Extension of Homes: Activity Pavilions at Yunjin Road / Scenic Architecture Office
In this north-south vertical urban green belt, we designed a series of small buildings that serve the park and the community
Extension of Homes: Activity Pavilions at Yunjin Road / Scenic Architecture Office
Project Year
Site Area
503 m²
Text description provided by the architects


Scenic Architecture designed a series of buildings for public services in the Runway Park, which was renovated from 100-year old Longhua airport located at the west bank of Huangpu River, Shanghai. This project is a concentrated part of the whole series with three buildings including a community pavilion, a coffee shop, and a restaurant.

▼公园北向鸟瞰图,©苏圣亮摄 Aerial view from the south

▼北向鸟瞰,©苏圣亮摄 Aerial view from the north

▼法南餐厅和社区之家俯瞰图 ©苏圣亮摄 Overlook of the restaurant and the community pavilion

▼法南餐厅与社区之家东南向外观,©苏圣亮摄 View from the southeast

▼社区之家东北向外观,©苏圣亮摄 View of the community pavilion from the northeast

▼社区之家入口供人休息的洞口,©苏圣亮摄 View from the fountain plaza to the community pavilion

▼咖啡小屋南向外观,©祝晓峰摄 View of the coffee shop from the south

▼咖啡小屋西南向外观,©苏圣亮摄 View of coffee shop from the southwest

▼咖啡小屋入口,©苏圣亮摄 Entrance of coffee shop

▼咖啡小屋灰空间,©祝晓峰摄 The grey space of the coffee shop


The overall layout was based on the linear site of the park. We set up a series of concrete walls with different length and spacing in the short direction. They divide ground spaces and also support atruss-made folded plate roof system. As a metaphor of airplane takeoff, these fluctuated pitched roofsextending along the runwayestablishes a historical connection with the past. A group of internal spaces perpendicular to the runway are defined by walls and roofs while being extensively connected with each other, just like a gathered group of homes. This spatial ambiguity between open and enclose offers more freedom and possibilities for future usage.

▼儿童乐园看向法南餐厅,©苏圣亮摄 View from the playground to the restaurant


▼社区之家室内看向跑道公园,©苏圣亮摄 Interior view of the community pavilion

▼喷泉广场看向法南餐厅,©苏圣亮摄 View from the fountain plaza to the restaurant


All three buildings were generated from this structural system. Variety of wall spacing, roof width and roof height provide spaces in different scales. Natural lights from the high windows between the interlaced folded plates enrich different atmospheres with light and shadow. By organizing this system in a flexible way we are also able to give individual character to each building. The semi-open space of the coffee shop near the metro exit, the courtyard between different zones of the community pavilion, and the sunken space plus the loft of the restaurant all reflect the adaptive spatial potential of the system.

▼法南餐厅阁楼,©苏圣亮摄 The loft of the restaurant

▼法南餐厅高窗,©苏圣亮摄 The high window of the restaurant

▼法南餐厅内景,©苏圣亮摄 Interior view of the restaurant

▼法南餐厅内景,©梁山摄 Interior view of the restaurant

▼咖啡小屋内景,©苏圣亮摄 Interior of coffee shop

▼法南餐厅内景,©苏圣亮摄 Interior view of the restaurant

▼社区之家北入口内景,©苏圣亮摄 Interior view of the community pavilion

▼社区之家内景,©苏圣亮摄 Interior view of the community pavilion

▼社区之家屋顶露台,©苏圣亮摄 Roof terrace of the community pavilion

▼社区之家庭院,©梁山摄 Courtyard of the community pavilion

▼社区之家内景,©苏圣亮摄 Interior view of the community pavilion

▼社区之家室外,©苏圣亮摄Exterior view of the community pavilion

▼社区之家室外,©苏圣亮摄Exterior view of the community pavilion


▼项目结构逻辑,Structure Logics

▼项目总平面图,Site Plan









建筑面积:502.9平方米(法南餐厅),539.20平方米(社区之家),72.62平方米 (咖啡小屋)

设计/建成: 2014/2018

设计小组:祝晓峰,庄鑫嘉(项目经理), 江萌(项目建筑师),Pablo Gonzalez Riera,石延安,杜士刚,盛泰




景观设计:Sasaki Associates

结构系统: 混凝土剪力墙+钢桁架折板屋顶



Location:No.280, Yunjin Road, Xuhui district, Shanghai

Program: public facilities

GFA: 502.9 sqm. (restaurant) 539.20 sqm. (community pavilion) 72.62sqm (coffee shop)

Design/Built: 2014/2018

Design Team: Zhu Xiaofeng, Zhuang Xinjia(project manager) , Jiangmeng(project designer), Pablo GonzalezRiera, Shi Yan’an, Du Shigang, Sheng Tai

Structural Consultant: Zhang Zhun/AND Office

LDI: Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute (Group) Co.,Ltd.

Landscape Design:Sasaki Associates

Client:Xuhui Riverfront Development Investment and Construction Ltd.

Structural System: concrete shear wall + steel truss folded plate roof

Main Materials: Cold grey titanium zinc roof, cement textual paint, dark grey aluminum plate, wooden textual aluminum window frame,low-iron laminated thermal Low-E glass with built-in louvers, wood-plastic composite floor with oak finish

Photographer:Su Shengliang/ Schran Studio, Liang Shan, Zhu Xiaofeng, Jiangmeng

Appreciations towards Scenic Architecture Office for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/06/03
Editor:Lucas Lee
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