The Most Beautiful Shanyuan Kindergarten in Yazhou, Sanya / Architectural Design Research Institute of SCUT
Embrace Cultural Heritage, Dream Back to Peach Garden
The Most Beautiful Shanyuan Kindergarten in Yazhou, Sanya / Architectural Design Research Institute of SCUT
Project Year
Site Area
3490.79 m²
* Text Description Provided By The Architects



The Shuinan Kindergarten is located in Shuinan Village, Yazhou District, Sanya City. The design will start in 2020 and be completed and put into use in 2023. With a total construction area of 3490.79 square meters, it is a nine-class kindergarten with three layers of frame structure on the ground (local four layers). The design is based on white tone and modern style, integrating a variety of design ideas, aiming to create a high-end growth space for local children with both functionality and experience, and in line with first-tier cities.



Create artistic conception: cultural inheritance, dream back to peach land



Pearl cliff scenery Shuinan village, under the mountain people under the forest door. A parrot's nest is a coconut seed, and a partridge's nest is a bamboo seed. Fish salt home to no market city, millet years have wine bottles. A stranger is familiar to each other, but he is suspected of being born in Taoyuan." Lu Duoxun, the prime minister of the Northern Song Dynasty, wrote this poem when he lived in Shuinan Village during his exile in Sanya. Prime Minister Lu, a scholar of many talents, compiled the History of the Old Five Dynasties. During his stay in Shuinan, he actively spread cultural knowledge and promoted cultural education, which profoundly influenced the cultural and historical development of Hainan.



Shuinan Village is a famous ancient culture village in Yazhou District of Sanya City. Shuinan Kindergarten is located near the Ludosun Historical and Cultural Research Institute. The slope roof is designed to respond to the slope roof of Ludosun Historical and Cultural Research Institute and pay tribute to Ludosun, the pioneer of cultural communication, with modern language. A thousand years ago, Ludoxun sowed the seeds of culture in Shuinan, implemented education, and promoted the development of Hainan's history and culture. Today, in a large complex of complex buildings, Shuinan Kindergarten as a cultural education and communication institution, like a beacon, illuminating the childlike innocence, connecting tens of thousands of families. It is not only a cultural landmark of mass psychology, but also a community function center actively participated by every family.


▼ 东向全景鸟瞰——桃源诗意,East panoramic bird 's-eye view -- Taoyuan poetic


Judging from the completed effect and the reflection after use, the building is not only appropriate and elegant in terms of urban relations, building volume and scale, but also shows its important role as an institution of cultural enlightenment and inheritance. It seems to convey a kind of power. No matter what the surrounding environment is, culture is always the "core" of our nation, and education is always the pure land of our society. It is the peach blossom source of society and the peach blossom source of our hearts. Poetry is hidden in the pure land, and culture is refreshed. Shuinan Kindergarten inherits culture, allowing people to return to the beautiful realm of "but doubting the life in Taoyuan" in the poem of Prime Minister Lu.


▼ 北望宁远河方向鸟瞰——河畔明灯,North Ningyuan River direction bird 's-eye view - riverside light


Care pattern: Shuinan texture, integration of urban and rural areas



The area where Shuinan Kindergarten is located has relatively strict regulations on building height and color. There are many tall buildings in the distant city, and the surrounding environment is basically the nature of residential land. Shuinan Kindergarten is located in such a position of urban-rural integration. It is not only the connection point from rural culture to urban culture, but also the connection point from rural chaotic houses to urban modern buildings. The design of Shuinan Kindergarten follows the strict local regulations on architecture. Through the design of shape, color, height and other characteristics, it seeks order in the disorderly space and forms a whole in the debris. It is not only an independent building, but also interlinked with the surrounding environment, and the water blends with each other, forming a unique "Shuinan texture".



In the process from the plan to the implementation of Shuinan Kindergarten, the land boundary has changed several times, and the design process is constantly "adapting" : adapting to the changes in land conditions, adapting to the general pattern of external urban-rural integration, adapting to the planning and design conditions... In order to better "adapt", the design adopts the strategy of breaking the whole into pieces, modularizing the functional units, Spaces and scales. This strategy effectively dismantled the building volume of more than 3,000 square meters, which was too large for the "Shuinan texture", while the flexible organization between units further improved the adaptability of the building group to irregular site boundaries.


▼ 西北向全景鸟瞰——水南肌理,城乡融合,Northwest panoramic bird 's-eye view - water south texture, urban and rural integration


The final result shows that the modest and decent volume can not only organically integrate with the nearby "Shuinan texture", but also actively interact with the booming new city construction not far away. It not only ADAPTS to the pattern of urban and rural integration, but also provides a new idea and strategy for the further organic integration of urban and rural areas.



Focus on quality: innovation strategy, improve quality



At that time, almost all the buildings around the kindergarten were arranged in line, and the external space between the buildings was fragmented and lacking of organization, and there was a lack of places to see and be seen, and the overall quality of external public space was not high. Based on the basic principles of environmental protection, convenience, aesthetics, efficient use of space to improve the quality of life, the design of Shuinan Kindergarten adopts the innovative strategy of "retreat", "empty" and "rise" to improve the environmental quality.


▼ 西北向鸟瞰——化整为零的体量策略,Northwest view -- the volume strategy of breaking the whole into pieces
▼ 西北向天际线关系——连接城乡,Northwest skyline relationship - connecting urban and rural areas


Retreat, that is, the building retreat away from the main boundary, forming more buffer space for retreat, creating a suitable scale of the street scene environment; Empty, that is, green squares and activity venues are arranged outside the building to connect and talk with the outside world in a more concentrated "empty" state; To raise, the public activity platform of the building is raised to the second floor, forming a huge overhead gray space at the entrance hall of the first floor, extending the external street space to the elevated semi-interior and further reducing the sense of pressure of the external space. The landscape activity platform on the second floor is also a medium for dialogue with the external public space.


▼ 东面主入口架空灰空间与升起的二层活动平台,The east main entrance has an elevated gray space with a raised second floor activity platform


Through the innovative strategies of "retreat", "empty" and "rise", on the one hand, the environmental quality of the indoor and outdoor activity space of the kindergarten is improved; on the other hand, the integration of Shuinan Kindergarten with the local environment, whether from a distance, a close view or a bird's eye view, is a beautiful landscape, which gives the external environment more breathable space. It has single-handedly improved the overall environmental quality of the region.


▼ 西北面沿街展示面,Nw street display
▼ 谦和退让的街角场景,The condescending street corner scene



Create space: adapt to the climate, dialogue with nature



Shuinan Village coastal bay, south by the south mountains, north by Ningyuan River, the year is hot and rainy, sunshine, rain is abundant, is a typical subtropical Marine monsoon climate, from June to October every year for the typhoon season. Combined with its special regional climate, on the premise of minimizing energy consumption, the design of the kindergarten should not only provide a relatively comfortable and pleasant space environment for normal teaching activities, but also consider reducing the negative impact of high temperature, heat and excessive rain.


▼ 适应水南气候的架空退让的遮阳防雨公共活动空间,The public activity space of shade and rain which ADAPTS to the climate of water south
▼ 升起来的室外活动平台空间,The raised outdoor activity platform space


To this end, the design is innovated from three aspects: First, an elevated roof platform is introduced. Under the platform is an open activity space that can realize shading, ventilation and lighting, and can carry out semi-outdoor teaching activities all day long; Above the platform is an outdoor activity space that mimics a natural hill. Natural elements are introduced into the high-density "Shuinan texture" to create a platform for dialogue between man and nature, architecture and the natural environment of mountains and seas. Second, due to the strict control of building height in the region and the requirements of the height of the kindergarten, the design chooses the form of slope roof, and uses the height of the cornice to meet the control of the height of the planning conditions. Third, the form of double-slope roof truss is adopted, one is to echo the traditional slope roof form of the nearby Ludoson Museum, and the other is to form an outdoor activity platform that can filter sunlight on the third floor of the roof, so as to overcome the shortage of kindergarten land and insufficient activity places. The hollow roof truss seems to wear a layer of light yarn to the building, so that the third floor of the building is free from direct exposure to the sun and reduces thermal radiation. The roof activity platform provides a more comfortable physical environment for outdoor activities due to the existence of the sunshade roof truss.


▼ 直接对话宁远河的二层屋面活动平台,Direct dialogue Ningyuan River second floor roof activity platform


Shuinan Kindergarten is built by the mountains, the sea and the bay. The design fully considers the integration of geography, climate and humanistic residence. The design of form and space serves the special teaching activities of the kindergarten, and the design of indoor and outdoor space reflects its regional characteristics and the integration of man and nature.


▼ 景观视野开阔遮阳效果良好的二层屋面活动平台,The second-floor roof activity platform with wide landscape view and good shading effect
▼ 适应气候与呼应水南文化的建筑形式,The architectural form that ADAPTS to the climate and echoes the Shuinan culture
▼ 结构即形式——色彩识别及港口意向,Structure is form - color recognition and port intention


Feel the park: characteristic space, feel the charm


The design of Shuinan Kindergarten not only meets the relevant design norms, but also puts more energy on the construction of public space outside the standard teaching activities. The design abandons decorative elements, cleverly carries out space design, and forms a new space through special structural design. Space and form express each other, opening up tangible space and intangible imagination, and combining artificial environment and natural elements through different ways to form a series of rich and diverse space places. In Shuinan Kindergarten, children can explore and imagine according to the clues we provide, and discover the charm of space.


▼ 人造山丘,Artificial hill


For example, we set up an arched roof platform to allow children to experience the feeling of climbing a mountain; The shear wall supported by the interior staircase turns over to become the top of the staircase, which naturally evolves into the image of a small seedling. Externally, it looks like a port crane. The staircase shear walls between different units are painted with different colors, giving the simple architectural complex a clear sense of orientation and spatial identification, so that children can feel the artistic charm of space design; Shading components leave a wealth of light and shadow on the solid color wall or ground, and children can feel the passage of time and the dialogue between nature and architecture in the changing light and shadow... Such scenes will certainly leave a little different impression on the children who study and live here, sowing a seed of discovering the charm of space and feeling the beauty of life in their young hearts. If so, the purpose of creating a paradise of quality education will be achieved.


▼ 趣味缝隙空间,Fun gap space
▼ 童话世界般的场景室内外一体化空,间Fairytale world scene indoor and outdoor integrated space
▼ 感受空间魅力的活动场所,A place to experience the charm of space


Actively explore: Return to the six forms of architecture and spread architectural culture



In my book "Six Architectural Styles" (China Architecture Industry Press, published in July 2023), the author sorts out and summarizes the six creative techniques and skills of "continuity, extension, gradual change, abstraction, flow, and season". The design of Shuinan Kindergarten is the concentrated embodiment of the six architectural styles.



Here, the built buildings have been integrated into the larger scale urban space; Continuous space experience not only creates the sense of visual continuity, but also creates the three-dimensional feeling of multiple first layers; The introduction of overhead space and roof platform further blurred the boundary of indoor and outdoor space, and the indoor and outdoor ring space showed the characteristics of continuous gradual change; A series of elements with obvious formal metaphor evolved from structural members (shear wall stairwell, repeated triangular hollow roof truss, etc.) fully reflect the abstract characteristics of modern architecture; The undulating roof platform and the shading frame rich in light and shadow create an abstract design conception. With the change of seasons and the flow of space, Shuinan Kindergarten has the characteristics and emotions of communicating with users.


▼ 开敞通透的全天候活动场所,Open and transparent all-weather activity place
▼ 抽象、流动、时节的设计,Abstract, flowing, seasonal design
▼ 建筑细部,Architectural detail


By returning to the six forms of architecture, the design of Shuinan Kindergarten has carried out a series of beneficial explorations and attempts in the aspects of urban relations, functional layout, space construction, landscape introduction, architectural connotation, natural dialogue, etc., so as to realize the purpose of spreading architectural culture to the public.

▼ 建筑细部,Architectural detail
▼ 屋面结构与形式,Roof structure and form
▼ 街角空间,Corner space
▼ 建筑光影,Architectural light and shadow
▼ 临街场景,Street front scene
▼ 类似动画场景的街角环境,An animated street corner setting
▼ 总平面图,Site plan
▼ 首层平面图,Ground floor plan
▼ 二层平面图,Two-level plan
▼ 1-1剖面,Section 1-1
▼ 2-2剖面,Section 2-2
▼ 剖轴测,axonometry

设 计 方 :华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
项目负责人及主创:陈文东——华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司 二院副院长,建筑学博士(师从何镜堂院士,2008年博士毕业),高级工程师,硕导,主攻城市大型公共建筑、医疗建筑、校园规划及其建筑设计等,2023年出版专著《建筑六式》,中国建筑工业出版社,2024天河体育中心花市牌楼主创
业 主 方 :三亚市崖州区教育局、三亚市崖州区城市投资建设有限公司


Project name: Sanya Yazhou Shuinan Kindergarten
Project type: Educational building
Designer: South China University of Technology Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., LTD
The company's web site:
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Design year: May 2020 to May 2022
Year completed: August 2023
Project Leader and Chief Creator: Chen Wendong -- Deputy Dean of the Second School of Architectural Design and Research Institute of South China University of Technology Co., LTD., Doctor of Architecture (under the supervision of Academician He Jingtang, PhD in 2008), senior engineer, master's supervisor, mainly focuses on urban large-scale public buildings, medical buildings, campus planning and architectural design, etc., published in 2023 monograph "Six Types of Architecture", China Architecture Industry Press, 2024 Creator of Flower Market Archway of Tianhe Sports Center
Main design unit: South China University of Technology Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., LTD
Preliminary design: Guangdong Mingdu Design Co., LTD
Construction drawing design: Hainan Design and Research Institute Co., LTD
South China University of Technology Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., LTD
Architecture: Chen Wendong, Chen Chengbang, Liu Hongwen, Shen Qinzhu, Weng Xinwei, Li Rongxin, Dong Chunjiang; Structure: Chen Xiaofeng, Lin Junsheng; Hvac: Huang Pujie, Xu Yina, He Yaobing, Wu Zihao; Water supply and drainage: Li Xionghua; Electrical: Yang Xiangyun, Zhang Bangtu, Zhou Jiaxin; Green Building: Xu Yina, Huang Pujie, Zhang Xinxin
Guangdong Mingdu Design Co., Ltd. team
Architecture: Zhang Jinsong; Structure: Zeng Lingbin; Water heater: Chen Hongliang
Hainan Design and Research Institute Co., LTD team
Project Manager: Huang Jin; Architecture: Chen Yu; Structure: Chen Zhenjun; Hvac: Limin Huang; Water supply and drainage: Zheng Bo; Electrical: Zhang Chen; Green Building: Ma Guangchao
Project address: Shuinan Town, Yazhou, Sanya
Land area: 5288.6 square meters
Building area: 3490.79 square meters
Copyright: Zou Lin (Alpha Photography)
Owner: Sanya Yazhou District Education Bureau, Sanya Yazhou District Urban Investment and Construction Co., LTD
Manuscript editing: Gao Hui, Yao LAN

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Published on 2024/10/21
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