The First Light Pavilion designed byarchitecture practice Hassell will transform the visitor experience at theworld-famous Jodrell Bank Observatory, bringing radio astronomy principles tolife for the thousands of people who visit the site every year.
作为场地上最大的公共建筑,展馆通过设计捕捉太空爱好者的好奇心,让人们进行科学探险,探索广袤无垠的天文学发现。这里也是世界最大最先进的望远镜之一——洛弗尔望远镜(Lovell Telescope)的所在地,因此卓瑞尔河岸在使用无线电波探索最深处的太空领域处于最前沿的地位。天文台位于北英格兰柴郡(Cheshire)郊野的中心。天文台拥有世界领先的科研能力,在发现类星体、脉冲星、引力透镜效应和卫星追踪方面都作出过重大发现。
Jodrell Bank looked to Hassell to helptransform the visitor experience into an inspirational journey of discoverythrough the site. As the largest and most significant public building, thepavilion is designed to capture the curiosity of space enthusiasts andcommunicate the scientific adventure, exploration and breadth of discoverywithin astronomy.Home to one of the world’s largest and most powerful radio telescopes, the iconic Lovell Telescope, Jodrell Bank is at the forefront of using radio waves to explore deepest space. The Observatory, located in the heart of the Cheshire countryside in the North of England, has a world-leading reputation for scientific research, making ground-breaking discoveries in the fields of quasars, pulsars, gravitational lenses and satellite tracking.
为了认可其国际的历史、科学和文化影响力,坐落于植物园般自然景观中的卓瑞尔天文台的第一任主席Bernard Lovell爵士在2021年被授予了世界教科文组织世界遗产保护者的身份,同时,天文台也被列入世界遗产名单。
In recognition of its internationallysignificant heritage, science and cultural impact, Jodrell Bank Observatory,which is set within an arboretum landscaped by the first Director of Jodrell Bank,Sir Bernard Lovell, was awarded UNESCO World Heritage Site status in 2021. Ithas also been inscribed on the World Heritage List.
在展馆的设计过程中,我们和展览设计策划方Casson Mann紧密合作,致敬场地宝贵的历史价值和射电天文学最初期的阶段,展馆为草坪覆盖的穹顶建筑形式,融入周围的自然景观中。圆形的建筑形式呼应了植物园的形式,同时其大小完完全全和洛弗尔望远镜的规模一致——76.2米直径的圆。为了保护并加强整个场地的整体性,天文台完美无缝融入植物园中,游客可自由徜徉其中,在天文馆的某些角度则可以俯瞰整个园地。
The Pavilion has been designed to celebrateboth the site’s heritage and the very beginnings of radio astronomy and takesthe form of a grass-covered dome, integrated into the surrounding landscape.Its circular shape responds to the arboretum and references both the shape andexact size of the 76.2m diameter dish of the Lovell Telescope. Designed toprotect and enhance views across the site, the Pavilion sits seamlessly withinthe natural setting of the arboretum, where visitors can roam freely andprovides an elevated viewpoint across the parkland.
In addition to taking inspiration from thesite itself, Hassell was influenced by a range of sculptures, structures andnatural landforms from around the world, ranging from ancient monuments such asNewgrange in Ireland, to the renowned circular Fuji Kindergarten in Tokyo.
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Hassell Principal and project lead Julian Gitsham, said:“The completion of the FirstLight Pavilion marks a new era for Jodrell Bank. It will introduce newgenerations to the rich history of the site and the wonders of radio astronomy.The Observatory team hasbeen totally committed to developing the site in a way that is sensitive to itsheritage, yet transformational in its future impact. To have been part of thisteam is an exceptional opportunity for Hassell. We have embraced the challengeto push the boundaries of design to deliver what will undoubtedly be a trulyexceptional experience for all who visit this remarkable site.Given the location of thebuilding and its potential impact on the existing ecology, environmentallysustainable design forms a key element of the project. It represents an energyefficient scheme, in harmony with its natural surroundings, with a highperforming envelope for insulation, air tightness, and surface waterattenuation.”
The Pavilion is arranged overa single storey, contained within a concrete shell structure, which whenexposed inside the Pavilion interior, offers a sweeping plane of concrete,curving around the exhibition and auditorium core. The Pavilion’s entrance is adramatic curved concrete screen with its axis due south to reflect the arc ofthe sun. Two separate screen walls guide visitors to the entrance evoking asense of exploration and discovery. A single glass slot is cut out of the southaxis, illuminating a meridian line cast onto the floor within the minimal,contemporary entrance space.
At the heart of the buildingis the exhibition and the auditorium, encased within a cylindrical ‘drum’ inthe centre of the mound. Hassell has worked closely with exhibition designers,Casson Mann, on the design of the highly immersive circular exhibition spaceand auditorium. Inside the space, visitors will circulate clockwise through aseries of interactive displays which will tell the story of the site, thehistory of radio astronomy and modern astrophysics, the dawn of the Space Ageand the creation of the Lovell Telescope. The exhibition re-uses sections ofthe original 1957 observation dish from the Lovell Telescope to form thebackdrop and projection surfaces, creating a unique visitor experience.
The 150-seat capacityauditorium ‘pod’ features a screen that follows the shape of the drum shell andcurves over the seats to create a dynamic and immersive projection space.hassellstudio.com 03/03 The multi-media room houses special exhibitions and catersfor night-sky projections, as well as educational lectures and live links toother science facilities.
Exiting the drum gives way to a café and circular courtyard, cut into the mound so that its orientation aligns to the First Light’s tracking of Russia’s Sputnik at 102° from Azimuth. As visitors leave the Pavilion, an historical avenue of trees frames the giant Lovell Telescope in the distance, inviting them to explore further across the site.
Hassell recently completedthe SKA Global Headquarters, also located at Jodrell Bank. The SKA Organisationis an international science project that operates in the field of radioastronomy and is headquartered at the Observatory.
Project name:First Light Pavilion Visitor’s Centre
Company name: Hassell
Contact e-mail:itang@hassellstudio.com
Projectlocation:Macclesfield, UK
Completion Year: 2022
Building area (m²):2,077 sqm / site area:35 ha
Other participants:Casson Mann (Exhibitiondesigner)
Photo credits:Hufton and Crow