oPTIK ,a New InteractiveSound and Light Installation / The Urban Conga
PTIK is a public interactive installation that uses light, sound and motion.
oPTIK ,a New InteractiveSound and Light Installation / The Urban Conga
Project Year
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unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

该设计是基于一种参与式方法,建筑师和美国纽约的客户参与其中,在2023年-05-18。The Urban Conga自豪地推出了oPTIK,这是一种互动装置,为用户提供了以各种方式操纵装置、空间和周围环境的机会。该装置通过创造共享的游戏体验用来来唤起公共联系,通过为用户提供一个开放的平台来参与光、声音和运动,在空间内激发不断变化的游戏氛围。这项工作将由纽约市中心联盟在Cortlandt Way的Three World Trade展出,直到6月21日。

The design is based on a participatory method that involved architects and clients with the New York, United States, 2023-05-18 -The Urban Conga proudly introduces oPTIK, an interactive installation that provides an opportunity for users to manipulate the work, the space, and the surrounding context in various ways. The installation evokes communal connection by creating shared play experiences, sparking an ever-changing playful atmosphere within a space by providing an open-ended platform for users to engage with light, sound, and movement. The work will be presented by the NYC Downtown Alliance at Three World Trade on Cortlandt Way until June 21st.


The idea for oPTIK came from the understanding that if people can begin to even slightly manipulate the space they occupy, they will start to feel a greater sense of ownership of the place. The interactive installation serves as a way to look at how temporary public activations can begin to impact our built environment in a positive way. It becomes a tool for evoking community interaction and social activity through its open-ended play design. The work was created as an alternative lens that transports people away from their daily routine and into a state of play, allowing them to engage with the work, the surrounding space, and others in new ways

Urban Conga与Serge Maeheu和INIT合作,将oPTIK开发成一种旅游空间激活,将在全球范围内激发独特、有趣的体验。受陀螺仪的形式和可玩性的启发,oPTIK被创建为一系列可以在多个轴上旋转的环,从而获得无尽的游戏体验。oPTIK被开发为两套十个单元,可以放置在不同的方向,使它们能够适应世界各地的不同地点。这种6英尺长的类似陀螺仪的形式在中心包含一层二向色膜,使用户能够旋转片段,以创造新的、不断变化的机会,在白天反射太阳和周围环境,同时在晚上折射内部背光,从而获得周围环境的过滤视图。当观众旋转每个单元时,他们创造了自己无尽的色彩级联。随着音符开始以每十五度的旋转速度演奏,这种体验得到了进一步提升。

The Urban Conga collaborated with Serge Maeheu and INIT to develop oPTIK into a touring spatial activation that would spark unique, playful experiences around the globe. Inspired by the gyroscope’s form and playability, oPTIK was created as a series of rings that can be rotated on multiple axis, allowing for an endless play experience. oPTIK was developed as two sets of ten units that can be placed in various orientations, allowing them to adapt to different sites around the world. The 6-foot gyroscope-like forms contain a dichroic film at the center that enables the user to rotate the segments to create new, ever-changing opportunities that reflect the sun and surrounding context during the day, while refracting the internal uplighting at night, resulting in a filtered view of the surrounding context. As the audience rotates each unit, they create their own endless cascades of colors. The experience is elevated further as musical notes begin to play at every fifteen degrees of rotation. Each unit becomes its own unique instrument, from pianos to drums. Through movement and reflection of light, each of these colorful units encourages the public to engage with another unit and other people within the space, sparking spontaneous conversations, dance parties, jam sessions, light shows, and more. More than just a photogenic monument within a space, the work is designed to become a communal hub for social connection. Optik showcases the value of play within our everyday spaces and how it can be utilized to create more inclusive, social, and equitable spaces and places.


oPTIK is a series of ten illuminated interactive gyroscopes broken into two sets of ten. Each unit is 1.5 meters wide x 1.5 meters long x 2 meters high and contains three rings. The outer ring is fixed and equipped with 20 lights, while the two inner rings pivot on two separate axes. The central ring is equipped with a disc adhered with a dichroic film, reflecting a spectrum of colors during its day and evening interactions. Each component contains a sensor at the main pivot point that is connected to a small micro-computer inside, which triggers the musical notes and lights as the work is rotated. Each unit can play up to one thousand notes from its internal speakers.

Technical sheet

Project Title: oPTIK

Client: NYC Downtown Alliance

Designer / Creator: The Urban Conga

Collaborator: Serge Maheu

Produced by: INIT

Toured by: CREOS


Social: @theurbanconga

Year Installed: 2023

Location: Cortlandt Way New York, NY 10007

Project Size: 10 units at 5’W x 5’L x 5’H

Appreciations towards The Urban Conga for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/05/17
Editor:Lucas Lee
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