Me Apartment / Francesc Rifé Studio
Me Apartment
Me Apartment / Francesc Rifé Studio
Francesc Rifé Studio

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该项目位于巴塞罗那Horta社区的一栋老建筑内,旨在将原先用作面包房的首层空间改造为一套配备新型能源、具有全新空间布局的实用型复式公寓。项目的成功之处在于为厨房和餐厅所在的下层空间提供了新的入口。楼梯通路为住宅创造了全新的平面布局,使居住者能更好地理解与融入其中。In an old building, in the Barcelona neighborhood of Horta, afloor dedicated to the familiar bakery has become thestarting point to transform a small apartment into apractical duplex with a new energy and distribution. Part ofthe success of this project would be redesigning new accessto the lower floor, where the kitchen and dining room arehoused. A new staircase strategically projected provides nowa better understanding and distribution of the dwelling.

建筑主要分为两部分,主楼层包含起居室和卧室,而下层则是办公间、厨房及带有露台的饭厅。低层高的公寓中使用了大量的木质壁板,该壁板贯穿整个居住空间,从而形成一道与天花板直接相连的白色楣板。木质壁板以灰褐色调涂刷横跨两层空间,串联起不同的元素和门窗,以一种水平式的景观创造出统一的美感。Now divided into two main areas, the main floor contains theliving room and bedrooms, while on the lower level there isa small office, kitchen and a dining room with access to theterrace. The low height of the apartment has led to thecreation of an oversized wainscot of oak wood that runsthrough all the living spaces of the house, leaving a warmwhite lintel connected to the ceiling. This wood wainscotdyed in a taupe tone features across the two floors tocollect the different elements and doors, and thus providehorizontal balance and create a homogenous aesthetic.

走廊内设有浴室、洗衣房和一间卧室,沿墙壁的搁架用来展示主人珍贵的纪念品及家庭非洲之旅的记录。走廊通向套间,橡木更衣室与房间隔开。在低层,厨房和餐厅与露台相连,露台采用热带Ipe木材装饰,并选择了和室内相同的连续长椅设计,以便提供更多的座位。在该区域,建筑原始的梁架结构显得更加突出,在视觉上与过去关联。Throughout the corridor, where the bathrooms, laundry and oneof the rooms are located, a shelf that extends along thewall is used for displaying the owners’ souvenirs andmemories from family trips to Africa. The hallway leads tothe suite where the dressing room, also wrapped in oak, isisolated from the room. On the lower floor, the kitchen anddining room are connected to a terrace, designed in tropicalIpe wood; here, as in the interior, was chosen the design ofcontinuous benches, to allow a greater number of seatingplaces. In this area, an original beam of the building hasacquired a greater prominence with the intervention.

Appreciations towards Francesc Rifé Studio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/12/09
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