FH Office / TA-CHA Design
A complex building based on the concept of dualism as the basis of design
FH Office / TA-CHA Design
Project Year
Site Area
2000 m²
Text description provided by the architects

FH Office是一个综合开发项目。这座7层高的建筑面积达2000平方米,由商业和住宅空间组成,位于曼谷西侧。当我们与该项目业主交谈时,发现他对身体健康的看法非常吸引人,客户说到:"的确,我们是一家制药公司,但我们从不希望人们生病。我们还提供其他膳食补充剂来支持健康生活。作为行政团队,我们也鼓励员工采用健康的生活方式,并以身作则,比如用楼梯代替电梯。”于是项目FH Office的概念就这样形成了,这很快成为我们设计理念的基础:二元论。

FH Office is a mixed-use development project. With an area of 2,000 square metres, this 7-storey high building consists of both commercial and residential space and is located on the west side of Bangkok. The concept of FH Office took shape when we had a conversation with the owner of the project and found his perspective towards physical well-being very engaging: "True, we are a pharmaceutical company, but we never want people to become ill. We also provide other dietary supplements to support healthy living. We as an administrative team also encourage healthy lifestyle among our employees and lead by example by using stairs instead of elevators, for instance." This soon became the foundation of our design concept: dualism.




We use two main approaches: post-tension slab, and post and beam. Post-tension slab loosely holds a majority of the building parts together, while post and beam construction makes way for a modular design system (3x3x3 in size) which constitutes the main interior space.




Interior vs Exterior

As the company relies on constant collaboration among different departments, the common areas are needed to enhance workflow. Both the owner and designers agree, too, that these shared spaces should have good ventilation and are open to natural light. From these requirements, we have designed different working spaces, each of which is linked by a common area that serves different purposes. There are many advantages to this design. It considerably reduces energy use since the lighting and a/c systems are independently controlled in each department. It also increases semi-outdoor space and therefore invites more natural light into the working area. Perhaps most importantly, this design can help reduce infections from airborne diseases. (This design project was carried out before the Covid-19 pandemic.)




We brought an aesthetic look to our staircase design to encourage people to use them instead of elevators. This will in turn benefit their health.


项目FH Office位于人口密集的住宅区,其中排屋占了大部分,因此我们就看到了一种可能性,将这种排屋的情调加入到我们的设计中,所以无论是物理特征还是视觉描绘,都会在建筑和周围形成一种并列的关系。例如,一些公共区域可能会产生一种独特的视角,仿佛它们与其他排屋相连,而多个立方体的形式可能会与附近的矩形建筑形成对比。同样,螺旋形楼梯也进一步强调了一种双重性,一旦在直线的背景下被感知到,就会有一种双重性的感觉。

Shape and Form

FH Office is located in a densely populated residential area, where row houses make up a majority of the buildings. We then see a possibility to add this row-house mood into our design, so both the physical characteristics and visual portrayal create a juxtaposition between the building and its surrounding. Some of the common areas may, for instance, give birth to a unique perspective as if they were connected to other row houses, while multiple cubic forms may appear in contrast to the rectangular buildings nearby. Likewise, the spiral staircases further emphasise a sense of duality once perceived against the backdrop of straight lines.

▽一层平面图 Floor Plan 01

▽二层平面图 Floor Plan 02

▽三层平面图 Floor Plan 03

▽四层平面图 Floor Plan 03

▽五层平面图 Floor Plan 05

▽六层平面图 Floor Plan 06

▽七层平面图 Floor Plan 07

Project name: FH Office

Company name: TA-CHA Design


Contact e-mail:

Project location: Bangkoknoi, BKK

Completion Year: 2020

Building area (m²): 1900 m²

Structural Engineer: Montien Keawkon

Photo credits: BeerSingnoi

Appreciations towards TA-CHA Design for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/09/08
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