项目赢得了2018年全俄小城市和历史居住区发展舒适城市环境的最佳项目竞赛。据俄罗斯独立城市博主伊利亚-瓦拉莫夫介绍,2019年,巴斯建筑局的扎拉伊斯克市中心改造项目被列入 "2019年俄罗斯十大最佳公共空间"名单。对该局的建筑师来说,不仅要为当地人和游客创造舒适的环境,还要强调城市的历史意义,展现其独特性。
The project for the renovation of the historical city centre of Zaraysk has been completed. It won the 2018 All-Russia competition of the best projects in developing a comfortable urban environment in small cities and historical settlements. In 2019, the Zaraysk city centre renovation project by Basis architectural bureau was included in the list of "10 best public spaces in Russia 2019", according to independent Russian urban blogger Ilya Varlamov. It was important for the architects of the bureau not only to create a comfortable environment for locals and tourists but also to emphasize the historical significance of the city, to show its uniqueness.
Zaraysk is a small ancient city that still retains the comfort and warmth of bygone eras. The city is associated with the names of the governor Pozharsky, the merchants Bakhrushins, Yartsevs, and Sholokhovs; Feodor Dostoevsky was born here. Despite the fact that over the past years the cultural and merchant heritage has noticeably deteriorated, Zaraysk is not very different from the city that Dostoevsky experienced - and this is its charm. It is dominated by small wooden merchant estates of the XIX century. The water tower and the church bell tower are still the dominant landmarks. The market area is still in the same place as 200 years ago, and Krasnoarmeyskaya Street was built during Catherine II reign. According to the project, the historical centre is combined into a large pedestrian and tourist area with new points of attraction around historical monuments.
Basis建筑事务所的创始人Ivan Okhapkin说:"很明显,为了保护俄罗斯县城的氛围,即使是那些在其他地方"奏效"的方案,也不能在此应用。Basis事务所开发的概念是围绕Zaraysk典型的形状、材料、植物和颜色而建立的。设计师试图寻找能够优雅地老去的材料:木头,而不是现代的材料。设计师们还使用了拥有质感的木头和铜灯,并在人行道上使用了历史悠久的鹅卵石。设计师们相信,新的城市身份就是这样形成的。"
Ivan Okhapkin, head of Basis architectural bureau: "It’s clear that in order to preserve the atmosphere of the Russian county town, one can’t apply any ready-made solutions, even those that "worked" elsewhere - standard street lanterns, paving, benches. The concept developed by Basis is built around shapes, materials, plants and colours typical for Zaraysk. We tried to find materials that would age gracefully: we chose wood instead of something bright and modern; we designed authentic wood and copper lamps; we also used historical cobblestone in the pavement. We believe that’s how a new urban identity is formed.”
The brick water tower, reminiscent of the donjon tower is one of the main attractions of the city. To emphasize this dominance, a contrasting coating of white marble chips and slabs in the tone of bricks was created around it. Red and white paved paths converge in rays from the roadway to the tower. Historic cobblestone found by archaeologists during the construction works is integrated into the paving where the street enters the square. Red asphalt is laid on the highway circling the small park.
The intimate and serene atmosphere of this place is reflected in authentic wooden lamps and randomly arranged orange and red chairs. The playground is equipped with wooden objects for playing with white marble sand. In spring the entire square is shrouded in the haze of blooming white shadbush hiding it from the roadway.
Another anchor point is a playground with swings near the central store lined with small pebbles. Unlike a bright rubber coating, natural materials look more organic here and are suitable for games with water. A backlit canopy hanging over a swing, a horizontal bar with an obstacle course and a porch of a tea house is part of the new design code and is repeated in several areas of the city.
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18世纪的购物拱廊和三一教堂附近的广场是新步行路线上的另一个重要点。两旁用花岗岩铺设,并与路面处于同一水平线上,很容易变成群众活动的场所。修缮后的二战英雄纪念碑与永恒之火,通过铺装在视觉上起到了突出作用。这里的历史用质感十足的碎花岗岩瓷砖保留了下来,勾勒出曾经矗立在那里的小教堂。在城市的另一个地方,曾经是监狱的地方也采用了类似的方法。纪念牌与Zaraysk's Kremlin主任收集的信息整合到铺装中。
The square near the shopping arcades of the 18th century and the Trinity Church is another important point on the new pedestrian route. Lined with granite and located on the same level with the roadway, it is easily transformed into a venue for mass events. The restored memorial to the heroes of the Second World War with the Eternal Flame is visually highlighted by paving. The history of the place is preserved with textured tiles of chipped granite which outline a chapel that once stood there. A similar approach is applied in another part of the city – where the gaols used to be. Memorial plates are integrated into the paving with information collected by the director of the Zaraysk’s Kremlin.
Exhibition and corridor spaces are organized along the shopping arcades. In order not to obscure the historical facades and the view of the river valley, large shrubs of Ginnal maple giving a cosy shade will be planted here instead of big trees.
在这样一个真实的、有"触感"的项目中,景观设计总是扮演着重要的角色。建筑师试图保护现有的树木,甚至在它们突然发现自己在铺设的道路上的地方。非线性种植的大树被 "夹"在特别设计的几何草坪中(为长椅创造了一个位置)。建筑师还恢复了失去的物种,广场上的菩提树巷、楸树丛。现在,城市里有花坛,有学童的自行车停车场,有家长带孩子上学的停车场。
In such an authentic, "tactile" project, landscaping always plays an important role. The architects tried to preserve long-lived trees, even where they suddenly found themselves on the paved paths. Big trees planted non-linearly were "caught" in specially designed geometric lawns (creating a place for benches). The architects also restored lost species - a linden alley in the square, rowan bushes. The city now has flower beds, bicycle parking for schoolchildren and parking for parents bringing children to school.
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Lighting calculations showed that it was possible to illuminate the pedestrian part and the road together not only with 6-meter lights exceeding the size of wooden houses but also with double-sided lamps arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Сompact wooden lanterns have been specially designed for Zaraysk that will gracefully age and only add to the town’s identity.
As always in the case of public design, most of the budget is invested in important works on waterworks, gas infrastructure development, power supply, wastewater disposal systems. The entire centre is designed according to the principle of a barrier-free environment suitable for people with limited mobility
Project: Renovation of the historical centre of Zaraysk
Design Firm: Basis Architectural Bureau
Head of Basis Bureau: Ivan Okhapkin
Basis architects: Anna Anisimova, Anna, Geraimovich, Nikita Permyakov, Zakhar Smirnov
General layout section: Alexandra Nikulnikova
Traffic management project: Kirill Traktirov
Construction management project: Roman Broskov
Functional concept & sociocultural programming: Petr Gordeev
Landscaping project: Ekaterina Makarova
Lighting project: Alexander Ugolnik, Nikolay Ugolnik
Photo Credit: Daniel Annenkov for Basis