Vanke Lake View / daoyuan landscape
Its design expresses the connection between people's spiritual world and the natural environment with highly tension artistry, and leads people to embrace a leisure and new life in the beautiful nature with unique ritual
Vanke Lake View / daoyuan landscape
Project Year
Site Area
35690 m²
Text description provided by the architects

项目概要 Overview


The project is located in Fat Buffalo Reservoir, Huaxi District, Guiyang City, surrounded by mountains, east of Huaguan Road, the main road of the city, and west of the beautiful Fat Buffalo Reservoir. Its design expresses the connection between people's spiritual world and the natural environment with highly tension artistry, and leads people to embrace a leisure and new life in the beautiful nature with unique ritual.

设计理念 Design Concept


We conform to the geographical conditions of the site, adhere to the concept of people-oriented and coexistence with nature, take "city in the mountains, home by the lake" as the theme of the landscape, combine the advantages of the site's own resources, inherit the essence of Guiyang's landscape culture, and integrate the characteristics of mountains, forests and lakes to build a classic high-quality residential area by the lake.


设计亮点 Design Highlights


In the moving line design, according to the switching of different scenes, the site is divided into five scenic spots: feather, poetic imaginary, creek, lake reflection and city in the mountain, which are progressive layer by layer, so that people can fully appreciate the beauty of nature.





The urban part of the project starts from a row of tall Metasequoia on both sides of the wall. Walking through the shadows of trees, we can see the feather sculpture standing tall and upright, which highlights the park's prosperity. The artistic sculpture with great tension makes the entrance of the park stand out from the surrounding environment like the finishing touch, and leads people into the park and into nature with its unique ritual. As the gateway of the park and also the transition node between the bustling city and the natural mountain forest, we hope that it can convey the artistic conception that people start to move towards nature and new life from here.


Poetic Imaginary


The ring of the sky standing in the pool is integrated with the wide mountains and rivers in the distance and reflected in the flowing Shui Ying. People's eyes are full of exquisite miniature of nature. When we first started the research project, it was the setting sun, and the distant mountains and the setting sun reflected each other, which naturally shocked us beyond words. We are deeply impressed by the uncanny workmanship of nature, and also want to show the original beauty of nature to people with the least design techniques.


At a wonderful balance point between a city and nature, we bring lakes and mountains into the frame of sight, repeatedly scrutinize the relationship between the scale, proportion and light and shadow of nature and architecture, seek the balance between nature and architectural art, and present a beautiful picture with water and sky merging in one color and sun and moon shining together.

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When designing, we were thinking about how to turn the park into a natural classroom, so that children can fully approach, explore and learn from nature here. We leveled and re-greened the exposed construction waste and bare plant area, and created cascade streams with a height difference of about 12 meters, simulating the natural streams in the valley, and letting the natural plant space surround the streams, so that children can play in the flowers and adults can accompany them by the creek.


Aquatic plants with rich layers and colorful colors are planted along the coast of the lake area, which not only enriches the landscape effect, but also gives full play to the role of purifying water bodies. The emergent plants, floating plants and submerged plants together construct a complete aquatic plant community, forming a natural water purification area.




Walking from the sales department to the lake area is a plank road with lush Metasequoia. We took advantage of the natural foundation of the original landform and chose Metasequoia glyptostroboides, which has a higher fit with the ground cover, to cover the mountain, which made the site more integrated with the surrounding mountains. At the same time, the rich and varied landscape trails increase the park's interest, accessibility and ecology.


At night, the stars on the lake are shining, and the distant mountains are connected with the nearby forests; People are crowded at dusk, and people and nature, people and life seem to be perfectly unified at this moment. It is really a picture that mountains lie in the lake, people stay in the beautiful scenes.


Mountain city


There is a city in the mountains and a home by the lake. At the entrance of the park, we have planned an open, diversified and artistic modern living space in combination with commerce, providing necessary commercial facilities for the future park and the community of the project itself. We hope to combine urban functions with nature to create a landscape hidden in the city.

设计难点Difficulties of the Design


Although the natural environment of the project is advantaged, we still encounter many challenges.


Regreening of damaged homesteads: In the early days, some houses were built around the lake, which have been relocated and demolished, but many wasteland caused by ecological damage by the original residents, such as large areas of construction waste and idle land after random reclamation, were left behind.


Ecological restoration of polluted water: local water pollution is caused by the growth of exotic aquatic plants and the random disposal of domestic garbage in local areas.


Respect the original geographical conditions and natural advantages of the site: the natural environment of the base is excellent, so we need to consider how to rejuvenate the site without destroying the original features of the nature.

设计策略Strategies of the Design





We mainly consider the design of the park from three aspects: sociality, ecology and sustainability:

Sociality: There is no mature urban park within 3km radius, and the daily leisure and entertainment needs of the surrounding residents are difficult to meet. As one of the local urban parks, Greenlake Park bears the responsibility of public open space. Therefore, it should not only become a leisure place for outdoor walking, sports and sightseeing for the surrounding residents, but also become an important place for people to link their emotions and interact with each other.

Ecology: We hope to restore the ecological damage caused by human activities, reshape the land and restore the ecological balance of wetlands, and create a wetland space with multiple symbiosis and ecological harmony, so that Greenlake Park is like to be reborn, and people will pay attention to the once forgotten Fat Buffalo Reservoir again, giving full play to new vitality.

Sustainability: We hope that the landscape design will not be superficial, but really integrate life into the site, combine the imagination of future residence in function configuration, integrate the functions of business sightseeing and better life, and make the space continue to prosper.




核心团队:伍福军l 黎明智l 徐君君l 黄艺斌l 龚志发l 廖欣l 黄文苑l 张国坤l 朱恒l 李勇光l 方可l 杨丽萍








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Published on 2023/11/09
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