Milan Ichi Station / Masquespacio
Travel through the light
Milan Ichi Station / Masquespacio
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

Masquespacio在米兰为寿司外卖连锁店Ichi Station设计了最新的项目。

Masquespacio presents the latest project it designed in Milan for sushi take away chain Ichi Station.


此前,Ichi的创始人Yango Zhang已经为他的寿司外卖连锁店开发了一些空间,而在这个新店开业时,他想把重点放在店内用餐的体验上。之前为Ichi设计的空间标识灵感来自旅行和车站。因此,Masquespacio在此提议将这个身份演变为一个更概念化的身份,保持其本质,但远离字面和传统的旅行形式。为此,这家西班牙设计工作室提出了通过光线前往未来的旅行。

Previously Ichi’s founder Yango Zhang developed already a few spaces for his sushi take away chain, although with this new opening he wanted to give major importance to the dine-in experience. The identity previously developed for Ichi’s spaces was inspired by a travel and a station. Thus, hereby Masquespacio proposed to evolve with that identity to a more conceptual one, maintaining its essence, but getting away from literal and traditional travel representations. For this, the Spanish design studio proposed a travel to the future through light.

▽用餐区域,Dining area

Masquespacio的创意总监Ana Hernández评论道:“有了这种更具未来感的外观,我们有机会展示了由Yango与厨师Haruo Ichikawa合作研发的Ichi寿司充满了风味和色彩,在菜单上都可以体现出来。”。

“With this more futuristic look we had the opportunity to represent the innovative sushi that is showcased on Ichi’s full of flavors and colors menu, developed by Yango, in collaboration with chef Haruo Ichikawa.”, comments Masquespacio’s creative director Ana Hernández.

▽吧台区域,Bar area



To be highlight firstly is the fact that the project is located in a building from the beginning of the past century in an historical street of Milan. The previous design intervention seemed to represent arches and vaults, very adapted to the style of the time the building was constructed, although the decision was taken to break with those traditional elements, converting the space in a contemporary concept and our own capsule to travel into time.

Thus, Ichi is inspired in the 90s and represents a travel through light that transports you to know it's different and eclectic flavors, while dining in a space ship of the future.

▽降低的天花板,Lowered ceiling



As in all Masquespacio’s projects, a personal language was created to generate a personalized identity with custom-made furniture. A detail to be highlighted here are the glass tables with lighting inside that help customers to have a unique dining experience.

Concerning the material selection, the idea was to use simple and pure materials like glass and microcement to create homogeneous surfaces that remind us to the space ship that is aiming to be presented.

▽如太空飞船的用餐区,Like the dining area of the space shuttle



The most standing out element is although visible at the second part of the restaurant, where the ceiling has been lowered at the maximum possible level and where a half sphere makes you enter a tunnel to the future in which you can see a live performance of Ichi’s sushi chefs.

As last to be highlighted is the use of an indirect led lighting system with RGB colors that could transform the atmosphere depending on the time of the day.

▽卫生间入口,Toilet entrance

Client: Ichi Station (

Instagram: @ichi_station

Address: Via Solferino, 20121 Milano MI, Italy

Design: Masquespacio (

Instagram: @masquespacio_ana

Instagram: @masquespacio_chris

Photography: Luis Beltran

Surface: 80 m2

Opening: December 2022

Construction Manager: Luca Gobbo

Appreciations towards Masquespacio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/08/17
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