Shimao Plaza / YIYU Design
Shimao Plaza is a reconstruction commercial project located in Hong Gu Tan commercial hub in the center of Nan Chang city, China. It is positioned as a significant local node in the heart commercial region and is aimed to be a remarkable landmark in the f
Shimao Plaza / YIYU Design
Project Year
Site Area
14710 m²
Text description provided by the architects

世茂广场是位于南昌红谷滩商业中心区的重建项目。在商业核心地区中, 它的定位是成为汇聚节点及未来的地标。

Shimao Plaza is a reconstruction commercial project located in Hong Gu Tan commercial hub in the center of Nan Chang city, China. It is positioned as a significant local node in the heart commercial region and is aimed to be a remarkable landmark in the future.


Shimao Plaza reconstruction is not merely regenerating the shopping experience, yet and more importantly, it diversifies the program to merge in lifestyle. The design is transforming the outmoded and functionless mall square into modern open plaza with innovative program space as a commercial landmark. The highly interactive space leads itself to be a unique social magnet to different users throughout the time changes.

设计手法上 利用清晰的方向性线条梳理空间,在地面上切割出动线系统,连接地铁、商场及周边街区,同时形成弹性活动节点的空间架构。线型的引导及面状的区域划分使 任何时候走在广场上都可以被引导至开放的活动场地上参与活动。以人为景、活动为引力,激活广场原本具有潜在的多元功能。广场上镶钳的三角形态坐位及树林,更丰富了动静活动的对话。课后滑冰、午后林下休憩、夜晚广场活动,不仅满足户外商业空间的需求,更融合生活、自然,形成访客与居民共同的活动场域 ,重现空间之诗性与记忆。Strong directional lines cutting in black and white are indicators of circulation network, connecting subway, mall and streets, and create a frame for the program to happen. Whenever walking along the path, one can be guided into places where activities happen. Encountering events and social interaction become the activator of the plaza. On top of black and white geometry, triangular seats and green triangles are inserted into the plaza, further diversifying the open space for multiple usage. Kid’s skating after school, social gathering at lunch time, plaza dancing at night and weekends, the activities are triggered and become the common memory for the neighborhood.

特色灯光元素勾画出主入口。设计透过在强烈的色彩地灯引导人走进场景。特色雕塑结合灯光与雾气设计,创造商业空间的诗性及戏剧效果。Entrance is highlighted by special lighting features. The design guides the audience to get into the plaza by strong colorful ground lightings. Feature sculpture produces suspended mist and strengthen the dramatic lighting effect. At night, even on its own, in the absence of performers and visitors, it is highly theatrical by the fog and light shows.


The project demonstrates a transformation of the commercial landscape in urban renewal planning. The new commercial landscape provides highly flexible base for future community engagement. In the long run, its high adaptability will drive the social sustainability.


项目名称: 红谷滩世茂广场

项目位置: 南昌市

景观设计: 一宇设计

设计团队:林逸峰 / 吴丽晶,黄婉贞,Alex de Dios,田益正,吴令恬,孙晶


项目设计&完成年份: 2019


Project Name: Shimao Plaza

Location: Nanchang

Landscape Design: YIYU design

Design Team: Yifeng Lin / Daisy Ng, Wendy Huang, Alex de Dios, Yizheng Tian,Lingtien Wu, Jing Sun

Site Area:14,710 sqm

Project Completion: 2017

Photo by: YIYU Design

Appreciations towards YIYU Design for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/02/21
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