Haoxiang Lake Park / elandscript
Forgotten Reservoir Landscape Regeneration
Haoxiang Lake Park / elandscript
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

项目鸟瞰 Aerial view of the project

公园夜景鸟瞰 Aerial view of the project


由 译地事务所 设计的蚝乡湖公园占地13公顷,位于深圳市宝安区沙井街道,连接了排涝河、新桥河、万丰河、潭头河等四条城市河流。作为重要的雨洪调蓄池,一直为当地的防汛与截污起到重要作用。但由于日益恶化的水质,和周边工业厂房对环湖场地的占用,已逐渐被周边居民所遗忘。

The 13-hectare Haoxiang Lake Park, designed by eLandscript, is located in Bao’an District, Shenzhen. It is connected to four urban rivers including Pailao River, Xinqiao River, Wanfeng River and Tantou River. As an important stormwater retention pond, it has played an important role in local flood control and pollution interception. However, due to the deteriorating water quality and the occupation of industrial plants around the lake, it has been gradually forgotten by the surrounding residents.

▽改造前后空间对比Space comparison before and after renovation

▽驳岸改造前后对比Comparison before and after revetment reconstruction


This project started in 2019. Haoxiang Lake and the surrounding watershed jointly carried out ecological management, which greatly improved the overall water quality. Through the opportunity of urban renewal, the space surrounding the lake is re-positioned and planed as an open waterfront park. It cites flexible regeneration methods to bring positive environmental impacts, and solve the growing community residents’ demands for the use of open space, and the social problems brought about by the rapid development of the city.

▽公园总平面图Park master plan

水岸重联 Reconnect The Waterfront


An 850-meter pedestrian loop reconnects the four riverside spaces, and collides with the site in different areas to create landscape anchor points, such as the Rainbow Bridge, the Sluice Overlook, and the Flora Trellis Café.


花廊驿站FloraTrellis Cafe


The design of Flora Trellis Café collaborate with LAAB Architects, using parametric rhombus roof and curtain wall. Cafe and toilets are arranged on both sides of the station, and the open space in the middle is connected with the park, which is a popular leisure place for citizens.

▽花廊驿站鸟瞰Bird's-eye view of Hualang Station

▽蚝壳墙公园入口1 Oyster Shell Wall Park Entrance 1

▽蚝壳墙公园入口2 Oyster Shell Wall Park Entrance 2

▽与公园景观融为一体的花廊驿站Flower Gallery Station that blends with the park landscape

▽花廊驿站外观Exterior of Hualang Station

▽参数化设计的菱形屋面与幕墙Parametric design of rhombus roof and curtain wall

蚝心虹桥Rainbow Bridge


The design of Rainbow Bridge collaborate with SBP, using a total length of 238 meters of curved steel box girder structure, with a maximum span of 77 meters. In order to minimize the impact on the river and the environment, a rainbow bridge across the river was born, becoming the best viewing spot for overlooking the park and surrounding cities.

▽蚝心虹桥 Rainbow Bridge

弹性再生 Resilience Regeneration


In addition to low-impact environmental facilities such as constructed wetlands and stranded lawns, a more flexible waterfront can also attract citizens to experience and recognize nature, and to understand the protection of the water environment. After careful evaluation of flooding analysis, the original 600-meter-long revetment vertical retaining wall was transformed into an ecological gabion-wall cascade wetland. While purifying the water body, it creates an ecological community habitat and provides multi-dimensional hydrophilic possibilities, including Elevated Reedbank Promenade, and the rock promenade that can be submerged under the flood.

▽芦苇水岸 Reedbank Promenade

▽曲岸挑台Curved shore

文化焕新 CulturalRenewal


The team proposed to retain the original Shajing power plant building and transform it into a cultural and creative exhibition hall, reiterating the cultural attributes of the urban heritage, and designing various activity spaces around its surroundings, including the Oyster-Shell Water Maze and Education Wetland, a grand lawn gathering events and culture performances. The local traditional Oyster-Shell Wall technique was also used in the project, and the built scenery wall demonstrated this superb craft with cultural meaning to the citizens.

▽教育湿地分析图Educational wetland analysis map

▽教育湿地 Education Wetland

▽蚝壳水迷宫 Oyster Shell Water Maze

▽风之廊 Wind Trellis



The Haoxiang Lake Park project has been completed and opened in 2021. It will be used as the venue for the annual Oyster Cultural Festival which is the grand platform for exchange and display of local culture.


▽蚝乡文化节Oyster Township Cultural Festival

项目地点:中国 深圳






花廊驿站(建筑及室内的方案、扩初设计):LAAB Architects







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Published on 2023/05/10
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