Luxelakes Eco City G1 Art Expo Park China By Gvl / GVL
Luxelakes Eco City G1 Art Expo Park China By Gvl
Luxelakes Eco City G1 Art Expo Park China By Gvl / GVL

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非常感谢 怡境国际设计集团予gooood分享以下内容。更多关于:GVLon gooood.Appreciations towards GVLforproviding the following description:设计团队在原本空无一物的场地上,创造了一个带状、完整的公共空间。这个空间的出现,为人们提供了一种更为丰富的生活场景,使其成为城市与人的连接。GVL design team has created a complete landscape beltwhich provides people with a public space where theycan connect closely with the city and have morecolorful experience.▼公园概览,overview在这里,人们有了亲水、临水通行的更多选择;在这里,城市和自然融洽结合,整个场地因为人的进入和使用而焕发新的生机。The park allows people to get close to water and walkalong the lakes, while people bring vigor andvitality to the park.▼滨水步道鸟瞰,aerial view of the waterside promenade从一条路推演出一个空间A Space Originatedfrom a Path项目所在地是麓湖艺展中心与市政路、湖区交汇处的一段滨水公共绿地,是麓湖在入口区域与城市共享的一个节点。因依附于雕塑感很强的艺展中心主体建筑,因此命名为艺展公园。The park nestles in the waterfront greenbelt whereLuxelakes Art Expo Center meets the municipal roadand the lakes. It is named after the Luxelakes ArtExpo Center which features sculptural buildings.▼区位分析,location analysis原场地是从市政人行道向水边单向放坡的地形,景观空间形态单一,而作为艺展中心通往其它地块的重要步行通道,人的行走动线完全被限定在路边的人行道上,人与湖的联系在这里被大大削弱。设计团队最初只想做一条进入湖面的展示路径,以解决途经此处的人“临湖不见湖”的空间难题。分析场地现状后,设计团队重新研究该区域的交通流线,试图通过空间的革新让人们获得丰富的观景体验。最终通过地形重塑和立体交通植入,将原本单一的滨水坡地变得立体生动,让人的进入、通过、停留、聚集等行为各得其所。The original site is sloping towards the lake withonly one sidewalk leading to other spaces. At first,GVL team had just planned to create another paththat leads to the lake, which would provide morechances for people to get close towater.However, after analyzing the siteconditions, GVL team adjusted the original designand renovated the space to provide more colorfulexperience. At last, with the reshaped terrain andthe vertical transport, the originally monotonouswaterfront slope was changed into a lovely andaccessible space for passing, meeting and stay▼空间生成示意,space shaping process地形重塑Reshaping theTerrain一方面,通过优化岸线,将滨水路与驳岸融为一体,形成更富韵律感的岸线;另一方面挤压坡地,强化竖向上高差的变化,将原本平直的岸线转化为谷地、山峰等最具自然特质的地貌形态,有控制地收放观景视线,形成强烈的视觉反差。On the one hand, the design team have integrated thesidewalk with the shore to form the rhythm of thewaterfront space; on the other hand, they’vereshaped the terrain and changed the slope into“valley” and “peak”, creating strong visualcontrast.▼原本平直的岸线被转化为具有自然特质的地貌形态,the waterfront space wasreshaped into landformswithtypicalnatural characteristics在向湖面延展现状的狭窄驳岸,将现状的流线在驳岸当中进行分层,编织,强化场地的可达程度,拓展观景视角。The narrow revetment is extended towards to the lake,which makes the park more accessible and providesbroader views.▼分层、编织后的交通空间强化了场地的可达性,the multi-layered circulationhas strongly improved the accessibility of the site▼夜间视角,night view立体交通植入VerticalTransport在滨水的谷口上方植入一个向水中顶出的人行景观桥,桥体平面呈U型,中间围合出公园主广场和谷地,桥身两端连接入口广场和市政人行道,直接把人从市政道路拉至水面上方,让人可以近距离亲近和欣赏湖景,以更高的视点远眺湖光景色。景观桥作为一个人工与自然的枢纽,又将平地,山峰,谷地串联起来,形成一个完整空间。在这个空间里,将人工景观植入丰富的地形当中,塑造驳岸景观的核心。Over the waterfront valley hangs a footbridge whichis designed in U shape to enclose the main squareand the valley. The bridge connects with theentrance square at one end and the municipal road atthe other end, allowing people to get close to waterand have a great view of the beautifullake.The bridge serves as the connectionbetween human and nature, which runs through theflat ground, the peak and the valley to form anintegrated space. In this space, the artificiallandscapes are embedded in the rich terrain, formingthe focus of the revetment space.▼向水中顶出的人行景观桥,a footbridge extendsover thewaterfront▼景观桥将平地,山峰,谷地串联起来,形成一个完整空间,the bridge runs throughthe flat ground, the peak and the valley to form anintegrated space▼景观桥作为艺术雕塑,成为此处的标志性场景,designed as an art sculpture,the bridge becomes the landmark of the park▼景观桥的形体和灯光设计灵感源自红色岩石爆炸的定格,与远处的艺展中心遥相呼应The shape and lighting design of the bridge isinspired by the red lava, which dialogues with theArt Expo Center in the distance▼谷地设计的概念,来自湖面产生的水波,从湖中一层层蔓延至驳岸The concept of the valley comes from the ripples ofthe lake整个项目的设计,从一条路开始,逐渐提炼和塑造出一个完整的空间,一切既是情理之中也是意料之外。整个空间与周围的环境和谐共融,人在其中,感觉到自然、舒适,愉悦。The design starts with a path and finally creates anintegrated space, which is reasonable but alsounexpected. The park exists in perfect harmony withthe surroundings, providing people with a natural,comfortable and pleasant space.▼整个空间与周围的环境和谐共融,the park exists in perfect harmonywith the surroundings▼平面图,plan项目名称:麓湖生态城G1艺展公园,成都委托单位:成都万华新城发展股份有限公司项目类型:城市开放空间项目面积:8800㎡设计时间:2016年景观设计:GVL怡境国际设计集团摄影单位:河狸景观摄影Project:Luxelakes Eco-City G1 Art Expo Park,ChengduDeveloper: ChengduWanhua New Town Development Co.,Ltd.Category:Urban Open Space Area: 8,800㎡Yearof Design: 2016 Landscape Design:GVLPhotography:Holi LandscapephotographyMore:怡境国际设计集团。更多关于:GVLon gooood.
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Published on 2023/08/29
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