Masquespacio为Hikari 串串吧做了最后的设计,这是Nozomi寿司吧创始人的第二个项目,位于瓦伦西亚的Ruzafa区,距离他们的餐厅只有两步之遥。
Masquespaciopresents its last design for Hikari Yakitori Bar, the second project from thefounders of Nozomi Sushi Bar, located in the same district of Ruzafa in Valenciatwo steps ahead from their actual restaurant.
在Nozomi寿司吧取得巨大成功后,创始人JoséMiguel和Nuria,以及他们的弟子Clara,决定继续研究他们对日本食品的热情。这一次,他们想通过Hikari引入一个全新的概念,Yakitori Bar,从字面上看是一家串串吧,和他的姊妹餐厅Nozomi一样,以高速日本火车的名字命名。与之前的项目不同,由创意咨询公司Masquespacio设计的室内装修,灵感来自东京歌舞伎町、大牟外横町和梶美因的不同街区和小巷,那里是大多数烤肉店的所在地。
Afterthe big success of Nozomi sushi bar with a waiting list of 2 months, foundersJosé Miguel and Nuria, together with their disciple Clara, decided to continueto study their passion for Japanese food. This time they wanted to introduce atotally new concept through Hikari, Yakitori Bar, traduced literally in askewers bar that as well as his big brother Nozomi carries on the name of ahigh velocity Japanese train. Differently to the previous project the interiordesigned by creative consultancy Masquespacio, has been inspired by thedifferentquarters and alleys of Kabukicho, OmoideYokocho y Hajimeyain Tokyo,where most of theyakitori bars are established.
▽平面图 Plan
Project name: Hikari, Yakitori bar
Design firm: Masquespacio
Client: Hikari(
Address: CalledelsTomasos 18, 46006 Valencia
Design:Masquespacio (
ArtDirector/Designer: Ana Hernández
Architect: Paula Pina
Architect junior: Jessica Alejos
Technicalinvestigation: José Espejo
GraphicDesign: Ana García
Technical lighting:Onok Lighting
Decorative lighting (sculptures & lanterns): Masquespacio, local production
Concrete Wall finishes: Viroc
Metal grids: Masquespacio, local production
Cerrejeira wood: MaderasBlanquer
Granite floor: TerrazosFuster
Neon signs: Masquespacio, local production
Chairs & bar stools: Ondarretta
Leather backrests: Original Contract
Fabrics &pirography: Masquespacio, local production
Construction: Helix
Photography: LuisBeltran (