Mountain dwelling Valley hidden / HANCS Landscape Architects
Let family attachment in accordance with the water manor
Mountain dwelling Valley hidden / HANCS Landscape Architects
Project Year
Site Area
4977 m²
Text description provided by the architects

值得礼赞的时与光Worthy of praise time and moment


Don't talk about luxury, just talk about life; I do not know when to start to show off life is the time to stay at home, Prosperous buildings are not as fragrant as the full court in the home,The highest level of enjoyment is found in everyday life,The house and yard can only show that it is a container, and the home has always been our attachment and yearning to the land.

坐山 坐水 坐林Stay in the mountains, stay on the water, stay in the forest

这个宅子不应该是被造出来,而是应该是种在这峰峰连连北来园,水杉林的大环抱坐着望向南,天光与绿茵依着南湖,还有隐入寻声而入的廊枫林,沁入心脾的绿、泉水、花木峥嵘的山涧,依水亭坐望山林的湖水,回眸在水一方的我。This house was never meant to be built, but should be planted in this garden, the great embrace of the metasequoia forest sat looking south, the sky and green grass follow the South Lake,there are also hidden sound into the maple forest,The green 、The spring water、Flowers and treesemerged mountain stream,Sitting in the water Pavilion, looking at the lake in the mountains and forests, and looking back at me on the water side。

家族庄园的布局 然后把建筑镶嵌在大自然里The layout of the family manor and then inlay the building in nature


The project is located in Shanghai with a design area of 4977 square meters,The area of the site is large enough, and there is a lake in the South and a river in the West,Although it is the place where the family lives, we prefer to set the layout of the family manor at a higher level,In the future, there will often be friends, families, parent-child gatherings and other activities,Therefore, landscape design not only needs to meet the visual beauty,As an indoor extension, the layout needs to provide the owner with a series of "garden rooms" needed for life to meet the needs of different family and friend groups.


When working on a project,Most of our time is spent discussing how to organize the environment, organize available existing resources, reserve available resources, analyze the surrounding environment and sight, Unify the existing good conditions and insufficient environmental conditions, and then embed the buildings in nature. On the plane, it is divided into four parts:The first impression is the entrance, start from the entrance,the gate of this project is close to the door of the nearby residents, so we are going to make a gate with a strong sense of privacy, which looks not obvious but atmospheric. Move and adjust the position of the original deciduous trees and evergreen trees, hide the house with trees, and put the door inside the hedge to make a deep hedge,it makes the door look very secret and deep, increases privacy and feels like a deep house and courtyard.


with The east courtyard is like a natural hillside near Jiangsu and Zhejiang ,the topographic appearance of maple forest on the hillside and hilly land


The east courtyard is a long and winding corridor extending to the South courtyard Songting. It is also the moving line for the man-made environment in the site to gradually move towards the best natural environment, For example, the side wall of the corridor uses the concept of landscape extension. In terms of detail treatment, it is proposed to stick stone skin species of maple trees on the border flower platform, and leave joints for moss to grow out of the stone skin joints, such a wall is like a natural hillside near Jiangsu and Zhejiang, full of the atmosphere of maple forest on the hillside and hilly land,the gurgling stream is clear and sparkling, and the sound of water flowing in the distance also attracts step by step to the sedentary lakeside pine Pavilion in the mountains, The sound of water from far to near also gives the courtyard a deeper feeling of courtyard. At the end of the corridor, mountain spring water flows from the stone walls, and the mood changes from the noise of the city to the tranquility of the mountains and forests.


In the north courtyard, we sculpted the land into the shape of mountains, and the whole house sat firmly in the mountains


After we make the terrain into mountains, every window is full of green pictures of mountains and forests. It seems that this land is an existing mountain range. We just sort it out into a garden and a platform terrain on which the house can rely,the hillside is full of Rhododendron and moss land, which is connected with the original trees to form a continuous hillside and stably live in the mountain forest.


The West courtyard is a "kitchen garden" for enjoying pastoral fun


We also hope that it is not just a vegetable garden, but a place for families to get along with each other, so that children can get close to nature and experience life. We use the border groves close to the west to connect the vegetable gardens, and create slightly higher slopes with the terrain to make farming more convenient. Under the forest cover, it is a relatively independent space to meet children's forest exploration, pick vegetables and play with mud.


The South courtyard is the core of the whole life


The swimming pool is a great parent-child game space and can hold a lot of Party activities. The space is spacious and extended, and you can reach the furthest forest. The whole building shows the magnificent scene of the manor because of the large South courtyard. The site is magnificent, and you can see the whole sky from sunrise to sunset. There are morning fog and rosy clouds in the evening. At night, there are more beautiful stars and the rise and fall of the moon. At night, the blue light emitted by the swimming pool, coupled with the golden multi treasure box of the building, makes the whole garden filled with a mysterious and joyful scenery. Relying on the lake in the distance of Nanyuan, it is a small island that can sit on the ground and sit quietly on the shore of the lake. Reaching Songting is like taking off the fence of leaving home and reaching the river lake in the reliant mountain.

绿-是我们依恋的土地 ,田-我们尝到光合作用的甜美,夜里的水-像极了发光宝石的绿,伴月的松 应是诗人酒杯里的画-我们的生活,是山栖谷隐。Green is the land we are attached to, Tian - we taste the sweetness of photosynthesis,The water at night - like the green of a luminous gem,The pine with the moon should be the picture in the poet's wine glass - our life is hidden from the mountains and valleys.

项目名称:山栖谷隐Mountain dwelling Valley hidden


English abbreviation: HANCS


Company website (WeChat official account):HANCS


Contact email

景观设计&完工时间: 2018年12月 &2021年6月

Landscape completion time:December 2018 &June 2021


Landscape designer: Jeery Lai,Design participants: Hu Qiang, Wang Hui, Wu Yuehong


Project address: Shanghai


Landscape area: 4977㎡


Photographer:Alex Sun、Jeery Lai

合作方 Partner

室内设计:亚邑设计 设计总监孙建亚

Interior design: Yayi design Design director: Alex Sun


Engineering construction:Heyi-deco

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Published on 2023/05/10
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