Îlot Balmoral / Provencher_Roy
Îlot Balmoral Energizes Montreal’s Creative Economy as a New Addition to Downtown Skyline.
Îlot Balmoral / Provencher_Roy
Project Year
Site Area
27850 m²
Text description provided by the architects

Îlot Balmoral是一座由蒙特利尔居住企业(SHDM)委托建造的13层高的综合办公楼,见证了蒙特利尔创意经济的崛起。这座令人印象深刻的建筑是蒙特利尔市中心“Quartier des Spectacles”的核心开发项目之一,毗邻节日广场,是加拿大国家电影委员会(NFB)和UQAC大学NAD校区数字艺术、动画和设计学院的新所在地。

The Îlot Balmoral, a 13-storey mixed-useoffice building commissioned by the Société d’Habitation de Montréal (SHDM),rises as a testimony to Montréal’s creative economy. One of the final majordevelopmental pieces of the ‘Quartier des Spectacles’ in downtown Montréal, theimpressive structure sits adjacent to Place des Festivals, and is the new home ofthe National Film Board of Canada (NFB) and UQAC’s École des arts numériques,de l'animation et du design (NAD School).

“我们提出了四种方案,以实现这座专为文化经济设计的办公楼,Îlot Balmoral被选中是为呼应该地区充满活力的本质,”Provencher_Roy创始合伙人Claude Provencher解释道。“Quartier des Spectacles是一个文化活动中心,对艺术广场周围城市结构的振兴和改造现已基本完成。”

“We proposed four visions of what an officebuilding specifically designed for a cultural economy could look like, and ÎlotBalmoral was selected to echo the very vibrant, dynamic nature of thedistrict,” explains architect Claude Provencher, founding partner atProvencher_Roy. “The Quartier des Spectacles is a cultural centre of activitythat is now almost complete in its revitalization and transformation of theurban fabric surrounding Place des Arts.”

创造性的建筑象征An architectural symbol of creativity

从表面上看,Îlot Balmoral是一个动态的结构,它从城市肌理中升起。近乎完美的立方体造型简洁而顺滑,外部以精心挑选的白色烧结玻璃和半透明面板包裹。光滑无缝的外观使得立面成为潜在的巨幕,可以展示Quartier des Spectacles项目的投影。微妙而动态的色调为结构提供了质量和实质感,玻璃幕墙为建筑物内部注入了大量光线。烧结玻璃还用于控制建筑物内部的热量,这符合公司的LEED金级可持续发展目标。

On the surface, Îlot Balmoral is a highlydynamic structure rising up from the urban fabric. The almost perfect cube isvery clean and slick, and is wrapped in exterior glass that was carefullyselected for its white frit pattern and translucent panels. The smooth andseamless exterior positions the façade as a potential giant screen againstwhich projections of Quartier des Spectacles initiatives can be presented.Subtle and dynamic tonality provides a sense of mass and substance to thestructure, and the glass façade provides an enormous infusion of light into thebuilding. The frit pattern also serves to control thermal heat gain inside ofthe building, which meets the firm’s LEED Gold sustainability objectives.

外立面的光线注入室内,动态地突出了大型的内部中庭,中庭对角线斜穿过建筑中心,将建筑分为两个体量。团队根据场地先前存在的行人流量对切口进行了定位,在艺术广场地铁站和节日广场之间对角线移动。为了确定切口,并在天际线上留下建筑物的印记,鲜红色的外部褶皱与干净的玻璃外部形成鲜明对比。选这种颜色是为与Quartier des Spectacles文化品牌材料相呼应,也将ÎlotBalmoral与该地区传统的办公大楼区分开来。

The exterior façade’s infusion of lightdynamically highlights a large internal atrium, carved diagonally through thecentre of the building to create two volumes. The firm oriented the cut basedon the site’s previously existing pedestrian flow, moving diagonally betweenthe Place des Arts Metro station and Place des Festivals. To delineate the cut,and to make the building’s mark on the skyline, a bright red external foldcontrasts against the clean glass exterior. The colour was chosen as an echo ofthe cultural branding materials of the Quartier des Spectacles, and serves todistinguish Îlot Balmoral from the functions of more traditional office towersin the district.

锚定创意经济Anchoring the creative economy

为了向Îlot Balmoral对蒙特利尔创意领域的重要性致敬,加拿大国家电影委员会签约成为该建筑的主要租户。为了庆祝50年的卓越电影成就,该机构正在寻求对其设施进行现代化改造,此举还包括在新的大厅中重新安装标志性的NFB标志——这是加拿大设计历史的象征。

As a nod to Îlot Balmoral’s importance toMontreal’s creative scene, the National Film Board of Canada signed on as thebuilding’s core tenant. Celebrating 50 years of film excellence, the Canadianinstitution was looking to modernize and transform their facilities, and themove included the reinstallation of the iconic NFB logo in the new lobby, whichis a symbol of Canadian design history.

“NFB的签署证明了我们的理念,即建筑可以重新部署和规划社区,不仅表现在视觉或物理层面上,并且在它作为周围建筑的核心上,”Provencher说。“此后,其他几个文化组织签署了租约,Îlot Balmoral正在成为我们设想的创意中心。

“The NFB signing was proof of concept forus that architecture can redeploy and reprogram how neighbourhoods are defined,not only on a visual or physical level, but also in its role as a centre ofcohabitation,” says Provencher. “Several other cultural organizations havesince signed leases, and Îlot Balmoral is becoming the creative hub that weenvisioned.”

在不需要对建筑进行任何大规模更改的情况下,Provencher_Roy为NFB重新设计了Îlot Balmoral的四层楼,以满足他们的技术要求,包括编辑室和最先进的设备。他们还在建筑物主入口的红色顶篷正下方建造了一个明亮的白色楼梯,通向NFB办公室。

Without requiring any significant changesto the architecture, Provencher_Roy redesigned four floors of Îlot Balmoral forthe NFB in order to accommodate their technical requirements, including editingrooms and the hosting of state-of-the-art equipment. They also built a brightlylit white staircase leading up to the NFB offices, located directly under thered canopy of the building’s main entrance.

活力的灯塔A beacon of vibrancy


Provencher_Roy’s inclusive design strategyembraces the vibrancy of the district by drawing in pedestrian flow across thediagonal cut of the building’s sunlit lobby. The atrium establishes the lobby’sunique identity, ascending skyward to the building’s glass ceiling amidst abright material palette of white and light gray walls, and exposed concretefloors. The palette was chosen to reflect and enhance the energy and dynamismof the lobby, anointed with additional features including exposed columns and asignature brass deck.



Above the lobby level, the open atrium isframed by brightly lit offices. Pedestrian bridges on every level connect thebuilding’s two volumes, crossing the atrium and providing spectacular views ofthe surrounding cityscape, with a backdrop of Montreal’s landmark Mont Royal.The northeastern volume floats one storey higher than the southwestern volume,and the latter hosts a rooftop greenspace with breathtaking city views that isdesigned for outdoor events.


“这是一次非常有趣的经历,我们的客户渴望实现一些非凡的成就,”Claude Provencher总结道。“除了建筑环境中各个空间的功能之外,我们相信,Îlot Balmoral捕捉并融合了该地区的活力。

“It was a particularly interestingexperience, driven by our client’s eagerness to achieve something spectacular,”summarizes Claude Provencher. “Beyond the functionality of the individualspaces of the built environment, we believe that Îlot Balmoral captures andincorporates the vibrancy of the district.”




Technical sheet

Location: Montréal, Canada

Client: Société d'habitation et dedéveloppement de Montréal (SHDM)

Surface Area: 27,850 m²

Year: 2019

Contractor: Construction Management: GroupeTEQ

Electromechanics: Dupras Ledoux ingénieurs

Structure: Nicolet Chartrand Knoll Ltée

Acoustic: Davidson Legault

Lighting: CS Design

Other Collaborators: AECOM / Exim / Gomultimédia / Technorm

Certification: Candidate for Gold LEED-NCCertification
Photographer: Stéphane Brügger

Appreciations towards Provencher_Roy for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/08/05
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