Haiyi Peninsula Garden on the Sea / ACA Landscape
Growth display system
Haiyi Peninsula Garden on the Sea / ACA Landscape
Project Year
Site Area
41480 m²
Text description provided by the architects



The project is located in the east coast of Xinjin District, Shantou City,Guangdong Province.Thesurrounding landscape resources are of high quality. The southeast of the site is a line of sea views, the north is Jinwan River, and the east coast park adjacent to Xinjin is in the east. The newly developed urban area has excellent supporting facilities and is a luxury residential area. The time image of Chaoshan is recorded here. The local traditional culture is inherited in an orderly manner and has a profound cultural heritage.

180°观江,180 观海,毗邻 40 万平米公园。两面观江,一面观海,三面环水的格局,风水上叫做玉带环腰,寓意丁财双旺。“豪宅,更讲究天时地利人和”,作为新津最后一块瞰海邻公园的景观地王,天时地利已经是东海岸最好的了,而中海以高端豪宅产品系定位,按照最高标准配置,打造汕头壹号作品。

180° view of the river, 180 view of the sea, adjacent to 400,000 square meters of park. Two sides view the river,one side view the sea, three sides surrounded by water pattern, geomantic omen called jade belt ring waist,meaning Ding wealth and prosperity. "Luxury, pay more attention to the right time, the right place and people",as the last piece of Xinjin overlooking the sea adjacent park landscape king,the right time and the right placeis the best in the east coast, and China Sea to high-end luxury products positioning, in accordance with thehighest standard configuration, to create Shantou No. 1 works.



The project adopts a growth display system and is presented in five stages. The presentation of the physicaldisplay area shows the owner a more comprehensive and higher-order life scene, what you see is what you get.


第一幕 界面


项目主入口空间纵向深尺度有限,横向狭长。60 米超尺度入口界面,扩展主入口尺度,酒店式的泊客体验与整体化的展开式台阶,形成一个极具力量感与度假酒店感的统一有机界面。两棵迎客松盎然屹立,成为界面里视觉的焦点,与建筑前呼后应,无不彰显现代居所的品质感与仪式感。气派震撼的视觉享受带来尊享贴心的归家体验。

The longitudinal depth of the main entrance space of the project is limited, and the horizontal is narrow andlong. The 60-meter super-scale entrance interface extends the scale of the main entrance. The hotel-like parkingexperience and the integrated expansion steps form a unified organic interface with a strong sense of powerand a sense of resort hotel.

第二幕 庭



The 360° all-round view water court, private intimate community supporting delicate overlapping water andstatic water perfectly presents the longitudinal extension of the interior and exterior penetration of theteahouse space complementing each other.


第三幕 园



The lush trees meander up, blending the site with the outside world, and the treetops intertwine light andshadow. When the night falls, the lights, like a few stars, adorn the silent night, inviting people to return home.


Following the law of nature, we build a warm community based on people's needs. The construction appears infront of people's eyes with a balanced attitude. Architecture is the spiritual and emotional sustenance of space.For people, architecture is the best carrier to return to nature.

" 平安扣" 雕塑都成为了这小小方寸间的艺术展品,艺境自然而生, 又寓意健康平安。

The sculptures of "Peace Buckle" have become art exhibits in this small square inch, and the artisticenvironment is born naturally, and it also means health and peace.


第四幕 院

一面度假一面休闲,提升轻奢尊享气质, 一廊多用,双向功能景观体验四季变化,目光所及,皆是生活。

While vacationing and leisure, enhancing the light luxury and exclusive temperament, a corridor with multipleuses, two-way functional landscape experience the changes of the four seasons, and life as far as the eye cansee.




The cold texture and exquisite loge construct the interactive scene of the flower mirror, and the neighborhoodexchanges are the film of daily life. The aesthetics of life are displayed in every scene, and the private corner ofthe oxygen garden under the forest is shaped from single to multiple, presenting the small theater of life.


第五幕 假期


The existing pool deck is divided into two levels, an adult pool and a children's pool. The adult pool has beentransformed into a borderless pool that embraces the surrounding landscape, while the free-form, organicallyshaped children's pool on the right platform creates more fun space for children. The slides and spray guns alsoenhance the overall pool experience. The lush landscaping combined with the neat and bright pool creates arelaxing and enjoyable pool atmosphere.

第六幕 归心


Living by the water, injecting living space into the quiet water feature, and connecting the first space of thefuture area through the backyard, the elegant life scene of forest members will unfold. This is a simple outdoorrest and negotiation venue in the future area, with plunges and characteristic plants to create a natural andquiet atmosphere, where you can imagine and have fun.


The green of the group of metasequoia forests blooms the power of life, which is the most natural vitalityoxygen bar, using transparent space to guide people to get along with nature, creating a healthy communityfor users, so that users can be more immersed in community life.


项目地点:广东 汕头 龙湖区

业主单位:中海 汕头




首开一区:3900 ㎡,竣工时间:2022 年9 月

首开二区:4500 ㎡,竣工时间:2023 年4 月

景观面积:41480 ㎡






项目摄影:三棱镜摄影 繁玺视觉ACA麦垦

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Published on 2023/02/21
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