Shellharbour Civic Hub / Turf Design Studio
Incorporate principles of biophilic design have more relevance to a place
Shellharbour Civic Hub / Turf Design Studio
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects


The new cultural heart of Shellharbour, inthe NSW Illawarra region, incorporates a plaza and public library, a 350-seatauditorium and museum space, community rooms, local council chambers, officesand service centre, with 170 car parking spaces for staff and public use. Occupyinga steep site between commercial and residential zones, the building has acomplex curved roof structure that mediates the different street alignments andcontours, and extends shading around its perimeter.

建筑和城市空间结合亲生物的设计原则,打造了一个更具本土性的空间,为人们提供更积极和有意义的体验。Shellharbour市民中心由DesignInc和Lacoste + Stevenson联合设计,其灵感来自本土自然环境,是Shellharbour海岸景观的潜意识表现。

Architecture and urban spaces that incorporateprinciples of biophilic design have more relevance to a place and offer a morepositive and meaningful experience for users. Shellharbour Civic Centre,designed by DesignInc and Lacoste + Stevenson, is inspired by its naturalsurroundings and is a subliminal representation of Shellharbour’s coastallandscape.






Some elements of biophilic design that areembodied in the project include:

- The long and low volume sweeping acrossthe site mimicks the contours of the land.

- The gabion wall cladding at the base ofthe building is filled with blue metal stones, reflecting the colours and formof the nearby escarpment.

- The library and public spaces areenclosed with glass and timber posts to evoke the Illawarra forests.

- The white soffit accentuates thewave-like form of the roof, referencing the surf, and white cladding on thetower is suggestive of fluid clouds.


DesignInc Sydney总监RichardDoes就亲生物设计及其与Shellharbor Civic Hub的关系发表如下感想:“这座建筑通过景观、自然光和材料选择唤起了奇迹,拥抱了自然。这是Shellharbor社区和景观的一次美妙的建筑表达。”

'The building evokes wonder and embracesnature through views, natural light and material choices. It is a wonderfularchitectural expression of the Shellharbour community and landscape',

Richard Does, Director at DesignInc Sydney,on biophilic design and how it relates to Shellharbour Civic Hub.


Project size: 14000 m2

Project Budget: USD 58,000,000.00

Building levels: 6

Project team

Architect: DesignInc, Lacoste + Stevenson

Landscape Architect: Turf Design Studio

Appreciations towards Turf Design Studio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/08/14
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