Mihope Tower

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感谢继景室内设计工作室予gooood分享以下内容。更多关于:JinDesignStudioon goooodAppreciation towardsJinDesignStudiofor providingthe following description:意义:不是建筑的建筑Meaning: Abuilding, yet not a building我一直都抱有幻想,如果有机会能在西北盖一栋房子挺好。虽然我从事的工作多以改造项目为主,可万一实现了呢?三年前改造了美贺酒庄之后,当我再一次来到贺兰山脚下时,依然被大自然的雄伟壮观所震撼。因为消防规范的要求需要在离酒庄建筑不远处建一栋水塔,来解决酒庄消防用水的压力问题。基于之前愉快的合作经历,业主希望委托我来设计这个听起来有点奇怪的附属建筑,对于从未接触过此类项目的我来说,或许是一次难得的机会。I’ve always been with a dream that it would be niceto build a house in the Northwest. I work mostly onconstruction renovation projects, but what if itcould be true? When I returned to the foot of HelanMountain three years after the renovation of MihopeChateau, I was still shocked by the magnificence ofnature. Due to the requirements of the fire code, awater tower to be built should be by the Chateau, tosolve its water pressure problem of extinguishingand protection. Based on the previous goodcooperation experience, the owner wanted to entrustme to design this strange-sounding annex, which maybe a distinct opportunity for me as I had never beeninvolved in such a project.▼视频,video©是然建筑摄影酒庄的建筑高度是21米。根据规范要求,水塔的高度必须要高过酒庄的建筑才能满足消防供水的需求,所以选址就尤为重要!可去到现场后无论从哪个角度看水塔的高度和体量未来都不可避免的映入眼帘。The building height of the Chateau is 21 meters.According to the code requirements, the height ofthe water tower must be higher than the Chateaubuildings to meet the water supply needs forextinguishing and protection, so the location isparticularly important. After being at the site, theheight and volume of the water tower will inevitablycome into the view from any perspective in thefuture.▼项目与环境鸟瞰,aerial view of the project and surroundingenvironment©苏圣亮“太大了,太挡了,太突兀了”心里想如果不盖这个东西最好了。但是水塔和建筑的关系是相互依存的,即酒堡建筑在水塔必须在。水塔的高度是不可回避的一个问题,所以这个看似临时的构筑物却不能当成一个临时的构筑物去思考。“It’s too big and obtrusive.” I thought it would bebetter if I didn’t cover it. But the connectionbetween the water tower and the building isinterdependent, that is, the building of the winecastle must be with the water tower. The height ofthe water tower is an unavoidable problem, so thisseemingly temporary structure cannot be consideredas a temporary building.▼项目与酒庄鸟瞰,aerial view of the project and the MihopeChateau©苏圣亮▼项目与环境夜景鸟瞰,aerial view of the project and surroundingenvironment at night©苏圣亮选址:让灌溉水池成为水塔的景观Site Selection:Make the irrigation pond a water towerlandscape“如何让水塔显得不孤立不突兀呢?”这个问题一直盘旋在我脑中,直到在回上海的飞机上看到ipad里的一张航拍照片。“How to make the water tower look not isolated andnot abrupt?” This question kept hovering in my minduntil I saw an aerial photo in my ipad on the planeback to Shanghai.▼项目与酒庄近景鸟瞰,closer aerial view of the project and theMihope Chateau©苏圣亮▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project ©苏圣亮“对啊,为什么不能让既有的灌溉水池成为水塔的景观呢?这样水塔就好像已经存在了很久一样!”这样不就可以让二者成为相互依存的关系吗,设计本来不就是普遍联系着的吗?设计的存在和形式不都在于它内部要素之间的特定联系和同周围其他事物的一定联系、相互作用和依存的结果吗?如果这样追问下去,为什么这里要建造水塔?是因为这里有酒堡建筑需要满足消防的规范;为什么酒庄的建筑要建在这里?是因为这里有葡萄园需要满足酿造需求;为什么要把葡萄树种在这里?是因为葡萄树的生长需要有充足的阳光和贺兰山挡住了风沙形成了独特的气候;为什么这里会有那么大的灌溉水池?是因为这里种植的葡萄树需要充足的水来灌溉。“Yeah, why can’t we make the established irrigationpond a view of the water tower? It would be as ifthe water tower has been there for a long time!”Wouldn’t that make the two interdependent, Isn’tdesign inherently and universally connected? Isn’tthe existence and form of design the result of aspecific connection between its internal elementsand a certain connection, interaction and dependencewith other things around it? If we go on like this,why was the water tower built here? It is becausethere is a wine castle building here that needs tomeet the fire code; why is the winery building builthere? Why are the winery buildings built here?Because there are vineyards here to meet the needsof winemaking; why are the vines planted here? Whyare the vines planted here? Because the vines needsufficient sunlight to grow and the Helan Mountainsblock the wind and sand to form a unique climate;why is there such a large irrigation pond here? Itis because the vines need sufficient water toirrigate.▼项目远景,viewing the project at distance©苏圣亮▼美贺之塔,the tower©苏圣亮从贺兰山脉到葡萄园到灌溉水池到酒庄的建筑再到水塔,由此展开相互关联缺一不可。于是我找到了答案——让水塔参与整个生态体系,让灌溉水池和水塔互为景观。From the Helan Mountains to the vineyards to theirrigation ponds to the architecture of the wineryand then to the water tower. The process unfoldsfrom this interconnectedness. Thus, I found theanswer – let the water tower participate in thewhole ecosystem, and make the irrigation pond andthe water tower become each other’s landscape.▼由葡萄园看美贺之塔,viewing the tower from thevineyard©苏圣亮观景:不是观景平台的观景平台Viewing: A viewingplatform, yet not a viewingplatform当我们对建筑形态陷入一种固定思维后,水塔的传统印象或许是四根柱子撑起了一个水箱。我们能不能跳脱固有的思维,为水塔赋予新的意义呢?When we fall into a fixed thinking aboutarchitectural forms, the traditional impression of awater tower might be four pillars holding up a watertank. Can we think outside the inherent thinking andgive a new meaning to the water tower?▼项目外观概览,overall of the project©苏圣亮▼楼梯悬挑出4米如丝带飘在空中,the staircase overhangs 4 meters like a ribbon inthe air©苏圣亮酿造红酒本身就是一个复杂的过程,需要种植、采收、压榨、发酵、橡木桶培养、装瓶等,相互关联缺一不可。人不也是这样吗?需要成长、学习、实践、试错、感悟、收获成果来体验更丰富的人生。Brewing wine is a complex process, requiringplanting, harvesting, pressing, fermentation, barrelculture, bottling, etc. They are interrelated andcannot be separated. Is it not the same with people?Need to grow, learn, practice, trial and error,perception, harvest results to experience a richerlife.▼12米高如山涧夹缝般的入口,the entrance is 12 meters high and crevices like amountain stream©苏圣亮▼夹缝般的入口,the entrance©苏圣亮▼由树林看入口,viewing the entrance from thewoods©苏圣亮如果把人生的体验浓缩在这个小小的壳内,建立一个和贺兰山对话的窗口会怎样呢?那么这条体验路径应该怎么设置呢?就像爬山一样,我们费劲艰险,翻越高山、峭壁,不断地去挑战自我,人和自然的关系或许就是这么微妙吧!What if the experience of life is condensed in thissmall shell and a window of dialogue with HelanMounts are established? And how should this path ofexperience be set up? Like climbing a mountain, westruggle to climb over high mountains and crags,constantly challenging ourselves. Perhaps therelationship between man and nature is so delicate!▼仰视建筑,looking up to the tower©苏圣亮▼内部楼梯在幽暗的空间螺旋上升,the internal staircase spirals up in the darkspace©苏圣亮▼螺旋楼梯从室内穿过直径6米的圆孔,the spiral staircase leads fromthe interiorthrough a circular hole©苏圣亮▼楼梯室外部分,exterior part of the staircase©苏圣亮▼室外楼梯平台,exterior steps©苏圣亮▼外观细部,details of exterior©苏圣亮概念:Concept一条100米长葡萄园间的小路,穿过格桑花丛把我们带到12米高如山涧夹缝般的入口。入口隐约有光,初极狭,仅一人可通过。小路穿过建筑入口在幽暗的空间螺旋上升。夕阳穿过西边墙上的开孔洒进室内,透出丝丝风声。拾级而上,15米高的螺旋楼梯不设缓冲平台,我希望人们能感知到身体发生的变化。复行数步,豁然开朗。一大片光直面而来,螺旋楼梯从室内穿过直径6米的圆孔把我们带到了室外空中。A 100-meter-long path between vineyards leads usthrough the gerberas to a 12-meter-high entrancelike a mountain stream crevice. The entrance isfaintly lighted and at first extremely narrow, onlyone person can pass through. The path spirals upthrough the building’s entrance in a dark space. Thesun sets through the openings in the western walland spills into the interior, revealing theslightest sound of wind.There is no cushionedplatform in the 15-meter-high spiral staircase, so Ihope people can sense the physical changes that aretaking place. After a few more steps, the room opensup. A large area of light came straight ahead, andthe spiral staircase took us from the interiorthrough a 6-meter diameter circular hole into theair outside.▼建筑内部概览,overall of interior©苏圣亮▼旋转楼梯,the spiral staircase©苏圣亮▼直径6米的圆孔,the round hole with diameter of 6meters©苏圣亮▼楼梯与开口细部,details of the staircase and theopening©苏圣亮楼梯悬挑出4米如丝带飘在空中,底部无任何结构支撑。我们悬浮在半空中缓步前行,眺望远山和一望无际的葡萄园,酒堡的全貌完整地在我们面前呈现,原来酒堡在贺兰山面前是那么孤独而又渺小,一如人类在大自然面前,充满着仰望和感叹。我们仿佛追寻着某种信念,继续攀登。螺旋的钢制楼梯缠绕着方形混凝土墙壁跟随着路径转弯,前一刻我们还在风中鹤立,后一秒停在25米的高空中。转身穿过一个1米宽的入口进入了空气也仿佛静止的幽闭空间。The staircase cantilevered out 4 meters like a ribbonfloating in the air, without any structural supportat the bottom. We were suspended in mid-air andwalked slowly, looking at the distant mountains andendless vineyards, the full view of the wine castlewas presented in front of us, and it turned out thatthe wine castle was so lonely and small in front ofHelan Mountain, just like human beings in front ofnature, full of admiration and sighing.It wasas if we were pursuing some kind of faith andcontinued to climb. A spiral steel staircase wrappedaround a square concrete wall followed the path asit turned, and one moment we were standing in thewind as cranes, the next we stopped 25 meters up inthe air. Turning through a 1-meter-wide entranceinto a claustrophobic space where the air seems tostand still.▼观景平台,viewing platform©苏圣亮▼圆窗,round window©苏圣亮喇叭口状的混凝土空间,空无一物。视线被拉到这个空间里唯一的大开口,远处的贺兰山如策马奔腾,明亮、刺眼、连绵不断。The flared concrete space was empty. The view wasdrawn to the only large opening in this space, andthe Helan Mountains in the distance were as bright,blinding and continuous as a galloping horse.▼喇叭口状的混凝土空间,the flared concrete space was empty ©苏圣亮▼空间里唯一的大开口,the only large opening in theproject©苏圣亮回想从进入到登顶的过程,猎奇、探索、惊喜、胆战、畅怀,短短的过程中充满了趣味。犹如人生,兜兜转转、起起落落,到处是未知。我们靠近栏杆,倾听大自然的声音。山、光、风、土地、葡萄园在这里相互交织。Looking back on the process from entry to the top,the hunt, the exploration, the surprise, theboldness, the open arms, the short process is fullof fun. It was like life, going round and round, upsand downs, everywhere is unknown. We move closer tothe railing and listen to the sounds of nature.Mountains, light, wind, land and vineyards areintertwined here.▼夜景,night views©苏圣亮▼手绘分析图,sketches©继景室内设计(上海)有限公司▼平面图,plan©继景室内设计(上海)有限公司项目名称:贺兰山下美贺之塔项目地点:中国银川项目业主:美贺庄园项目协调:李冬林建筑设计:继景室内设计(上海)有限公司参与人员:范继景、严彬、贺媛、林利达建筑深化设计:广东天元建筑设计院结构设计:和作结构设计研究所施工团队:宁夏中海东昇工程有限公司摄影师:苏圣亮视频剪辑:是然建筑摄影Project Name: Underthe Helan Mountains, The Tower ofMihopeProject Location:Yinchuan, ChinaProject Owner: MihopeChateauProject Coordinator: LiDonglinArchitectural Design:Jin Design Studio.Participants: JijingFan, Bin Yan, Yuan He, Lida LinArchitectural design:Guangdong Tianyuan Architectural DesignInstituteStructural Design:About Institute of StructuralDesignConstruction Team:Ningxia Zhonghai Dongsheng EngineeringCo.Photographer:Shengliang SuVideo editing:SchranimageMore:继景室内设计工作室/JinDesignStudio,更多关于:JinDesignStudioon gooood
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Published on 2023/11/14
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