Virginia Commonwealth University Centre for Contemporary Art / Steven Holl Architects
Virginia Commonwealth University Centre for Contemporary Art
Virginia Commonwealth University Centre for Contemporary Art / Steven Holl Architects
Project Year
Site Area
41000 m²
Text description provided by the architects
该项目位于弗吉尼亚州首府里士满,毗邻弗吉尼亚联邦大学校园的当代艺术中心,将周边社区与大学紧密相连。坐落于里士满最繁华的Broad和Belvidere大街交汇处,这座建筑以其迷人的开放氛围成为通往大学之门。主入口位于表演空间和广场交叉路口,在“X-Y”的轴线上增添了一个垂直的“Z”方向元素。一些扭曲变形体量通过与美术馆所呈现出来的“分叉时间”相连接,创造出引人注目的视觉效果。The project is located in Richmond, the capital of Virginia, adjacent to a contemporary art center on the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University, connecting the surrounding community with the university. Situated at the intersection of Broad and Belvidere streets, one of Richmond's busiest areas, this building has become a gateway to the university with its charming open atmosphere. The main entrance is located at the intersection of performance space and plaza, adding a vertical "Z" element on the "X-Y" axis. Some twisted volumes are connected to the "forked time" presented by the art gallery, creating an eye-catching visual effect.在当代艺术的世界中,存在着众多平行时代的概念,被称为“分叉时间”。对于持续时间的理解以及历史上那种宏大叙事方式已经开始遭到质疑。新兴当代艺术中心由四个美术馆组成,每个扮演不同的角色。这些美术馆具有极高的灵活性,可以进行四个独立展览、连续展览或者任意组合。即使关闭其中一个展厅布置展品也不会影响其他区域通行。参观者可以通过超大电梯按顺序游览四个美术馆并最终盘旋下降至底部,或从广场最低处开始逐层向上参观。混凝土梁和木板与混凝土楼板相得益彰,在美术馆内呈现出一种特殊韵味。作为一个灵活空间,这些美术馆能够容纳地板上悬挂的艺术品或工程。In the world of contemporary art, there are many concepts of parallel time periods known as "forking time". The understanding of duration and the grand narrative approach in history has begun to be questioned. The emerging contemporary art center is composed of four art museums, each playing a different role. These museums have high flexibility and can hold four independent exhibitions, continuous exhibitions or any combination thereof. Even if one exhibition hall is closed for installation, it will not affect access to other areas. Visitors can tour the four museums in order through a large elevator and finally spiral down to the bottom, or start from the lowest point on the square and visit each level upwards. Concrete beams and wooden boards complement concrete floors, creating a special charm inside the museum. As a flexible space, these museums can accommodate artworks or installations suspended from their floors.平面层的垂直交通连接美术馆、表演空间、雕塑园和广场。沿着这个建筑漫步,所有建筑元素的整合可以在变化的视野中得到体验。41000平方英尺(约3809平方米)的建筑有两个表情:一面朝向城市,一面从雕塑园朝向广场,将城市与校园连接。一层,咖啡馆和地面层的美术馆直接通向雕塑园。中轴旋转门可以打开,使活动扩展到花园中。在青石板和砾石铺成的花园中,种植着银杏树。一个巨大的循环水池塘将这个花园塑造成“思考之地”。这座建筑是一种有时间感的室内室外的体验。从西侧(大学校园)步行过来,这座建筑以不断变化的视角展开。如果你步行而来,广场逐渐进入你的视野,伴随着脚下砾石吱吱作响。如果你乘汽车从北、东或南到达,扭转的双重垂直几何体量提醒着你那里就是入口,并随着汽车的经过而改变形状。 到了晚上,磨砂玻璃的发光立面激活了室外空间。 视频投影还可能出现在这些磨砂玻璃墙上,用艺术动画与户外空间互动。240个作为的灵活表演空间可以放映电影,举办戏剧、舞蹈和音乐表演。它连接了一层和二层,在那里,从美术馆远眺可以看到视觉和表演艺术之间意想不到的景观。室外不光泽的半透明玻璃和氧化钛锌表皮有着共同的灰绿色调,给建筑一种变化的存在感,依靠灯光使整体的不透明变化成各种不同的半透明感。四个屋顶花园包括一个在二层的雕塑平台,有着特别订制的艺术家装置。这个LEED 金奖建筑用地热井加热和冷却,在冬季收获同样的能量,在夏季重新储存以冷却建筑物。当代艺术中心将会是一个新的大门和催化剂,连接大学校园和里士满。它迷人的双面广场向宁静的雕塑花园敞开,它将为最重要的尖端当代艺术展览提供空间能量。由弗吉尼亚联邦大学一流的艺术学院推动,该建筑是展览、电影放映、公开讲座、演出、座谈会和社区活动的重要工具,吸引这大学、城市和更多可能。

建造合作: BCWH Architects

合作建筑师 (BCWH): Charles Piper (principal), Bo Fairlamb (associate), Jason Dufilho (project architect)

建造商: Gilbane, Inc.

结构工程师: Robert Silman Associates

市政工程师: Vanasse Hangen Brustlin

设备工程(方案设计): Arup

景观设计: Michael Boucher Landscape Architecture

灯光顾问: L’Observatoire International

声音影响顾问: Convergent Technologies Design Group, Inc.

剧场技术顾问: Theatre Consultants Collaborative

LEED 顾问: Sustainable Design Consulting

设备工程师: Ascent Engineering Group

主持建筑师: 斯蒂芬·霍尔

高级合伙负责人: Chris McVoy

项目建筑师: Dominik Sigg, Dimitra Tsachrelia

设计团队: Steven Holl, Chris McVoy, Dominik Sigg, Dimitra Tsachrelia, Garrick Ambrose, Rychiee Espinosa, Scott Fredricks, Gary He, Martin Kropac, JongSeo Lee, Yasmin Vobis, Christina Yessios

City: Richmond

Country: 美国

Appreciations towards Steven Holl Architects for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/12/28
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