Redefine Chongqing / Geemo Design
Redefine Chongqing
Redefine Chongqing / Geemo Design
Geemo Design

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非常感谢GeemoDesign(联系方式予gooood分享以下内容。更多请至:GeemoDesign ongooood。AppreciationstowardsGeemoDesign( the following description:探寻西服定制品牌“REDEFINE”所表达的界定含义,我们想到以优质面料的朴实自然来界定空间。朴实的事物往往隐含深意,那这样的空间能够带给我们什么,那就是人与人之间的关系,空间中存在能够记录这种空间的元素:墙壁、台阶和楼梯,他们先将空间进行功能分割,然后再选择性的组合在一起,形成新的关系。Exploring the human connotations of the custom-madebrand ” REDEFINE ” as the soft nature ofhigh-quality fabrics, we want to define space withsimple things.Simple things often imply deepmeaning, and what such a space can bring us is therelationship between people. There are elements inthe space that can record this kind of space: walls,steps and stairs, which divide the space intofunctional parts first, and then selectively combinethem together to form new relationships.▼空间一览,overall view of the space项目选址位于保利中心,属于写字楼办公区域。因写字楼本身的固有的框架限制,设计团队利用空间高度,从结构上对空间进行纵向延展,抬升的地面规划出不同功能空间。矩阵布局的辅助照明光源与空间的块面形成呼应。The site of the project is located in the center ofPoly, which is an office space. Due to the inherentframework limitations of the office building itself,the design team uses the space height to extend thespace vertically from the structure, and theelevated ground plans out different functionalspaces. The auxiliary lighting source of the matrixlayout corresponds to the block surface of thespace.▼分解轴测图,explodedaxonometric空间平面中各种元素通过布置,在与使用者互动的同时又界定了空间的使用方式。每一处简单的造型都会在错综复杂的空间留下不同印记,这让人们明确了将会如何使用这个空间。The various elements in the space plane are arrangedto interact with the user and define the way spaceis used. Each simple shape leaves a different markon the intricate space, which makes it clear how itwill be used.▼接待区,reception▼展示区,exhibition area▼休息区,rest area▼休息区细部,details of the rest area楼梯以开放式的姿态展示出来,几何跳跃呈现的梯步自由的连接楼上的第二接待区和楼下的制衣工作间,丰富空间的层次的同时,楼梯下部的灰空间也满足功能性储物需求。Stairs are displayed in an open manner, and geometricjumping shows the steps freely connected upstairs tothe second reception area and downstairs dressingroom, rich space level, and the lower part of thestairs gray space also meets the needs of functionalstorage.▼开放的楼梯间,open staircase▼楼梯细部,detail of the staircase试衣间采用木盒子的概念在空间独立出现,刻意避免了过分强调节约空间的设计手法,反而将跟多焦点放在试衣间与客人的互动上。以实木元素为主的试衣间穿插着的水磨石地面和铜制五金件,满足客人在试穿过程中对配件的搭配需求同时也能感受到精致材质对服饰的呼应,不经意间邂逅意料之外的惊喜。The fitting room adopts the concept of wooden box inthe space independent appearance, and deliberatelyavoids overemphasizing the design of space-saving,but it will put the multi-focus on the interactionwith the guests in the fitting room. Solidwood elements of the fitting room intersperse withterrazzo floor and copper hardware to meet thecustomer’s demand for accessories matching in theprocess of fitting, and you can also feel the echoof delicate materials on clothes, and inadvertentlyencounter unexpected surprises.▼楼梯边的木制试衣间,wooden fitting room beside the staircase▼试衣间细部,details of the fitting room因空高限制,第二接待区采用原始裸顶处理,粗犷与精致形成反差,丰富空间层次。镜面的使用对二楼紧凑的空间起到视觉上延伸。Due to the height limit, the second reception areauses the original bare top treatment, and rough andexquisite form a contrast, rich space level. The useof mirrors provides a visual extension to thecompact space on the second floor.▼二层接待区,reception area on the mezzanine floor▼空间细部,details▼平面图,plan项目名称:redefine西服定制设计公司:重庆治木装饰设计有限公司设计团队:石朝思、易毅、唐爽项目地址:中国重庆完工时间:2019.05项目面积:150平方米摄影团队:偏方摄影施工团队:造式空间Project name:REDEFINEDesignfirm:GeemoDesignDesigner team:KirinShi, Eleven Yi, Shuang TangProject location: Polycenter, Chongqing, ChinaCompletion time:2019.05Area: 150sqmPhotograph: PianFangConstructionteam:zaoshi spaceMore:GeemoDesign(联系方式。更多请至:GeemoDesign on gooood
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Published on 2023/07/09
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