该公园位于鄂毕河畔,为俄罗斯新西伯利亚创造了一个新的公共空间。它是由Brusnika负责的大规模重建项目欧洲滨河工程的一部分。场地的总体规划由KCAP Architects & Planners设计,包括河滨公园的开发,以及整合城市步行和自行车道。沿河边有几块地块,以及河站公园,共同形成了市中心的生态走廊。
Located on the bank of the Ob River, thepark creates a new public space in Novosibirsk, Russia. It is part of theEuropean Riverfront, a large-scale redevelopment project led by Brusnika.Designed by KCAP Architects & Planners, the area masterplan comprises thedevelopment of the riverfront park to incorporate the city pedestrian andcycling routes. The area mixes several plots by the river, along with the riverstation park to form a wildlife corridor in the city centre.
景观设计师将几个分散的住宅区嵌入到一条连续的路线中,以便附近和城市居民都能够亲近河流。该项目由三个景观事务所(俄罗斯AFA和Landmark Architects以及波兰S&P Architektura Krajobrazu)合作完成,旨在于公园内均匀分配几个不同的功能区域,增添多样性并吸引不同的用户群体:包含成人,儿童,青少年,运动员和骑行者。河滨公园项目包括四个阶段,与河岸线相伴发展。目前,第一阶段已经实现:一条260米长的路线,连接沿岸的七栋住宅。
The landscape designers had to embedseveral fragmented housing estates into one continuous route with river accessfor both residents and city dwellers. A partnership between three landscapebureaus (the Russian AFA and Landmark Architects, and Polish S&PArchitektura Krajobrazu), the project aimed for an even distribution of severaldistinct functions inside the park, bringing in more variety and attractingdifferent user groups: adults, children, teens, athletes, and cyclists. Theriverfront project comprises four phases, going along with the bankdevelopment. Currently, the first phase has been realised: a 260-metre stretchjoining seven houses.
A cycling route bordering the bank andlinking the inner estate streets blends the riverfront with its neighbouringbuilt-in environment. The natural relief splits the riverbank into three layersstepping up to the neighbouring houses. The descents to the river are equippedwith staircases, lanes, and ramps. The riverfront park is 25 metres wide.
河岸最低的甲板具有良好的防水性,以落叶松覆层包裹。在开发和美化该地区之前,河岸被填埋并用巨石加固,以控制水位。当水在晚春消退时,下层甲板将再次可用。Covered with larch, the lowest deck of the riverbank is waterresistant. Before developing and landscaping the area, the bank was filled upand reinforced with boulders to control water levels. When the water subsidesin late spring, the lower deck is usable again.
Bar concrete staircases with their urbanlook, the riverfront is conceived as a wildlife park with dense multilayeredgreenery made up of mature trees, shrubs, grasses, and perennials, comprisingover 50 species of plants. Specifically selected to enhance the all-seasonlandscape attractiveness, the plants take centre stage: the autumn focus is ontrees and shrubs foliage, summer brings perennials in bloom, winter featuresconifers and other evergreens, and ornamental shrubs with brightly coloured stems.Perennial mix borders ensure regular flowering in summer along the pedestrianroute. Continuous blossoming and feeders placed among the trees attract insectsand birds, promoting biodiversity in the man-made environment. The waterecosystem is supported by water tolerant plants: irises, reeds, cattails, marshmarigolds and others. The choice of plants is determined by river forecastingmodels. By planting hydrophytes, microorganisms and fishes will thrive. Toprovide nutrients and ensure healthy growth, coconut matting is used tostimulate rooting; then plants are placed underwater.
A big part of the riverfront park isconceived as a recreational area with lawns for picnics, yoga and beach volley,green alleys for strolling, benches, and wooden decking, where one can sit andread, or enjoy the river views. The activity zones are sited in public squareswith piers and vantage points. Spread along the pedestrian route, they vary incharacter, being either sport / play-oriented or recreational. Each square leadsto the inner street of the housing estate.
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体育广场设有游乐场,乒乓球和户外健身设施,而儿童游乐场则配有攀岩架,秋千,滑梯和攀岩墙,适合3岁儿童和青少年使用。 主题区域迎合了不同的场景:例如,巨型鲟鱼是隐藏和攀爬的地方,而带有教育设备的水上游乐区是探索和娱乐的地方,还有一座提供各种乐器的游乐场。各种各样的活动是有意为之:八种基本场景的选择是基于Brusnika和AFA的联合研究敲定,分别是运动、玩耍、实验、交流、娱乐、接触自然和冒险,这些元素都将反映在河滨游乐区。
The sports square features play courts,table tennis, and outdoor fitness, while children’s playgrounds are completewith climbing frames, swings, slides, and a rock-climbing wall, making themsuitable for 3-year-olds and teenagers alike.Themed areas cater to different scenarios: for instance, a giantsturgeon is a place to hide and climb, while a water play area with educationalequipment is a place for exploration and fun. Another project is a playgroundoffering a selection of musical instruments.A variety of activities is intentional: the choice of eight essentialscenarios is based on Brusnika and AFA’s joint research; they are movement,play, experiment, communication, recreation, nature exposure, and risk-taking.They will be all reflected in the riverfront play zones.
The new park in the European Riverfront estateis both an urban recreational zone and an out-of-town forest sited by thewater. City parks are usually limited in space and overloaded with functionsdue to constricted areas and expensive land. Here, conversely, functions areevenly distributed along the plot, as is characteristic of the countryside,with one zone blending into another. The diversity of activities isentertaining for visitors all along the route. The public space accessible toall has already become the main attraction. Retail and household amenitieshosted on the ground floors of the river-facing houses add vibrancy to thearea. The water zone will additionally feature various types of waterentertainment. SUP surfing with instructional lessons and riding is alreadyavailable.
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Location: Vladimir Zarovnoy st.,Novosibirsk
Project team
Developer: Brusnika
Masterplan: KCAP Architects & Planners
Landscape design: АFА, Landmark Architects,S&P Architektura Krajobrazu
Completion: Brusnika
Photography: Valery Kostyunin, Anna Ilyinykh, AlexeiNaroditsky
Areas and programme
Total area: 36 700 m2
Ground floor area: 9 430 m2
Total length: 1020 m
First phase length: 260 m
Width: 20-25 m
1 phase: completed
2 phase: 3d quarter of 2022
3 phase: 4th quarter of 2023
4 phase: 4th quarter of 2024
Hard landscaping: Silk Holz (Germany)
Nurseries: Pol Plants (Poland), Lorberg(Germany), Baltym (Russia)
Shrubs: wheeling willow Salix ledeburianakuraica, narrow-leaved willow Salix schwerinii, purple willow Salix purpurea,water iris, mountain currant, tufted hairgrass Bronzeschleie, feather reedgrass Overdam, Siberian iris Snow Queen, Siberian iris Blue King, purpleloosestrife, narrow-leaved fireweed.
Trees: common lime (Tilia europaeaPallida), silver birch (Betula pendula), white willow (Salix Alba), goat willow(Salix caprea), bird cherry (Prunus padus), grey alder (Alnus incana), commonalder (Alnus glutinosa), Scots pine (Pines sylvestris).