MO in Al Khobar / Masquespacio
A concept based on water
MO in Al Khobar / Masquespacio
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects


Masquespacio presents the first project it designed for MO, abakehouse / espresso bar Khobar, Saudi Arabia. The firstpoint to be highlighted during the initial conversations was that the mainattraction from MO would be the baked goods, presented in the space as jewelswith authentic and renewable flavors. For this reason,Masquespacio started todevelop a concept based on water which creates magic and life, but it is alsothe base of any bakery. At the same time water is an element that can distort realityand change our point of views, which is the perfect matching point with MO’sphilosophy to do things different.


The space hereby was divided in 3 different parts that each presenta phase in the process of making baked goods and coffee with water as the mainingredient. We first have the “liquid state”,where the dough is mixed withwater and which makes the connection point of all the different areas of MO’sinterior.

In the bar zone a huge waterfall isrecreated that makes clear that the central point of the space is the bar withits delicious products for sale. The waterfall was created by sandblasting eachtube to create the illusion shape of water and frosting feeling of what isbeyond.


In front of the bar, we can find the “solid state” or “ice” areawhere a huge series of lamps that represent ice are the main attraction point,while next to it we can see some gigantic bulbs showcasing the “gaseous state”as a series of fire bulbs to represent the moment when the pastry is baked inthe oven.


Concerning the furniture, every item has been customized anddesigned for the project, offering different seating options to createdifferent experiences for the visitors from low lounge seating and sharedtables to high stools and semi-private couple seating. A grey and white colorpalette has been chosen with metallic finishes for the tables and fabrics togenerate reflections that create the distortion that could be made by water.


On the other hand, the lighting incorporates fully controllableRGB-lighting to set the moods that could convert the space in a differentstatus, being able to represent the overall “different space’ within a space,in campaigns, engagements or talks, which is also extended by the reflectionsof the space in chrome fabrics, tables and spheres creating another level ofoptical fusion.



This space is not solid. It is interchangeable and dynamic followingwhat the brand has to say. Welcome to the new mood branding.


Brand: Mo


Client: Rightgrain(

Address: PrinceTurkey Street, Alkurnaish, Al Khobar 34424, Saudi Arabia

Design:Masquespacio (

Instagram: @masquespacio_chris

Surface: 400m2

Opening: May 2022

Appreciations towards Masquespacio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/08/01
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