Oui By Ronan Erwan Bouroullec / Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec
Oui By Ronan Erwan Bouroullec
Oui By Ronan Erwan Bouroullec / Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec
Project Year
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unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

Erwan Bouroullec 设计了 Oui,是在 KunsthalAarhus 公园中的一系列户外座椅,座椅由四个不同而互补装置组成。 Oui的设计从城市中生长出来,反映出了城市不同的构成方式和城市环境。展览。由于奥尔胡斯现代艺术博物馆希望与建筑师 Kristine Jensen一起重新改造他们的公园,并营造一个吸引市民和社区的空间,Ronan & ErwanBouroullec 兄弟被邀请一同参与完善这个概念,给城市空间带来更多活力和愉悦感。Ronan and ErwanBouroullec designed Oui, a series of fourdifferent and complementary outdoor sittinginstallations in the park of Kunsthal Aarhus.Oui derives from Urban Rveries, exhibition whichpresented in Rennes a repertoire or a intenseresearch of new forms imaginable in verydifferent urban situations. As Kunsthal Aarhuswished to redevelop with the architect KristineJensen its park and create an aperture outward,Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec were asked to proposeadapting this concept. This wish comes from thewill to give more life and conviviality to thespace in the city.

该安装采用适合坐着或倾斜的大型盘形。每个安装是由镀锌钢制成的圆形平台。他们似乎漂浮在地面上,周围树上。作为一座灯塔,他们可以帮助引导人们进入城市温暖和色彩鲜艳的地方。两部作品都将自然与人之间的对话或关系结合起来,被邀请休息和欣赏通过树荫的季节。The installation takesthe shape of large discs suited for sitting orreclining. Each installation is a circleplatform made of galvanized steel. They appearto float above the ground, surrounding a tree.As a lighthouse they help to guide people into awarm and colored luminous place in the city.Both pieces concretize the dialogue orrelationship between nature and people who areinvited to rest and appreciate the seasons whichpass in the shade of the trees.

其中一个是个大圆环,在其中心有一个壁炉。它可以将人们聚集在温暖余烬的周围。在城市中心享受篝火的想法为设计师提供了设计灵感,这是一个让人们集体互动和做白日梦的空间。One of platform is alarge ring with a fireplace in its center. Itbecomes a place where people can gather togetheraround the warm embers. The idea of taking fireto the heart of the city reminds us of gatheringaround bonfires. Contemplating the flames givesrise to moments of collective interaction anddaydreaming.

每个座做一装置都有自己的用途,白天到晚上的每一个十分都能被中分利用。它可以用作一个基础的装置与其他空间设施相结合,或作为一个大的集体长凳,提供休憩、会议和与他人交谈的空间。Each sittinginstallation has its own use for every moment ofthe day or the evening. It can be used as apedestal or a large collective bench and providea welcoming place for relaxing, meeting andhaving conversation with the others.

Appreciations towards Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/02/13
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