San Shui Culture Complex / ZHUBO DESIGN
San Shui Culture Complex
San Shui Culture Complex / ZHUBO DESIGN

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三⽔新城⽂化商业综合体,位于三⽔新城的核⼼区中轴⽔庭的南侧,揽⽔庭之盛景。⽬前,中国城镇化已进⼊⾼速增⻓时期,在城镇化急促的步伐下,曾经存在于这⽚⼟地上的⻥塘、⽥野和新旧杂陈,尺度得宜的岭南村落正在被慢慢的吞噬消退。项⽬之初,伫⽴于场地之上,身边泥头车与挖掘机的轰隆声让我们深刻体会到发展的巨轮正⽆情地碾辗着这⽚⼟地的记忆·······Located in the south side of the central axis courtyard,embracing the Grand View of the courtyard. Currently,China’s urbanization has been in a rapid growth. Under therapid pace of urbanization, the fishing pool, farming fieldand “Ling-Nan” style villages that once existed were slowlybeing swallowed up. At the beginning of project, when westood on the site, roar of construction cars around made usdeeply experience the memory being erased by the developinggiant wheel rolling over this place…

三⽔新城⽂化商业综合体与常规的城市项⽬⼀样,存在有限的⽤地和⼤规模建设的⽭盾。构思如何控制项⽬的尺度,最⼤限度地将开放空间留给市⺠,延续三⽔的岭南⽂脉,构筑适宜的体量,成为本项⽬的最主要⽬标。为此,团队在项⽬的伊始就拟订下项⽬的三个关键点与三个创新与突破点。伴随三⽔新城的逐步成型,经由筑博-联合公设历时5年的设计、配合实施,三⽔⽂化商业综合体⾃2019年7⽉陆续启⽤,以其亲切的亲⽔形象,逐步吸引了周边的居⺠聚集于此,观展、观演、游玩、运动,以⾄于饭后的散步与乘凉。Like conventional urban projects, there is a conflict betweenlimited land and large-scale construction shields. Toconceive how to control the scale of the project, to leavethe open space to the city to the maximum extent, tocontinue the “Ling-Nan” style vein, to build a suitablesize, are main targets of the project. Therefore, at thebeginning of the project, ZHUBO-AAO worked out three keypoints and three innovation and breakthrough points forfurther work. With the gradual formation of San-Shui newcity, through the 5-year design and implementation fromZHUBO-AAO, San-Shui Culture Complex was successively openedin July 2019. With its kind and intimate image to water, itgradually attracted the surrounding residents to gatherhere, watch exhibitions and performances, play, do sports,as well as just take an after-dinner walk.


The original urban pattern of San-Shui is appropriate withless huge structures in the neighborhood style urbandivision. In culture and commercial center, due to the4-meter-height difference between the city road and the lakeshore, a 1.5-meter-height super surface is raised properly.Put most part of the building volume under the “supersurface” to form a public place; it includes exhibitionspace, lecture hall, art store, children’s reading, musicalinstrument and stationery store, bookshop coffee and so on.All of the above facilities are open to the outside of theFang-Jian(courtyard,The place between buildings) square. Thesuper surface has become a festival activity square, whichis easily accessible for citizen from urban sphere. To avoidthe monopoly of giant buildings to water courtyard, the restof the building volume was broken and arranged in groupsaccording to the functional areas to become a Fang-town. Thestadiums are built as the space places of the community. Thelandscape can pass through the city with appropriate volumeof buildings. There are also a variety of ways for thecommunity to reach the water courtyard through thecommercial center. At the same time, thanks to the wetnessof the lotus bank, the Fang became a boat building. FangCity is not a barrier between the city and nature, it ismore like a sponge, attracting the flow on both sides,making them blending and converging with each other. Thesuccess of this point is due to the openness of the placeand its integration with nature. The city tour is beyond thelimitation and rejection.


Ourproject is starting from giving open space back to public inthe maximum extent. Besides being sharing with the city, thesite itself is also a key link between the city and the“Shui-Ting”(Lake Lotus) park where it is available forcitizen to roam ,stay and watch view. We have set up afestival activity square (facing the city) and a Fang-Jiansquare (connecting with nature) respectively according toheight difference. The city and the water court interact andpermeate to each other through the commercial center, withnature integrating into urban. The “super surface” set bythe project has become a festival activity square as a placeto organize, collect and distribute flow for various venues.Considering of the unique hot climate in “Ling-Nan”district, the festival activity square is equipped withatomizer for water scene show, which can effectively adjustthe micro climate of the square. The Fang-Jian square isconnected with the“Shui-Ting” Park, and the lakeside leisureand commercial venues connects all the venues into a whole.An all-weather semi outdoor leisure street is created byarcade, sunshade and overhanging corridor. And at the sametime, every venue has its dependant exit facing to festivalactivity square and Fang-Jian square, hence the citizen caneasily reach each venue and nature from urban sphere. Thediversified leisure and commercial facilities created by theproject can provide the city with a wonderful andsubstantial weekend.

在尺度的层级,我们有效地控制了地⾯建筑体量,更多地留出地⾯公共空间,架空通廊在赠予荫凉的同时保证城市风廊的延续。在造型把握上,则⼒图采⽤现代的⼿段诠释岭南建筑的神髓,并结合可持续策略中的被动式建筑原理设置遮阳⽴⾯及天井式内庭院。遮阳⽴⾯⼀⽅⾯是通过⽇照模拟分析计算各个⽴⾯的遮阳系数,另⼀⽅⾯将三⽔新城的规划理念转化为抽象的国画长卷注⼊⽴⾯的参数化遮阳。最后沿⽤众多⾏之有效的岭南建筑语汇,以应对亚热带季⻛⽓候所带来的⾼温、湿热⽓候。At the scale level, we have effectively controlled thebuilding volume and reserved more public space. The overheadcorridor gives shade while ensuring the continuity of theurban corridor. In the aspect of shape, we tried tointerpretative spirits of Ling-Nan architecture in a modernmethod, and combine the passive sustainable strategy to setup sunshade and patio-styled inner courtyard. Sunshade is tocalculate the sunshade coefficient of each facade throughthe simulation analysis. In addition, it abstracts theplanning concept of San-Shui new city into the parametricsunshade of Chinese painting. Finally, along with theeffective Ling-Nan architectural vocabulary, we can dealwith the hot and damp climate brought by the subtropicalseason.

项⽬置于城市与绿轴的衔接之处,在5.9万平⽅⽶⽤地内建设13.8万平⽅⽶的建筑体量,将其全部就地⽽建,势必造成城市与⽔庭的裂缝。设计巧妙地将⼤部分的建筑体量卧倒,顺应原有的地势⾼差塑造了⼀层消隐于城市,⾯向湖⾯展开的350⽶长的“超级地表”。“超级地表”覆以绿化,作为市⺠节庆聚会活动,场馆集散的市政性质的⼴场。The project is located at the junction of the urban and theCentral Park. In the site of 59000 square meters, 138000square meters of buildings will be built, and all of themwill be built in place, which will inevitably cause cracksbetween the urban and the Central Park. The designskillfully lies down the building volume of most part,conforms to the original terrain and shapes a350-meter-length “Super surface” extending towards the lakethat fading away in city. “Super surface” is covered withgreening, which is a municipal gathering place for cityfestivals, gathering and municipal activities.

骑楼商业模式曾经盛⾏于⼴东、福建、广西与南洋⼀带,随着⼤型商业综合体的爆炸性的发展⽽⽇益萎缩。项⽬的策划⽅⼗分远见地洞悉,单纯的⽂化设施⽆论是在活⼒上或是经营上都将会有所⽋缺。在项⽬中⼗分⾼明地置⼊2.2万平⽅⽶的商业功能,通过该部分商业的介⼊可以增添⽂化综合体的活⼒,并在财政上减轻运营的压⼒。2.2万的商业⾯积作为⼀个综合商业单体并不能形成有效的吸引⼒,但作为滨⽔特⾊商业街却可以形成相当的规模。舫间⼴场作为有别于节庆⼴场的市政功能存在,它是⼀系列⼩⼴场和街道骑楼的串联。骑楼与⼴场的两侧为商业街铺与⽂化场馆的次⼊⼝。舫间⼴场可以通过节庆⼴场上的景观台阶、⾃动扶梯或坡道进⼊,也可以偱⽔庭公园多处开⼝进⼊,作为⽔庭漫⼊都市的重要开⼝。未来三⽔的市⺠可以在这⾥,度过⼀个⼜⼀个,吃、喝、玩、乐、学的有意义的傍晚和节假⽇,享受⼀个⼜⼀个阖家欢乐的喜悦。The arcade business model once flourished in Guangdong,Fujian, Guangxi and south-east-Asia districts. With theexplosive development of the commercial complex, it isshrinking. The planning of the project has a profoundinsight that the simple facility will be deficient in bothliving and operation. In the project, the commercial spaceof 22000 square meters are set up. Through the introductionof this part of commercial functions, we can increase theactivities and also reduce the pressure of operationfinancially. As a comprehensive commercial unit, 22000square meters’ area cannot form an effective attraction, butas a water friendly commercial street, it can form aconsiderable scale. Different from festival activity squarewith municipal function, Fang-Jian square as a municipalfunction different from that of festivals, Fang-Jian squareis a series of square yards connected with street arcades.The two sides of the arcade and the square are the secondaryentrance for commercial street and the venues. The Fang-Jiansquare can be accessed through the landscape steps offestival activity square, escalators and ramps, as well asexits of Shui-Ting park as an important exit for watercourtyard integrating into the city. In the future, as acitizen in San-Shui, you can enjoy the meaningful eveningsand holidays while eating, drinking, playing, learning andenjoying the joy with your family here.

三⽔,因西江、北江、绥江三江在境内汇流⽽得名。它的⻘⼭绿⽔让⼈过⽬不忘,三⽔新城以⼭、⽔、岛、城、洲的规划理念更让⼈为之向往。三⽔新城⽂化商业综合体五栋建筑的⽴⾯⽤⼀副完整的⽔墨⼭⽔画绵延串联,既分亦合,远看建筑群跌宕完整,近观每栋单体建筑⼜又通过彩色丝网印幕墙(不同场馆具备不同的主题色,图书馆-绿;档案馆与城建展览馆-蓝;文化活动中心-红;科技馆-黄)展示⽅式增加场馆的可识性;各场馆各具特⾊易于分辨。同时,⽔墨画通过参数化的圆洞尺⼨和密度呈现,为了更加真实的模拟呈现宣纸的肌理,建筑师还特意跟幕墙设计师共同实践,创新性的把⾦属板材做了捶打效果,增加建筑表⾯光线的漫反射,减弱⾦属本身的强烈⾃反光。⽩天这幅⽴体的⽔墨⼭⽔画卷清晰可辨。San-Shui is named after the confluence of the three rivers ofXi-Jiang, Bei-Jiang and Sui-Jiang, is impressive with thebreathtaking nature landscape. The planning concept of newSan-Shui City is surrounded with mountain, water, island andcity, which is attractive. Five buildings’ facades inSan-Shui Culture Complex is connected with a whole landscapepainting(Traditional Chinese painting), looks same in fardistance and different when you watch next to it. The facadepattern is achieved by the combination and variation ofparametric hollow size and density.In order to present thetexture of rice paper more realistically, the architect andfacade designer decided to use a specific metal panel thatis beaten. Such material also increases the diffusereflection of architectural surface light, and weakens theself-reflection of metal. This picture can be seen clearlyin day time.

完成年份 / Design year& Completion Year: 2014/2019

主创及设计团队 / Leader designer

主创建筑师 :钟乔、萧稳航

设计团队 :黄昕、张碧勤、曲羽、傅希希、曹泰铭、陈普、陈卓、李壮威、刘孝安、李司祺、朱焕焕、钟晗露、陶轲

Lead Architects :ZhongQiao、John Siu

Design Team : Huang Xin, ZhangBiqin, Qu Yu, Fu Xixi, Cao Taiming, Chen Pu, Chen Zhuo,Li Zhuangwei, Liu Xiaoan, Li Siqi, Zhu Huanhuan, ZhongHanlu,Tao Ke

项目地址 / Project location:中国广东省佛山市三水区府南路三水新城文化商业综合体

San-shui new town cultural andcommercial complex, Funan Road, Sanshui District, FoshanCity, Guangdong Province, China

建筑面积 / Gross Built Area (squaremeters): 138000m²

摄影师 / Photo credits:吴清山、翱翔、萧稳航WuQingshan /Ao Xiang / John Siu

合作方 / Partners

施工图设计:筑博设计 –城脉室内顾问:城市组(负责室内公共空间);广州市本则设计有限公司(负责大小剧场及会议设施)


参数化幕墙深化顾问及制作 : MONO DESIGN& BUILD










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Published on 2023/12/30
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