsists on flexible design and sets aside enoughspaces for activities like musicfestival.Weekends are the happy time forparents and children as well as for family reunion.Elegant and fashionablecaféhouse will allow peopleto enjoy beautiful life.▼公园局部,将步道和建筑体量融入生态和自然场域,partial view of the park, thewalk paths andblocks keepin harmony withthe surroundings▼公园局部,简洁的体块让虚实空间交融,partial view of thepark,simple and elegant blocks merge into thesurroundings, integrating the solid and void spaces▼公园建筑内部,interior view of the blocks in the park结语Epilogue“蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜。所谓伊人,在水一方。溯洄从之,道阻且长;溯游从之,宛在水中央。”——选自《诗经》《国风·秦风·蒹葭》篇,而《诗经》的开篇即诞生在沣河。“The reeds on the riverside are bluish green, whitedews of deep autumn condense into frost. My lover,Imiss you day and night. You just stand on the othershore of river water“. The beautiful poem is quotedfrom Shih Ching (The Book of Songs in ancientChina), which just describes the beautiful imagealong Feng River.▼公园局部,partial view of the park▼公园局部,步道旁设有休息空间,partial view of the park, arrangingseating area beside the walk paths将市政项目落地成为旅游景点,是GVL怡境国际集团在城市新区建设中,把思路从景观设计任务中抽离出来,联合业主单位深入探索的新模式,期望在经年之后,沣河湿地生态公园依然能够保持“在河之洲,伊人依旧”的美好生活景象。沣河生态湿地公园里丰富的季节体验,让人们收获了一年四季的快乐。Transforming a simple civil project into a tourismdestination is a new mode proposed and created byGVL Group and the developer. We really hope thatFeng River Wetland Park remains to be a beautifuldestination many years later.Feng RiverWetland Park provides colorful experiences in fourseasons.▼沣河生态湿地公园的春夏秋冬,four seasonsof theFengRiver Wetland Park项目名称:沣河(文教园段)湿地生态公园委托单位:陕西西咸文化旅游产业集团有限公司项目类型:城市开放空间项目面积:882053平方米设计时间:2016~2017年竣工时间:2019年旅游规划设计:彭涛、刘刚、吴翠平、罗许烁、马洁、李烜钊、高雁、陈涛、王彦君、刘志勇、孙志强、曹阳、孟灿、马春华、陈月玲、龚楚瑶、兰宇虹、吴冰、杨东、吕瑞芬海绵城市设计:闾邱杰、周广森、曹景怡、关晓芬环境建筑设计:刘治平、潘庆文、陈弈妤景观设计:GVL怡境国际集团Project: Feng RiverWetland Environmental Design:Client: Shaanxi XixianCultural Tourism Industry Group Co.,Ltd.Category:Urban Open SpaceArea:882,053m2Yearof Design:2016~2017Year of Completion:2019Tourism Planning andDesign:Peng Tao, Liu Gang, Wu Cuiping,LuoXushuo, Ma Jie, Li Xuanzhao, Gao Yan, ChenTao, Wang Yanjun, Liu Zhiyong, Sun Zhiqiang, CaoYang, Meng Chan, Ma Chunhua, Chen Yueling, GongChuyao, LanYuhong, Wu Bing, Yang Dong,LvRuifenSponge CityDesign:LvQiujie, Zhou Guangsen, Cao Jingyi, GuanXiaofenArchitectural Design:Liu Zhi Ping, Pan Qingwen, ChenYiyuLandscape Design: GVLGroupMore:GVL 更多请至:GVLongooood.
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Published on 2023/09/08
Editor:Lucas Lee
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