Nantou Twin Shop-Houses / 11architecture
Decoration Constructed
Nantou Twin Shop-Houses / 11architecture
Project Year
Site Area
466 m²
Text description provided by the architects

▲沿街立面夜景View of the front elevation

中山南街夜景View from Zhongshan South Street

沿街立面夜景View from the opposite building

沿街立面夜景Facade along the street

项目背景Project Background


The old town of Nantou has undergone a large-scale renewal. There is a vision to restore historical buildings and renew Zhongshan South Street as a thematic commercial street with the historical style. Knowing the fact that there are not many historical buildings along the street, there is limitation of creating a scenic unity, and it might end up with many decorative imitations of imaginative past. We are given two shop-houses from the 1980s for renovation, standing next to each other, not far from the symbolic South Gate. Our challenge is to present an authentic local identity using a set of contemporary design techniques, and create a harmonious relationship with surrounding streetscape.

改造后中山南街航拍Aerial photography of Zhongshan South Street after transformation

轴测图Nantou Twin Shop-Houses


沿街立面Facade along the street

双子楼街景View from the street

一个共享的空间A Shared Space


Zhongshan South Street is a commercial street, and about 50 buildings stand adjoiningly on the both sides. Considering the site condition, it is natural to have design input focused on the building façade facing the street. With this limitation it is challenging to come up with a good design expression between commercialism and local identity.Our two shop-houses have a unique site condition because the left building has a small front yard while all others are attached to the street closely. We think this space has a potential to express a local identity as it is a historical mark at the street. Instead of privatizing the space, we designed a small “shared space” between two buildings and opened it to the surrounding community.


It is designed as a platform paved with pieces of black granite stone. The same stones formed steps to deal with the sloped topography, a tree planter in the middle of the space, and some benches for people to rest. Low walls were designed on both sides of the platform, defining the territorial edges and connecting the ground landscape and the two buildings.

首层共享空间轴测图Shared space on the ground floor

首层共享空间Shared space on the ground floor

首层共享空间Shared space on the ground floor

首层入口与巷道A narrow lane between two blocks

中山南街夜景Zhongshan South Street

立面设计Façade Design


In terms of façade design, our challenge is to avoid superficial treatment but create authentic strength that brings out stable local identity. In fact, our two buildings have cantilevered balconies which are the strong move that draws people’s attention. Having these balconies as bases, we designed two kinds of independent sculptures and decorated the edge of balconies, replacing the safety railings with functional look. The decorative balconies reminds people of the vernacular shop-house in southern China. People pay attentions to the uniqueness brought by the sculptures with humorous form, their material and color, and their tectonic expressions. They are made of metal, fixed to the low walls at their foot, bended in curve, painted in blue-green. The out come is strong and fresh, and creating a new local identity in this place together with the shared community space at the ground floor.

阳台空间Balcony space

街道仰视View looking up

右栋栏杆The design of railing for the right block

左栋栏杆The design of railing for the left block

栏杆建造过程Construction process of the railings

露台空间轴测图The balcony at the top floor of the left block

平面图Plan drawing

剖面图Section drawing


项目名称: 南头古城双子楼改造

建筑事务所/公司/机构/单位: 一十一建筑



公司所在地: 深圳南山区南山大道2002号光彩新天地

项目完成年份: 2020年

建筑面积: 466.75㎡

项目地址: 深圳市南山区南头古城中山南街

主创建筑师: 谢菁、FUJIMORI Ryo



摄影师: 张超




设计团队: 罗明钢(项目建筑师)、周子豪、许森茂








General Information

Project Name: Nantou Twin Shop-Houses

Architecture Firm: 11ARCHITECTURE


Contact e-mail:

Firm Location: Guangcai Xintiandi, 2002 Nanshan Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Completion Year: 2020

Gross Built Area: 466.75㎡

Project location: Zhongshan South Street, Nantou ancient city, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, P.R.China

Lead Architects: XIE Jing, FUJIMORI Ryo

Lead Architects e-mail:

Media Provider

Photo credits: Zhang Chao

Photographer’s website:

Photographer’s e-mail:

Additional Credits

Design Team: LUO Minggang(Project Architect), ZHOU Zihao , XU Senmao

Clients: Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality Nanshan District

Contractor: Shenzhen Vanke Development Ltd.

Project planning and design management: Urban Research Institute of China Vanke; vaLue Design

Landscape Design: 11ARCHITECTURE

Electromechanical and structural design: Bowan Architecture

Lighting consultant: GD-Lighting Design

Construction team: Hunan Construction Engineering Group Co. Ltd

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Published on 2023/08/22
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