House of the Void I House in Delhi, India / Malik Architecture
Residential buildings extending to the south
House of the Void I House in Delhi, India / Malik Architecture
Project Year
Site Area
1394 m²
Text description provided by the architects


Delhi’s existing neighborhoods have traditionally been defined by 2 storey houses set back from the tree lined road and buffered from it by a front garden. This relationship has been altered by the new planning regulations that permit taller structures, consuming greater area and with reduced setbacks. The resulting urban condition creates the sensation of buildings imposing themselves on the street and within the homes, the absence of green cover /courtyards, and light is palpable.


该项目根据当前的建筑规范重新评估了建筑形式的类型,并对其形式进行了调整,以重新建立起现代城市的氛围。房子的下层空间被切除,用来允许街道穿过房子并且继续延伸,创造了一个向下延伸到地下办公室的内部花园,并通过一系列碎片化的庭院和裂缝向上延伸。中央庭院是一个迷宫般的空隙网络,横向和纵向都穿过房屋,起到采光器和热平衡器的作用,并表现为绿色空间、深裂缝和天窗的组合。This proposal re-evaluates the typology of the building form as prescribed by the current guidelines and adapts it to re-establish the sensation of the pre-existing urban condition. The lower sections of the house are excised to allow the continuation of the street through the house creating a deep garden that propagates downwards into the basement office and upwards through a series of fragmented court and fissures. The central courtyard is a network of labyrinthine voids running laterally and vertically through the house working as a light catcher and thermal balancer and expressed as a combination of green spaces, deep fissures and skylights.



As a concept we have adapted the western face of the house to bring in controlled light through punctures, screens and northern skylights without opening up any views to the west, as there is another house only 20ft away. This arrangement allows us to bring the maximum amount of light from the north and north western parts of the house, which is where our site has the maximum openness.



The main living spaces open onto terraces with large overhanging volumes and operable second skins. The fixed and operable screening systems are adapted versions of the traditional 'jaali' – typical architectural device in north India. South light is brought into the house through a vertical, deep recessed fissure that splits the volumes in the south.


通过拉长和缩小主循环核心,我们创造了一个大型的、连续的开放空间(32 英尺 X 80 英尺),在这里有大面积的生活区域。我们利用一个垂直的庭院穿过建筑,让建筑在视觉上是统一的。

By elongating and narrowing the main circulation core we create a large, continuous open volume (32ft X 80ft) within which we can locate most of the living areas. It allows us to puncture the house with a vertical court without having to compromise on usable footprints and allows the house to be visually unified.





The ground level courtyard is shaded from the south/west, receives ample light from the north which extends downward into the basement and upwards through the main central court(also acts as a climate device, adaptable in summer/winter).


将建筑主体从地面提高到 18 英尺的高度,可以在北面打开形成一个大花园。一个大的切口将光线带入地下室,这个空间与贯穿房屋的垂直空隙相连。

By raising the major volume to a height of 18ft from the ground level a large garden can be opened in the north. A large cut-out brings light into the basement and this space connects with the vertical void running through the house.














建筑师:Arjun Malik, Kamal Malik

设计团队:Ketan chaudhary, Ekta Naidu, Amay Gurkar, Suchi Tanna, Taaran Singh, Kalpesh Pithwa


全球工程服务顾问公司:Suhas Gangan,Lirio Lopez,Aircon Engineers Pvt.有限公司

照片来源:Bharath Ramamrutham


Completion Date:03/2019

Gross Floor Area (mq):1394

Architects:Arjun Malik, Kamal Malik

Design team:Ketan chaudhary, Ekta Naidu, Amay Gurkar, Suchi Tanna, Taaran Singh, Kalpesh Pithwa

Main Contractor:GSBA Builders Pvt. Ltd.

ConsultantsGlobal Engineering Services: Suhas Gangan, Lirio Lopez, Aircon Engineers Pvt. Ltd.

Photo Credits:Bharath Ramamrutham

Appreciations towards Malik Architecture for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/05/02
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