Microsoft Interior office design - Fluent design / Superform
A modern and engaging office design that incorporates the Microsoft Fluent Design System.
Microsoft Interior office design - Fluent design / Superform
Project Year
Site Area
929 m²
Text description provided by the architects


BIGSee Interior Design Award 2019 - winner

Microsoft company needs a functional space that will reinforce the brand and represent the company and workspace as Modern, Engaging, Thoughtful and Cool. The aim is to incorporate the identity of the company into the design concept. Space must be more than just decoration and trendy looking space. It should be a venue where it can be Bold, Provocative, Iconic and Inspiring.

All the rooms are turned towards the façade, ensuring that they are illuminated and have a panoramic view of Ljubljana. The common semi-public space is designed in the shape of a funnel. The funnel allows natural light to penetrate deep into space and that the common area is oriented towards the panoramic view.

The basis for designing Microsoft’s business premises is the Microsoft Fluent Design System. It represents the identity of the Windows and other platforms environment.
But how can we implement the Fluent Design concept in Microsoft’s premises?
The walls that limit the space extend over the boundaries of the room and thus become 2D elements of (Windows) space. There are additional two 3D elements to the common area, with one element being the reception desk and the other a kitchen.

Both 2D wall elements and 3D functional elements represent the Windows Fluent Design environment.
In this way, the Windows environment is transformed into Microsoft’s business premises.

Superform created a space that represents the identity of the Microsoft company. Thus, we have enabled the space to become Unique, Timeless, Engaging, Thoughtful, Smart and Cool.

Only the excellence of design and performance reinforce the Microsoft brand and its reputation.

Appreciations towards Superform for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/07/17
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