项目位于斯德哥尔摩,原本为一个时尚品牌的办公空间,其中没有浴室、厨房或者储物间,但是业主希望将其改造成自己的家。从这里的装修中仍能隐约找到辉煌的十九世纪风格,老旧的木地板以及精致的灰泥和木制装饰被掩盖在了厚重的白色涂料下,天花板上布满了射灯,突出了办公室不具有个人色彩的客观特质。An office space – an apartmentwithout either bathrooms, kitchen or storage – theformer head office of a fashion brand in the center ofStockholm and a client that hoped to transform it into ahome. Traces of the old 19th century splendour werethere – worn wooden floors and ornaments in the form ofstucco and carpentry as well as three old tiled ovens –but all those beautiful, old characteristics werepainted in thick layers of white color with modernspotlights in all ceilings, which reinforced the feelingof an impersonal office.
设计师从三个瓷砖贴面火炉中提取了绿、粉和淡黄三种颜色。在为了找到过去的管道而拆除的墙壁后,设计师发现了一道饰以19世纪涂料的门框,其淡淡的芥末黄色一下子照亮了整个白色空间。鉴于此,设计在原本的配色中增加了几种颜色,以调和过去鲜艳的色彩。最终形成的调色盘上有八种颜色,均来自于旧房子中被隐藏的装饰。We noted the colours of thethree tiled ovens; green, pink and a yellowish white.Behind a wall that was torn down to access the oldpiping, we found original 19th century paint on a doorframe, suddenly illuminating the entire white space withits powerful mustard yellow tint. We added tones to theoriginal color scale, which worked as a bridge betweenthe powerful original hues, finally ending up with an8-tone palette that originated from the hidden traces ofthe old apartment.
由于设计师希望尽可能不影响公寓原本的特征,所有新加入的元素都被放置在旧装饰之间。柜子或悬在天花脚线和护壁板之间,或单独放在地板上。设计在空间中添加了两面墙,和柜子采用同样的方形中设有十字线的图案贴面,这一图案提取自建筑中最美的镶木地板。Since we aimed to disturb theoriginal features of the apartment as little aspossible, all new elements were placed in the spacesbetween the old ornaments. All cabinets designed for theapartment hover on the walls between base boards andstucco, or are free-standing on the floors. Two newwalls were added and they inherited the same markings asthe cabinets – a veneered surface with crossing lines insquares taken from the most beautiful pattern in theapartment; an original parquet in one of the cornerrooms.
通过使用以原有色彩为基础的配色以及还原和利用旧建筑中的装饰及图案,设计师将白色的办公室改造成了一个色彩丰富而又和谐的生活空间。A color palette based onoriginal colours, three expressive tiled ovens,decorations in ceilings and carpentry and an originalpattern from a floor – these old traits andpeculiarities were the clues we needed to take a whiteoffice space into a contemporary direction. The resultis a harmonious but rich color experience – inspired bythe original splendour – and a new home for our clientand his children.