Mima Light By Mima Architects / Jose Campos
Mima Light By Mima Architects
Mima Light By Mima Architects / Jose Campos
Jose Campos

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非常感谢摄影师JoseCampos予gooood分享以下内容。更多请至:JoseCamposon gooood,MimaArchitects ongoooodAppreciation towards JoseCampos for providing thefollowing description:MIMALight是一款工厂生产,现场快速安装的模块化建筑产品,能满足旅游用房,临时住宅以及度假屋的需求。共两种尺寸选择:9米长与12米长的。MIMALight简单,实用,充满极简主义雕塑的美感。建筑底部采用反射底座,深色的上半部分主体就仿佛漂浮在场地中。内部同样优雅舒适,唤起人对家的向往。MIMA Light is the ultimate achievement in modularconstruction, combining an outstanding lightnesswith an iconic and minimal image. This home seems tolevitate above the ground due to the lining of thebase with mirrors.Inspired by the minimalist sculpture of artists suchas Donald Judd, John McCracken and Robert Morris,the new MIMA Light aims to be epitome ofsophistication, synthesizing a surprisingcombination of sculptural depuration and interiorcomfort.Outside, a sober and sharp object can be appreciatedfrom any angle – so light that it seems to levitate.Inside, the comfort of a uniform coating in pine –combined with the elegance and minimalism of thedetails, the chromatic choice and the quality ofcomponents and materials – results on a veryseducing home.MIMA Light is simple to produce and more practical toachieve than any other Mima product. This module iscompletely produced and assembled in factory andthen transported to the local site, ready to beimplemented. It is perfect for a market sector thatcovers tourism, temporary homes and vacation homes.This house is available in two sizes: MIMA Light andMIMA Light Plus, with 9m and 12m length,respectively, and it is currently distributed to allcountries in the European Union.MORE:JoseCampos,更多请至:JoseCamposon gooood,MimaArchitects on gooood
Appreciations towards Jose Campos for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/06/14
Editor:Lucas Lee
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