Heavy Sea A Project By Pejac / PEJAC
Heavy Sea A Project By Pejac
Heavy Sea A Project By Pejac / PEJAC

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非常感谢PEJAC予gooood分享以下内容。更多关于他:PEJACon gooood.Appreciation towards PEJACfor providing the following description:PEJAC是一个广受欢迎的涂鸦艺术家,我们在过去曾报道了他的多个作品,请点击这里看。今次他从二维的画布转战到现实中。这得从他过去的一幅画说起:几年前他以海上救生员废弃轮胎为题画了一幅“大风浪”的画作,无数的堆叠的轮胎就像暗流涌动的海浪,也让人联想到真正的巨浪。PEJAC告诉gooood他在一次航海旅行中,在一片废弃轮胎地前意外的进入到和画作雷同的景观中。画面变成现实:结果蛮噩梦的。数百万的轮胎相当具有压迫性,让人不安,置身于中就像进入一片没有尽头的墓地。但同时体验也是相当具有戏剧性和挑战性。艺术家意识到,人类在和地球的相处这件事儿上,处理得可不够好。视频点击这里,需翻墙。WORDS FROM THE ARTISTThis project was actually born some years ago when Ipainted ‘Heavy Sea’ a watercolor featuring alifesaver in a sea of disused tires. And then in oneof my voyages abroad, just some months ago, I foundmy self in front of that very same landscape. It wasa poetic nightmare made real. Being surrounded byhundreds of thousands (or millions?) tires was quiteoverwhelming and disturbing at the same time. Morethan a dump it felt like being in an endlessgraveyard.Having the opportunity of making real a fictionalidea was quite a challenging experience. It has beenexciting while also very dramatic. The more time Ispent there the more evident became the relationfailure between human kind and the earth.WEBLINKSProject video: Artist Artist Facebook: Artist Instagram: ©pejacMORE: PEJAC,更多关于他:PEJACon gooood.
Appreciations towards PEJAC for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/06/01
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