Infinite Garden / YIYU Design
Put spring poem, in a 6 x6 square meters of gardens
Infinite Garden / YIYU Design
Project Year
Site Area
40 m²
Text description provided by the architects


“Put a spring poeminto a 6*6 sqm garden.”

「 无限花园」是与专注于东方植物调的香薰品牌——「观夏」合作的庭院作品,位于上海市原法租界的梧桐树下,一栋西班牙老建筑的后花园。

Located in the French concession in Shanghai, the project “infinity garden” is a hidden gem surrounded by green behind a Spanish heritage building, as well as the first home for “To summer”, a high-end fragrance brand specializing in eastern botanical scents.

花园的设计概念源于气味的启发:气味的世界无边无界,突破时间与空间的限制,无限延伸。如何在一个仅有6x6平方米的小花园,把春天放进来,创造一个绿色的无限宇宙,让气味的世界也能在庭院空间中再现出来?延续这样的想象,一宇设计提出了「 无限花园」 的概念。

Inspired by the essence of the brand – the scent, the concept of the garden is to create a boundless garden as the world of smell - A garden with infinitive imaginations, a garden contains the full spring.

⊙观夏 I无限花园To summerInfinity garden

花园一隅A view to the garden


As one of the technique in Chinese painting “white void “, which intentionally leaves background empty in a painting for imaginations, the garden design maximizes the reservation of the existing greens, to create “green void” in the garden. The reserved green becomes a natural background for the garden, and create picturesque settings to the space.



The osmanthus at the entrance, the wintersweet beside the wall, and the wisteria in the corner, are carefully preserved. The camellia, maple, and bamboo palm are protected and transplanted. We wish with careful reservation of the existing plants, the memories of the garden can be kept and continue to grow and thrive.

场地保留与新栽的植物 形成新与旧的对话Dialogue betweenthe reserved and the new


Beside the plants, an old well is also well kept in the garden. As a symbol of history of the garden, the well is redesigned into a reflective art installation. With the preserved well and a new reflective stainless steel surface to mimic the water, the well is given a new meaning to the garden: a well to link memories of the space, a well to reflect the nature and time.

场地一口古老的水井被保留并改造A preserved and redesigned well

除了对场地现有条件的保留与改造, 庭院中更置入了一面“镜墙”的设计,从竖向上打破了边界。原本有限的空间透过反射,庭院的“绿”一下子被延伸出来。相连的倒影和植物的剪影通过镜面材料的置入,在城市街道里创造出一个奇幻的自然空间。

In addition to preservation and renovation of the greens and the well, a mirror wall is added in the garden. Through reflection from the mirror wall, limited space can be extended and the greens can be multiplied. The reflections and the real silhouette of the plants create a dreamy world - a fantasy world of infinite nature, a hidden universe full of colors and textures.

庭院中之镜墙The insertion of the mirror wall

镜面无限反射的自然Reflections of infinitive nature

花朵 光影 色彩 无限延伸Boundless extension of the flora light and color


The garden also integrates a fog installation. When the fog gently rises, the boundary of the ground is blurred and the edges are blended. The fluxion of fog mimicking the scent reflects the core of the brand: the scent. The fog device can also be used for daily irrigation.

花园中的雾气设计A fog installation

此外,整个庭院亦是一个大型插花作品。简便灵活的试管装置搭配着不同种类的鲜切花,用以满足品牌方在不同时期下举办活动的需求。 变幻的花、幻境般的反射与雾气,再一次使得整个场域获得时间与空间上无限的体验。

The garden is also a large flora installation. A few movable glass tubes are installed in the garden as containers for flower arrangement. With different events, the garden can be transformed and decorated with different flowers. A garden becomes not only a garden, but an infinitive device can be changeable and adaptable.

一座花园 亦是一个大型花艺装置A garden as a large flora installation

植物色彩与型态Beautiful silhouettes and colors of plants



植物季节研究Plantation seasonal study






项目设计 & 完成年份:2021/2022

主创及设计团队:林逸峯 / 舒实, 田益正,沈雪,刘昀君,吴令恬,黄申飞,徐恺豪






Project name:Infinite Garden

Design:YIYU design


Design year & Completion year:2021/2022

Leader designer & Team:Yifeng Lin / Shi Shu, Yizheng Tian,SnowShen,Nicole Liu,Lingtien Wu,Christopher Huang, Kaihao Xu

Project location:Hunan Road No. 111, Xuhui Distinct, Shanghai

Landscape area :40sqm

Photo credits:YIYU design

Partners Architect:F.O.G.

Client: To Summer

Appreciations towards YIYU Design for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/03/20
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