在时代变化和城市空间并置的酝酿下,传统的灌输式教学逐渐发展为开放式教学。开放式教学不仅需要室内课室,更需要室外的教学场所,而面临着城市用地空间受限、独特的区域文化和教学环境需求多方面的问题,一所符合新时代需求的学校该如何去塑造成型?是我们值得思考的问题。Along with times changing and urban space juxtaposition, openteaching has been gradually taking place of traditionalindoctrinating teaching. Such open-ended teaching requiresnot only indoor classrooms, but also outdoor teachingplaces. Based on the situation of limited urban space,unique regional culture as well as sundry educationenvironmental requirement, how to make a school meets allthe requirements of a new era is a question now. 华中师范大学附属龙园学校位于龙岗镇新生地区,是一所九年一贯制的综合性校园,满足72个班约3360名学生的各项功能需求,主要为周边的居住组团服务。该项目的设计以“创造更亲近自然与开放的教学环境”为出发点,汲取中国传统建筑中廊院巷台的组合的灵感,从开放性和灵活性的原则出发,通过对空间的充分利用创造出更加丰富多彩的户外学习、生活和互动空间。在城市百米高楼的一隅,独辟出一处趣味盎然、层叠错落的绿谷。SuShengliangLocated in the new area of Longgang Town, Longyuan Schoolaffiliated to Central China Normal University is a nine-yearcomprehensive campus that meets functional needs of 3,360students in 72 classes, mainly serving the surroundingresidential people. The design of the project is based onthe principle of ‘creating a nature-friendly open teachingenvironment’。 Inspired by the combination of corridors andalleys in traditional Chinese architecture and based on theprinciple of openness and flexibility, colorful outdoorlearning, living and interactive space are created throughthe full use of space. Architects bring an unique greenvalley in the corner of urban high buildings. 不同于的一般学校,这是一所容积率达到1.24的非常规性学校。在用地空间如此紧张的情况下,如何布局教学空间,满足传统教学与开放式教学兼容的需求,是设计的一大挑战。Unlike common school, this is an unconventional school with aplot ratio of 1.24. In the case of such a narrow space, howto lay out the teaching space to meet the needs ofcompatibility of traditional teaching and open teaching is amajor design challenge. 项目初始,设计团队分别对中小学的教学内容、教学方式、心理特点与学习压力四方面进行研究,发现充满想象力的小学生更适合多样的空间与游玩嬉戏的场所,而自我意识逐渐成熟的初中生则喜好安静的场所、偏好利于小组讨论的独立空间或在球场上运动。Primaryschool courtyard analysis ?ZHOBODesign-AAOAt the beginning of project, design team studied the teachingcontent, teaching methods, psychological characteristics andlearning pressure of primary and middle schoolsrespectively, finding that the imaginative primary schoolstudents are more suitable for diverse spaces and playfulplaces, while the self-conscious gradually matured middleschool students prefer quiet places, independent spaces forgroup discussions and exercise on the court. 基于需求,华中师范大学附属龙园学校的建筑规划呈L形布局,一方面将同质化的教学单元分区相对集中布置,在紧凑的间距下保证良好的日照、围合出性格各异的院落,院落并非直接落地,而是置于精彩纷呈的绿坡之上,以营造花园式的校园环境和充裕的活动场所。风雨操场紧邻室外运动场布置,与学校的教学区形成明确的动静分区;行政办公楼设置在入口,便于管理分流;食堂置入用地西南角,以利于物流运输,同时此处也处于深圳的主导风向的下风味,更利于气味的扩散。 OuterStairs to Playground ?WuQingshanBased on demand, Longyuan School has a L-shaped layout inarchitecture plan. On one hand, similar teaching units areplaced relatively concentratedly, ensuring appropriatelighting condition in close distance and forming courtyardswith different style. The courtyard is not directly landed,but placed on a splendid green slope to create a garden-likecampus environment and ample activities. The indoor sportsarena is placed next to the outdoor sports field, forming aclear division of active and quiet with the school’steaching area. The administrative office building is placedat the entrance to facilitate the management of the trafficflow. Canteen is placed in the southwest corner of the siteto facilitate logistics and transportation. It is alsofollowing Shenzhen’s leading wind direction, which is easyfor the odor to spread out. 作为教学区和运动区隔断的空中社交廊,像一条“梦幻通道”贯穿校园整体空间,“金论坛”、“木舞台”、“水音室”、“火绘阁”与“土作坊”五个不同色彩的体量通过楼梯、坡道与廊道连通,同时注入平台、阶梯空间等大量多样化的交流空间,既丰富廊道的空间形态,又能降低于体育场给教学区带来的干扰。孩子们在这里漫步、玩耍、相遇、交流与讨论,使学习成为一种富有乐趣的生活方式。 As partition between teaching area and sports area, thesocial corridor runs through the whole campus space like a“Dreamy Passageway”。 Five different color mass of “GoldenForum”, “Wooden Stage”, “Water Sound Room”, “Fire PaintingPavilion” and “Earth Workshop” are connected with corridorsthrough stairs and ramps. At the same time, a lot of diversecommunication spaces such as platforms and staircase spacesare added into the corridors. This enriches the corridorsspace morphology and also reduces the interference of thestadium to the teaching area. Children stroll, play, meet,communicate and discuss here, making learning a fun way oflife. 孩子们玩耍的乐园Children’sPlayground华中师范大学附属龙园学校的主要空间布局划分为小学部教学楼、初中部教学楼、阶梯教室、廊道区、体育馆、操场、教工楼及食堂,不同的功能区通过台阶、坡道、小巷、连廊、院落相互连接,营造了一个功能互不干扰空间上又能便捷连通的互动教学空间体系。The main spatial layout of Longyuan School is divided intoprimary school teaching building, middle school teachingbuilding, lecture theater, corridor area, gymnasium, staffdormitory building and canteen. Different functional areasconnect with each other through steps, ramps, lanes,corridors and courtyards, creating an interactive teachingsystem with functional space that do not interfere with eachother but conveniently connected. 教学课室布置在较安静的内侧区域里,整体功能划分为地上部分和地景部分。地上部分为传统的常规教室,小学部和初中部分置于教学区的南侧和北侧,各自有单独的入口和人行流线,并将专业教室设置在小学组团与初中组团之间,方便不同年级学生的便捷到达,同时符合九年一贯制学校软硬件资源共享的理念。The teaching room is placed in a quiet inner area which isdivided into aboveground part and the landscape partfunctionally. The aboveground part is the conventionalclassrooms. Primary and middle schools are located on thesouth and north sides of the teaching area. They haveseparate entrances and pedestrian streamlines. Thespecialized classrooms are set between the primary schooland middle school, which is convenient for the arrival ofstudents of different grades. At the same time, it conformsto the idea of sharing hardware and software resources ofnine-year school. 地景部分则是个性化的教学空间的集合,包括音乐教室、美术教室、舞蹈教室、体操室和风雨操场等。地景设计将首层的架空院落与二层的平台紧密地联系在一起,起伏的草坡与室外平台形成丰富有趣的公共空间系统,为各种开放与探索性的学习方式提供了合适的场所,让孩子们游走在地面高低起伏的绿丘花园中,在自然中学习。The landscape part is a collection of personalized teachingspace, including music classroom, art classroom, danceclassroom, gymnastics room and indoor sports arena.Landscape design closely links the overhead courtyard on thefirst floor with the platform on the second floor. Theundulating grassland slopes and outdoor platforms form arich and interesting public space system, which provides asuitable place for various open and exploratory learningmethods, so that children can wander in the green hillgarden with undulating ground and learn in natureenvironment. 小学生更偏爱加活泼多样的空间形态,设计团队并没有使用一般意义上的儿童符号化、具象化的设计手法,而是在小学部入口的架空层通过多形态的空间布局,形成如同空间隧道般的梦幻场景,真正将建筑空间当成孩子们玩耍的乐园,激发孩子们的玩乐天性。楼道走廊大面积使用了代表着“初始”和“梦幻”的蓝色,与学校整体的黄色调搭配,显得更加亲切和富有趣味,令人安静与放松的环境氛围与孩子们的活泼跳脱形成动静的对比。Kids in primary school prefer more lively and diverse spaceforms. Instead of using traditional symbolic andconcretization design techniques for children, designers usemulti-form space layout on the overhead floor of theentrance of primary school to form space tunnels like infantasy scenes. They really treat architectural space as aplayground for children to play and stimulate children’splayfulness. The corridor uses a large area of blue whichrepresents “origin” and “fantasy”, and matches with theyellow tone of the school as a whole. It is more friendlyand interesting. The quiet and relaxing atmosphere forms adynamic contrast with the liveliness of children. 初中部的建筑形态是由两栋教学楼和多层连廊围合而成的长方体空间,建筑向外的一侧保持着学校整体的黄色呈现,面向中庭的墙面则使用简洁的白色以反射过强的太阳光,浅蓝色立柱围合成小型休闲空间和露台,多层露台、架空走廊的立体呈现连通两侧的教学楼,满足交通空间的同时放大了公共空间的尺度,也为不同年级的交流和互动创造了更多的室外活动场所。The architectural form of the middle school is a cuboid spaceenclosed by two teaching buildings and multilayer corridors.The outer side of the building maintains the overall yellowappearance of the school. The wall facing the atrium usessimple white to reflect strong sunlight. The light bluecolumns enclosing a small leisure space and terrace. Themultilayer terrace and overhead corridor connecting teachingbuildings on both sides. It not only meets space requirementfor traffic, but also enlarges the size of public space. Inaddition, it creates more outdoor places for communicationand interaction among different grades. 项目名称:华中师范大学附属龙园学校 项目地点:中国 深圳建筑面积:52439.47平方米项目周期:(建筑)2015年8月-2017年4月设计,2018年8月完工(室内)2017年3月-2017年8月设计,2018年8月完工 室内设计:H DESIGN设计团队:胡坤,张巍,覃天宋,叶苏航 建筑设计:筑博设计-联合公设设计团队:钟乔,萧稳航,李逸笙,曹泰铭,曲羽、朱焕焕,陈普、李壮威、钟晗露、陈卓 摄影师:是然建筑摄影/苏圣亮、吴清山、萧稳航Project Name: Longyuan Schoolaffiliated to Central China NormalUniversityProject Location: Shenzhen, China Construction area:52439.47㎡Project Cycle:(Architecture Design) Designed from August 2015 toApril 2017, Completed by August 2018 (InteriorDesign)Designed from March 2017 to August 2017, Completed byAugust 2018Interior Design: H DESIGN Design Team: Hu Kun, ZhangWei, Qin Tiansong, Ye Suhang Architecture Design: ZHUBODesign-AAODesign Team: Zhong Qiao, John Siu, Li Yisheng, CaoTaiming, Qu Yu, Zhu Huanhuan, Chen Pu, Li Zhuangwei,Zhong Hanlu, Chen Zhuo Photo Credit: Su Shengliang,Wu Qingshan, John Siu