Millet · Moganshan Resort Hotel / GTD
Back in the mountains, light and simple as millet
Millet · Moganshan Resort Hotel / GTD

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2500 m²
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Moganshan ranked 18th on the “New York Times” list of the 45 best places to visit in the world. CNN called it "one of the 15 places with Chinese characteristics you must visit besides the Great Wall". Moganshan, in ancient time there was a myth about "Ganjiang Moye casting sword", in recent histroy many missionaries from European, the US, Russia, Japan and many chaebol of the Republic of China came up the hill to build villas, now still retained more than 250 buildings, such as The Queen’s Hotel where Chairman MAO Zedong stayed, Songyue Lu where Presicent Chiang kai-shek stayed, Linhai Villa of Mr. Du Yuesheng, Jingjiang Villa of Mr. Zhang Jingjiang and so on. All these make Moganshan enjoys the laudatory title of "the world architecture museum".


Most of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces are flat land. Moganshan is almost the highest place in the vicinity. Bamboo forests form a sea, fresh air and unique scenery make it one of the four summer resorts in China, along with Lushan, Beidaihe and Jigong Mountain.


Millet Resort, located in the core scenic spot of Moganshan, the original address was No. 328 Moganshan.

▲春夏秋冬,雨雾阴晴,莫干山上都有不同的风景 Spring, summer, autumn and winter, rain and fog, Moganshan all has different scenery.


Millet Resort is located in very top of Moganshan, it is built according to the mountain. The resort is formed by a modern building and a national cultural protection of an old villa fusion. The one currently open is the first phase of the hotel -- the modern building. Each room has bright, clean windows facing the sun, with views of Moganshan's century-old buildings dotted among the towering forests. The clear, blue infinity pool against the backdrop of the blue sky, add leisure and holiday atmosphere everywhere.

▲阳光下的一粟 The Millet in the sun

▲ 酒店的清晨Morning of the Hotel

▲ 酒店的傍Evening at the Hotel

酒店名为“一粟”,取苏轼《赤壁赋》“沧海一粟”之低调形意,亦是其所传递的一种人生主张 -- 历经浮世喧嚣,归来山间,轻简如一粟,万物依旧。

The hotel named as "Millet", take from the poet Su Shi’s <Red Cliff fu> -- "a millet in the sea", to transmit a kind of life proposition -- after experienced through the floating world, return to the mountains, light and simple as a millet, all things are still.

▲ 俯瞰酒店一期 Overlooking the first phase of the hotel

▲ 酒店入口 Hotel Entrance

▲ 一粟logo LOGO of Millet

▲ 几何曲折的楼梯 up and downs of the staircase


Hotel is a kind of the mountain construction, the reception area is located in the highest level according to the mountain trend. Upon arrival, guests will first enter the reception area on the top floor. The homemade copper pipes are arranged in a diamond shape, and the retro light bulbs are suspended from the top matrix, matching the geometry of the building's sloping top. The Millet logo is displayed on the reception wall, the space is clean and neat. In front of the reception desk is a sunken rest area with floor-to-ceiling glass that brings into view the wonderful view of the forest oxygen bar. Guests can walk through the rest area to the terrace and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Moganshan at the first moment of arrival.


The first phase of the hotel has 4 floors, which are divided into a main building and an auxiliary building. The two buildings are connected by a spiral staircase. The rooms are divided into wood color, black color, cement color etc., all use legal and official furniture and sofa. According to the different landscape and room type, it is divided into panoramic terrace suite, starry loft bed room, viewing bathtub terrace suite, etc. Guests can choose the room type according to their mood and preferences.

▲ 木色系的标间 Twin room with wood color

▲ 景观大床间,有黑色系,也有木色系 double room with view, has both black or wood color.

▲ 水泥色系的loft房型,屋顶透明玻璃窗,雨夜听雨,晴夜赏星,更有清晨阳光洒满一床的温暖气息,是浪漫情侣们的不二选择。The loft in cement color, transparent glass windows on the roof, listening to the rain at night, sunny night to enjoy the stars, even more, the warm sunshine in the morning sprinkles all over the bed, is the best choice for romantic couples.


The design of the room takes into full consideration of the common travel among families and friends, and sets up a unique three-room group and a double group in the auxiliary building. Each floor contains 2-3 different room types, and the guests can reserved the whole floor. In addition to rooms, each floor is equipped with a private living room with a buffet bar, refrigerator, fireplace and even a dry washing machine. Children play in the public area, adults languidly lying on the sofa to chat in a daze, enjoy the beauty of the big family.

▲ 一楼公区 Public living Room on the first floor

▲ 二楼公区 Public living Room on the second floor

▲ 三楼公区Public living Room on the third floor

▲ 四楼公区 Public living Room on the fourth floor


The group has three rooms and two rooms. According to the landscape and room type, it can be divided into three rooms of wild luxury villa, three rooms of quiet and elegant villa, three rooms of starry sky villa, three rooms of forest villa and double luxury terrace group. Different travel needs can be met here.

▲ 森林墅组团,三面落地玻璃,原始森林将房间环绕。Forest villa group, floor glass on three sides, the forest will be surrounded by the room.

▲ 静逸墅组团Quiet villa group

▲ 观景浴缸露台大套 Viewing bathtub terrace suite


The hotel has a restaurant named "Barn", which can provide Moganshan's unique mountain delicacies, and two VIP rooms, which can hold private banquets or parties according to demand. No matter dining public area or room, all guest will have a good view of landscape, you can not only enjoy the feast of taste food, but also bring the beauty to the vision.


Designer also combines the Hotel with Moganshan's long history and culture. They select modern materials and techniques to reflect the customs of the Republic of China. For example, the leather bed is riveted and tied with the leather buckle, hanging on the copper rod, the copper reading lamp is placed beside the bed, and also brass faucets, wood retro vanity mirror etc, as if a scene of movie "In the Mood for Love" presented infront.


The hotel is decorated with a few rich and jumping colors in details, such as the dark green square brick in the toilet, the indigo sofa with high saturation, the warm and solid leather leisure chair, makes you feel relaxed.




It's time to go to Moganshan, to the Millet Hotel,

Enjoy the beautiful scenery of the forest, visit the historical architecture, taste the delicious food in the mountain.

When the sun shines on the bed, everything is restarted and full of life.

项目名称:一粟· 莫干山度假酒店

Project Name: Millet · Moganshan Resort Hotel


Interior design: Hangzhou Guantang Interior Design Co., LTD


Project location: Moganshan Scenic Spot

项目面积:酒店一期 2500平米

Project Area: 2500 sqm of Phase I of the hotel

客房数量:酒店一期 24间;

Number of Rooms: 24 in phase I;

酒店二期 6间(建设中)

6 rooms in Phase II (under construction)


Completion Date: October 2021


Project construction: Hangzhou Jiangxing Construction Co.,Ltd.


Landscape design: Zhou Lejie


Logo production: JUMPTIME, Ningbo


Furniture supply: Enjoyspace


Plant Layout: Quye·Erdan Plant Workshop


Main materials: marble, wood floor, texture coating, copper, weathered wood, antique brick, old SLATE

空间摄影:Wen Studio\ 一粟酒店 \ 汤汤

Space photo by: Wen Studio \ Millet Hotel \ Tang Tang

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Published on 2023/05/21
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