Masquespacio展示了它为巴塞罗那第一家Mango Teen商店设计的最新项目。项目始于Mango品牌提出的目标,即与其内部团队合作,为其新的Mango Teen商店开发空间标识。此前,Mango的团队已经开发了一系列弹出窗口来测试其新设计的几种元素。其中,色彩的选择被敲定为临时商店中最关键的元素之一。另一方面,在设计目标中明确指出商店需要具有高质量的体验感和互动吸引力。
Masquespacio presents the latest project it designed for the firstMango Teen store in Barcelona. The projectstarts with the aim proposed by Mango to develop the space identity for its newMango Teen shops in collaboration with its internal team. Previously, Mango’steam already had developed a series of pop-ups to test several parameters forits new design. Amongst them, the use of color was highlighted as one of themost relevant from their temporary stores. On the other side in the briefing,it was specified that the store needed to have a high experiential and interactiveattraction.
通过分析Mango Teen商店的11至13岁青少年客户,设计试图寻找他们的生活方式的联系点。安娜·埃尔南德斯(Ana Hernández):“作为一个青少年,最理想的情况就是一直生活在一个充满梦想的世界,一个充满了等待发现的世界。这是一个你开始有远大理想的年纪,并且无需考虑限制。在青少年的梦中会发生各种各样不真实,但充满奇妙的事情....”
Analyzing Mango Teen’s customers of girls and boys between 11 and 13years old, the design searched for a connection point with their lifestyle. AnaHernández: “The best thing of being a teen is that you are living the wholetime in a world full of dreams, a world full of things to be discovered. It’san age where you start to dream big, without taking in mind the limits. Abovein your dreams strange things are happening that are out of the box… thingsthat are not real.…”
因此,新的Mango Teen商店被建立为一个充满梦想的世界,具有各种视角和各色的不连贯而无厘头的元素,就像在梦中看到的世界一样。在这里,梦境通过设计元素成为现实,这些设计元素与青少年的思维相互碰撞,并邀请顾客与周围的空间互动,将元宇宙世界变为现实。
Thus, hereby the new Mango Teen store is established as a world ofdreams with its different perspectives and different incoherent elements justlike when we are dreaming. Although in this place, the dreams are made realitythrough the design elements that play with your mind and invite the user tointeract with the objects that surround them, bringing the metaverse world toreality.
在这家全新的Mango Teen商店的入口,顾客将会进入一个由光带照亮的隧道空间,引导人们前行。Ana Hernández称:“入口隧道将我们带回那个超现实的梦中,将我们带到未来,在那里,过去的传统元素被认为是新一代的未来。”
Immediately at the entrance of the first Mango Teen store we encountera backlit tunnel that dislodges the visitor. Ana Hernández: “The entrancetunnel makes us go back to that surreal dream we had, taking us to a future inwhich conventional elements from the past are being considered futuristic forthe new generations.”
A swimming pool, a hotel reception and a washing machine are othersof the incoherent elements that invite the teens to enter a universe in which anew use is given to the objects, giving them the opportunity to let theirimagination flow and use the space how they dream about it.To be highlighted also is that each part of the dream develops a specific function for the space; The swimming pool thus is used as an exhibition element, while the hotel reception will be the place to pay and pick up your shopping goods; next to it the washing machine will help you to recycle your old clothes.
Continuing with the concept to convert the conventional in somethingsurreal, 2 typologies of finishes have been used for the color application.From one side the conventional matt finish and on the other side a reflectingcolor, creating an unusual combination that connects with the futuristicdigital world with a fluor touch.
最终,试衣间融合了一个元宇宙世界,其光学效果扭曲了现实的空间,为青少年最需要的商店功能之一提供了答案,同时表明,新的Mango Teen商店旨在为他们提供难忘的购物体验,打造适应他们生活方式的体验。
Last, but not least, the fitting rooms incorporate a metaverseworld, with an optical effect that distorts reality, giving an answer to one ofthe most requested shop features by the teens and at the same time making clearthat the new Mango Teen store is designed to make them live an unforgettableshopping, full of experiences adapted to their lifestyle.
Client: MangoTeen (
Address: C/de Potosí, 2 Centro Comercial La Maquinista, Local, 08030 Barcelona
Design:Masquespacio (
Instagram: @masquespacio_chris
Photography: Luis Beltran
Surface: 120m2
Opening: June2022