Masquespacio designs Living Bakkali / Masquespacio
Through the desert-like hues, a blend of middle eastern inspired aesthetic meets spanish cuisine.
Masquespacio designs Living Bakkali / Masquespacio
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

Masquespacio在瓦伦西亚为Living Bakkali制作了其最后一个项目。Living Bakkali正如其名,是一个享受感官体验的地方,无论是口腹之欲还是视觉感官。受中东设计的启发,团队希望带顾客体验甜点最美妙的部分,将顾客与许多未知且充满神秘感的奇妙环境联系起来。

Masquespacio presents its last project in Valencia for Living Bakkali.LivingBakkali, like the restaurant's name expresses is a place to live sensorial experiencesboth for the palate as well as for the tact and the vision. Inspired by theMiddle East the design wishes to take you to the most profound part of thedessert, connecting you with a marvelous environment for many unknown and fullof mystery.

项目最初是通过不同的区域布局呈现的,这些区域对小角落进行了再创造,让顾客仿佛身处梦幻般的东方,休息室座位为不同的顾客提供放松和交流的场所,并尽情享受Living Bakkali的创意菜肴。与此同时,发现空间的角落中隐藏着的惊喜会激发顾客的好奇心,它们将通过各色阿拉伯建筑风格的镂空窗展示出来。

Thisway the project initially is presented through a layout of the different areasthat recreate small corners like if you were at the fantastic Orient with itslounge seats that invite the different diner groups to relax and connect witheach other, while they enjoy the creative dishes from Living Bakkali. At thesame time the diner will be curious to discover what the other corners of theplace hide, partially revealed through the different windows in the style ofArabic architecture.



Acentral hall that connects the entrance with the kitchen is guiding you throughthe space, discovering each of the surroundings ofthe restaurant, from the more intimate 2-person seating area and the benchesfor bigger groups till a space that is on a higher level and gives you theopportunity to have a wider view on the restaurant. While the first part of thehall makes you feel as you were walking through a street of ancient houses, thesecond part takes you through a corridor between curtains that incorporate aprivate dining room and the bathrooms from the restaurant.




如果深究Living Bakkali的形式和材料,它们无时无刻都以一种有机的形式呈现,并产生强烈的对比效果。同时在墙壁、地板和天花板上创造了一种土坯效果,整个设计使用了一种独特的材料,完全手工建造,就像过去的房屋一样。色彩上采用了较为中性,但略有对比的颜色。最后,独创的灯光效果,旨在突出神秘和美丽的东方氛围。

Talkinga little bit more in detail about the forms and materials from Living Bakkali,at every moment organic forms contrast with each other, while an adobe effectis created on walls, floors and ceilings, using 1 unique material for theentire design, executed completely by hand like for the houses from the pastthat are aimed to be represented here. Above, a more neutral, but slightlycontrasting color palette that clearly reminds us to the dessert has been applied.Last but not least, the created lighting effects, aim to highlight themysterious and beautiful Orient to be discovered.

因此,Living Bakkali的设计是对东方的未知和奇妙世界的歌颂,也是对古老的建筑形式的一种致敬。

Hereby,the design for Living Bakkali, is all a tribute to the unknown and marvelousworld to be discovered in the East, with special attention for its architecturefrom the past.

Client:Living Bakkali (

Instagram: @livingbakkali

Address: Carrer de Xile, 9, 46021 València, España

Design:Masquespacio (

Instagram: @masquespacio_ana

Photography: Sebastian Erras

Surface: 150 m2

Opening: October 2021
Suppliers &Materials:

Construction: Maq

Custom-Made Furniture & Lighting: Design Masquespacio,Local Production

Appreciations towards Masquespacio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/11/04
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