Festive Pavilion / Abin Design Studio
‘Art’ can be a strong medium to express the concerns pertaining to the children, who are actually the future flag bearers and responsible for the progress of our civilization
Festive Pavilion / Abin Design Studio
Project Year
Site Area
350 m²
Text description provided by the architects


‘Children’ and ‘Childhood’ are going through a crisis in the Global context. ‘Art’ can be a strong medium to express the concerns pertaining to the children, who are actually the future flag bearers and responsible for the progress of our civilization.

©Suryan Dang

©Suryan Dang

©Suryan Dang

这个装置是基于 "童年 "的概念,在装置的入口处,一只抽象的鸟儿在头顶飞翔,描绘了幼儿的思想自由和创造力。翅膀逐渐变小,鸟儿拼接成一系列的盒子。伴随着解构的排列,这些盒子暗示了:儿童的内在巨大潜能逐渐被限制在一个隐喻的盒子里。装置的形式迫使观众进入一个"空白"的空间,坐下来思考问题

The installation is based on the idea of ‘Childhood’. At the entrance of the installation, an abstract flight of birds overhead depicts the freedom of thought and creativity in young children. The wings gradually diminish and the birds tessellate into an array of boxes. Along with the deconstructed arrangement, the boxes put forward a commentary on the scenario of a child’s immense inherent potential getting slowly confined into a metaphorical box. The form of the installation then compels the viewer into a ‘void’, a place to sit and contemplate, in the axial presence of “Maa Durga”.

©Suryan Dang

©Suryan Dang

©Suryan Dang

©Suryan Dang

©Suryan Dang


The cube is the null character of the design. Given the time constraint, it was vital to propose a design based on modularity. The sole element ‘cube’ becomes a module that is easily mass manufactured in 3 different sizes and arrayed interestingly to form the composition that creates the festive space.

©Nancy Mandhan

©Nancy Mandhan


The Design intends to articulate neighborhood’s identity in the symbolism of the pandal and was conceived collectively with the backdrop of the existing neighborhood buildings rather than in isolation of them. As a result, no neighbor windows were screened and buildings in the backdrop invoked a strong sense of context and place.

©Suryan Dang


Most interestingly, the physical spaces of the festival are not specialized public spaces but ordinary urban spaces such as streets, common plots, and parks. These spaces assume the character of an extravagant public space only during the festival. So the pavilion was envisaged to be a module that can be repeated to activate other dead urban spaces in the city and as a space that fosters public interaction and skillfully interweaves worship with mass celebration.

©Suryan Dang

©Abin Chaudhari

▼项目鸟瞰轴侧图Axonometric Aerial View

▼项目平面图 Plan

▼项目剖面图 Section

▼项目剖面图 Section

项目名称:Festive Pavilion

设计单位:Abin Design Studio


项目地点:印度 加尔各答



设计团队:Abin Chaudhari,Sohomdeep Sinha Roy,Arijit Dhar,Abhinaw Alok,Nancy Mandhan。

3D建模:Toton Mondal

现场和项目协调员:Jiben Basak

金属制造商:Shankar Sil and team.

合作团队:Narayan Sinha - Idol & Accessories, Anupam Roy - Theme Music

项目客户:Behala Nutan Dal Durga Puja Committee

照片来源:Suryan / Dang,Abin Chaudhari,Nancy Mandhan

Project name: Festive Pavilion

Architect's Firm: Abin Design Studio


Project location: Kolkata, India

Completion Year: 2018

Gross Built Area: 350 m2

Design Team: Abin Chaudhari, Sohomdeep Sinha Roy, Arijit Dhar, Abhinaw Alok, Nancy Mandhan.

3-D Modeling: Toton Mondal

Site and Project coordinator: Jiben Basak

Metal Fabricator: Shankar Sil and team.

In collaboration with: Narayan Sinha - Idol & Accessories, Anupam Roy - Theme Music

Clients: Behala Nutan Dal Durga Puja Committee

Photo credits: Suryan/Dang, Abin Chaudhari, Nancy Mandhan

Appreciations towards Abin Design Studio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/05/02
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