Central Park in Istra / Basis architectural bureau
An Ecological Approach to Modern Park Design
Central Park in Istra / Basis architectural bureau
Project Year
Site Area
40000 m²
Text description provided by the architects


Despite its small size, Istra-town has the potential to develop tourism, residential and transport infrastructure. Its historical and cultural heritage was formed due to the New Jerusalem Monastery. The heart of the complex is the Resurrection Cathedral of the late 17th century.

伊斯特拉中央公园由Basis architectural bureau事务所翻修,落成后成为了城市居民最喜欢的休闲场所,当地公众在翻修前提出了保留现有公园功能,更新过时的铺路、照明和游乐场的设计需求。

The Central Park, which was renovated by Basis architectural bureau, has always been a favorite place of leisure for the city residents. Local public has formed a request to preserve the existing park functions, update outdated paving, lighting and playgrounds.


建筑师的目标是创建一个现代化的生态公园,供不同年龄段的游客游玩交流。 新规划的步行路线沿河铺设,连接伊斯特拉火车站和新耶路撒冷修道院,途经公园风景如画的景点,同时新路径应取代现有路径,并将行人流引导到休闲区。

The architects aimed to create a modern eco-park for communication between visitors of different ages. The new pedestrian route lays along the river, connecting the Istra railway station with the New Jerusalem Monastery and passing through the picturesque points of the park. The new path should replace the existing one and move pedestrian flows to the recreational area.


The park is equipped with attention to the ecology of the place and strict regulations regarding protected natural areas. The natural relief of the park with pronounced elevation changes, slopes, ravines and plains, strengthened with the help of viewpoint balconies; cleared floodplain meadow was successfully preserved. The natural reservoir Lake Podkova - the oxbow lake of the Istra River — will be restored in the future.



The visual dominant of the territory is the ensemble of the New Jerusalem Monastery, located 1.5 kilometers away. A view of the white-stone monastery in the distance opens from the pedestrian bridge “floating” over the ravine. The selected materials - natural stone, wood — is a semantic reference to the historical ensemble.


The white-painted art objects, benches and pergolas harmonize in the panorama with the silhouette of the monastery, while remaining minimalist in a modern way. As a result of the transformation, the residents of the town received a modern park with a new entrance group, swings, a tactile garden, viewing platforms, an updated road and path network, lighting and playgrounds.



In the future, it is planned to place Quiet recreation areas, approaches to the water, observation platforms from viewpoints, walking routes on the territory; organize infrastructure for outdoor activities - ring cycle routes, in winter - ski slopes.



项目团队:Ivan Okhapkin、Konstantin Pastukhov、Polina Pavlova、Shevtsova Valeria、

Palchikov Dmitry、Garnenko Alexandra、Anna Anisimova、Andrey Kverkveladze、

Sergey Kozlov




Appreciations towards Basis architectural bureau for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/05/25
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