Zero Carbon Park: A Fresh Destination for Shenzhen’s City Walk / AUBE
The first zero-carbon science theme park and Zero Carbon Exhibition Hall in Shenzhen
Zero Carbon Park: A Fresh Destination for Shenzhen’s City Walk / AUBE
Project Year
Site Area
2800 m²
Text description provided by the architects


深圳City Walk新标地;



Zero Carbon Park

A fresh destination for Shenzhen’s City Walk

At this very locale

One falls in love with the eternal summer of the City

随心所欲地去观察一座城市的过去和当下,来一场城市漫游,City Walk,已是当下最受欢迎的旅行方式之一。“千园之城”的深圳,公园蕴含着这座城市的腔调与脉络;AUBE欧博设计的一个个作品,正构建着富有诗意的城市场所:环境与时间交织成城市生活的剧场——深圳人才公园、雨和风的能量场——深圳深湾街心公园、首个以碉楼为主题的碉楼时光公园……目前,由AUBE欧博设计打造的深圳首个零碳科普主题公园及零碳生活馆,已建成并投入运营,公园目前基本实现零碳,正全方位助力“低碳坪地”。

City Walk has emerged as one of the most cherished ways to travel today, with unrestricted freedom to observe the past and present of a city, embarking on an urban odyssey. Shenzhen, known as the "City of a Thousand Parks," encapsulates the character and essence of this metropolis in its parks. Each creation designed by AUBE Conception adds to the formation of poetic urban spaces: Shenzhen Talent Park, the stage where environment and time intertwine to form the city's vibrant life theaters; Shenzhen Shenwan Street Park, the energy field of rain and wind; and Diaolou Time Park, the first Diaolou-themed park...Currently, the first zero-carbon science theme park and Zero-carbon Exhibition Hall in Shenzhen, crafted by AUBE Conception, have been completed and open to the public. The park has largely achieved zero-carbon emissions at the moment, wholeheartedly supporting the cause of "Low-Carbon Pingdi" in every aspect.


Panoramic Aerial View

零碳公园 深圳首个低碳科普主题公园 基本实现零碳

Zero Carbon Park: the first low-carbon science theme park in Shenzhen which has largely achieved carbon neutrality


Shenzhen International Low Carbon City is located in Pingdi Residential District, the northeastern gateway of Shenzhen in Longgang District. As one of the first national low-carbon city pilot projects, the project also serves as a vital platform and demonstrative showcase characterized by green and low-carbon development among the 18 key development zones in Shenzhen. Shenzhen Zero Carbon Park lies within the core area of Shenzhen International Low Carbon City, occupying an area of approximately 185,000 square meters. Its functional orientation encompasses ecological exploration, physical well-being, carbon sink awareness campaign, and interactive experiences within an urban park setting.

在公园的整体设计中,设计师贯彻六大低碳设计策略,能为公园每年减少碳排放量约3 700吨;通过减少新的材料在开采、运输和加工过程中的碳排放,延长回收材料的生命周期,可节约建造过程中约103吨的碳排放量;选用光伏组件每年可等效减少二氧化碳排放65余吨,全方位助力龙岗区坪地街道的绿色低碳发展。

Within the overall design of the park, six major low-carbon design strategies have been implemented by AUBE team, resulting in an annual reduction of approximately 3,700 tons of carbon emissions. By minimizing carbon emissions during the exploitation, transportation, and processing of new materials and extending the lifecycle of recycled ones, around 103 tons of carbon emissions are conserved during the construction process, and the effective employment of photovoltaic components decreases the equivalence of more than 65 tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year. In this way, the project strives to support the green and low-carbon development of Longgang Pingdi Residential District in all aspects.


The Entrance Plaza

自然生态基地 绿色低碳策略

One natural ecological base, multiple green low-carbon strategies.


Situated amidst a rich abundance of mountain resources and a splendid natural establishment, the focal point of this project lies in maximizing the advantages of the site's resources. How can one introduce human activities while preserving the existing biological habitats? Embracing the foundation of natural ecology, the design team pursues the minimization of interference with the natural hills, building in harmonious accordance with the terrain and achieving earthwork equilibrium. Simultaneously, the team proposes six major strategies: low-impact development (LID), low-carbon plant arrangement, eco-friendly construction material application, low-carbon energy utilization, sponge city design, and low-carbon science-themed operation. By seamlessly integrating the human race, flora, fauna, and the natural environment, the project aims to craft a "zero-carbon" theme park that harmoniously blends with its pristine surroundings.


The Entrance Waterway


The park adheres to six major low-carbon design strategies, rooted in ecological principles, and achieves low-impact development. During the development process, nearly 180,000 square meters of existing trees and ground cover are preserved, while newly introduced species prioritize high-carbon sequestration plants and native flora. Employing a multi-layered planting pattern, the carbon sequestration efficiency per unit area of vegetation is increased. Taking advantage of the site's elevation differences and catchments, various sponge city facilities are strategically placed to retain and purify water, resulting in a 82.54% control rate of annual runoff and a 75.19% reduction in non-point source pollution, establishing a high-standard, interconnected, and nature-based sponge ecosystem.


Focused Aerial View

水风土石之地 打造“无痕森林”

The essence of water, wind, earth, and stone forges an ethereal "Traces-Free Forest".


Within the park, there lie educational zones including the Barefoot Park, the Waterfront Creek Section and the Ecological Plaza Exhibition Zone. Connected by the main park roads, the zero-carbon science-themed path weaves through four main segments: the Valley of Water and Wind, the Hill of Solar Energy, the Hill of Earth and Stone, and the Hill of Forests, which provide captivating activity nodes and redefine the zero-carbon theme experience within an urban park setting.


The Valley of Water and Wind – Entrance Waterway


The Valley of Water and Wind, centered around the themes of water and wind, serves as the focal point for concentrated construction within the site. With fewer trees and a level terrain in this area, the valley maximizes the utilization of flat ground while incorporating existing waterways, earth cliffs, and vegetation resources to create a space where visitors can listen to the wind rustling, reach out to the water flowing, indulge in the microclimates, and immerse themselves in the embrace of nature.


The Barefoot Park


Located at the boundary of the park's valley, the Barefoot Park fully utilizes the existing large lychee forest and the waterways beneath to create a natural and adventurous activity area for children. Partially altered waterways are transformed into a playful waterfront space for the young, while game facilities made of sand, logs, and other natural materials are ingeniously integrated with low-carbon science education, making learning enjoyable. A circular barefoot experience path, composed of various materials including tree bark, pine cones, volcanic rocks, pebbles, and mud with lower carbon emission factors, encourages children and their parents to take off shoes and experience a new way of connecting with nature through direct contact with the raw ecological paving.


The Lychee Forest Plaza


The Hill of Earth and Stone retains the majority of its original vegetation while the ecological and sustainable design concept of a "Traces-Free Forest" is practiced with profundity. The construction of Natural Wilderness Trails within the park follows a site-specific approach, employing different types of drainage, elevation handling, energy dissipation, and slope protection techniques to address the various routes of varying difficulty. Recycling the stones and fallen trees from the forest, the construction process is carried out manually with minimal infrastructure and low-impact techniques. Taking full consideration of the needs and experiences of trail users, this approach ensures that the Natural Wilderness Trails not only fulfill environmental aesthetics but also serve as a means of ecological preservation.


Hand-made trail


The Natural Wilderness Trail

该区域内建设有环形造型的远眺平台,廊架上铺设约60平方米的太阳能光伏板,每年发电量约9 070度,可减少碳排放量约5 300kg。木平台选用原生态材料作为建材,并布置游戏设施、科普牌等,为游客休憩时提供良好的观景视角,同时丰富游客的低碳体验。

Within this area, there is a circular-shaped Viewing Deck, featuring a pergola covered with approximately 60 square meters of solar photovoltaic panels which generates about 9,070 kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, leading to a reduction in carbon emissions of approximately 5,300 kilograms. The wooden platform is constructed using native ecological materials and is equipped with recreational facilities and informative boards, offering visitors a pleasant vantage point and enriched low-carbon experiences while they relax and enjoy the breathtaking views.


The Hill of Earth and Stone – The Sky Ring


The Hill of Earth and Stone – The Sky Ring


The Hill of Forests is dedicated to crafting a distinctive forest area for both scientific research and scenic enjoyment while respecting the existing state of the vegetation on site. The design of the plants fully retains the advantages of the current forest vegetation, enhances the eucalyptus grove in forest forms and also introduces additional high-carbon sequestration plants, such as the large belly kapok. Meanwhile, the exposed slopes of the site are treated with vegetation coverage.


The Hill of Forests - Close View of the Viewing Deck


The Viewing Deck's facade utilizes ecologically-sourced bamboo from the surrounding mountains. The overall design exudes a sense of lightness and naturalness, aiming to minimize artificial traces and allow it to blend amidst the lush forest of the mountainous landscape.


The Hill of Forests - Close View of the Viewing Deck


The Hill of Solar Energy is home to the regional power substation. By transforming the abandoned high-voltage tower into an artefact with artistic wheat lights, natural strip stones and the park's logo, along with the suspended ramps and stairs built on the existing gray lattice retaining walls, the design team highlights the secondary entrance's distinctive character while maintaining the overall ecological and natural image.


The Secondary Entrance of the Park

零碳生活馆 融入原生环境的建筑物

The Zero Carbon Exhibition Hall: a seamless integration into its natural environment

零碳生活馆和公园管理服务中心用房分别位于公园中心和入口附近。隐藏于山谷之中的零碳生活馆与自然融为一体,占地约2 600平方米,建筑面积约2 800平方米。建筑以集中式平面布局减小占地面积并以覆土建筑形式消隐体量,避开场地内大面积荔枝林,减少人类行为对自然环境的干预。空间形态汲取传统岭南建筑的被动式设计原理,屋顶状如斗笠与建筑主体相互脱开盘旋而上,中间架空,分成天然的三个层级,提供大面积遮阳同时,形成开放式对流空间。采光中庭进一步柔和光环境,加速空气流动,缓解热岛效应。

The Zero Carbon Exhibition Hall and the Park’s Management Service Center are respectively located at the center and entrance of the park. The Zero Carbon Exhibition Hall, nestled within the valley, seamlessly blends into its natural surroundings covering an area of approximately 2,600 square meters with a floor area of around 2,800 square meters. Taking on an earth-covered form, the architecture adopts a centralized layout to minimize its footprint, cleverly concealing its volume and avoiding extensive lychee forests on the site, thus reducing human interference with the natural environment to the most. The spatial form draws inspiration from the passive design principles of traditional Lingnan architecture, where the roof of the pavilion resembles a conical hat, gently lifting and spiraling away from the main structure, creating three distinct levels with open spaces in between that offers extensive shading and fosters natural airflow. The application of a daylight-filled atrium further softens the light conditions, enhances air circulation, and mitigates the heat island effect.


Aerial View of the Zero Carbon Exhibition Hall


Street View of the Management Service Center


Appreciations towards AUBE for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/09/08
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