Shenzhen Longhua Xingzhi Middle School / ZHUBO DESIGN
Shenzhen Longhua Xingzhi Middle School
Shenzhen Longhua Xingzhi Middle School / ZHUBO DESIGN

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这是一个高容积率的能同时容纳校园与社区生活的事件容器。设计采用减法方式,在密集的教室阵列中“掏洞”并增加公共联桥,创造出一个空间立体循环的“∞”型非正式交往公共空间体系。在这些尺度宜人的“空洞”里,又通过色彩活泼的楼梯、平台和小建筑营造出多变的个性空间体验,将校园创造成能不断激发孩子们好奇心和想象力的奇妙场所。而这些个“空洞”也让自然界的光和风有机会漫进建筑的中央,和学生们的活动融和交集。This is a high floor area ratio event container thataccommodates both campus and community life.The design uses the method of subtraction, “digging holes” inthe dense classroom array and adding public bridges tocreate an “∞” type of public space system of informalcommunication with three-dimensional spatial circulation. Inthese pleasant-scale “holes”, the colorful and livelysstaircases, platforms and small buildings create varied andindividual spaces, making the campus a wonderful place thatcan continuously stimulate children’s curiosity andimagination. And these ” holes” also allow the light andwind to diffuse into the center of the building to with theactivities of the students.

深圳市龙华区行知中学位于深圳市龙华区,是一所容纳了42个班共2100名学生的单一型初级中学校区,校园占地2.3万平方米,总建筑面积共5.8万平方米。校园周边城市环境以密集的城中村和工业区为主,南侧有优质的私人高尔夫球场景观。周边社区公共空间极度匮乏,社区文化设施也严重不足。我们认为新校园的建设也许是能适度改善这一城市问题的契机。Shenzhen Longhua Xingzhi Middle School is located in LonghuaDistrict, Shenzhen. It is a middle school that accommodates2,100 students with 42 classes. The campus covers an area of23,000 square meters and has a total construction area of58,000 square meters.The urban environment around the campusis dominated by dense urban villages and industrial areas,and there is a high-quality golf course landscape on thesouth side. The public space of the surrounding community isextremely scarce, and the cultural community facilities arealso seriously insufficient. We hope that the constructionof the new campus would be an opportunity to moderatelysolve this local community problem.

从本质上说,是一种交往的结构与形态。—— 于尔根 · 哈贝马斯In essence, culture is a structure and form ofcommunication. — Habermas Jügen校园内学生与学生间/学生与老师间的交往 Communications oncampus betweenstudent-to-student/student-to-teacher在古代,圣贤们喜欢聚众讲学,教学活动常在开放的林荫下或者集市等公共空间发生。而教育发展到现代又多以一种知识单向灌输的模式呈现,教育空间随之变得越来越封闭。到了当代,越来越多元化的社会需求和人的社会角色的多样化现象,使得包括正式与非正式的交流都成为了青年学生学习的一种重要手段,传统的简单串联式的单一功能的空间与开放自由交流需求之间的矛盾日益尖锐,青年学生们迫切需要一种更加开放的全方位和全时段的多元互动式交流的新型教育空间模型。In ancient times, sages liked to gather people together togive lectures, and teaching activities often took place inpublic spaces, under trees or open markets. However, thedevelopment of education to modern times is mostly presentedin a mode of one-way indoctrination of knowledge, and theeducational space has become more and more closed. Incontemporary times, the increasingly diverse social needsand the diversification of people’s social roles have madeformal and informal communication an important means oflearning for young students. The contradiction between thetraditional single-functional space and the need for openand free communication is becoming increasingly acute, andyoung students urgently need a new educational space modelthat is more open to all-round and full-timemulti-interactive communication.

避免课后集中活动时间的空间拥挤和人群密度的不均衡现象。我们首创设计了双运动区的“哑铃形主公共空间模型”,在长条形校园的东西两端分散立体布置运动场馆和游泳馆等体育设施,中间用25M宽复杂立体的公共阶梯广场作为交通联系,成为学校的街区型核心公共空间系统。学校与社区的诸多开放型公共活动(艺术节游行,元宵灯会,科技节机器人巡游,社区游园会、节日庙会、创意集市等)都能在这里举行。同时校内所有的大型公共使用空间(包括:餐厅,风雨操场,剧场,图书馆等)和可对社区开放的教学空间(包括:舞蹈教室,音乐教室,器乐排练室和美术教室等)都设置在这主空间动线上。To avoid space crowding and unbalanced crowd density duringconcentrated activity time after class, we pioneered the“dumbbell-shape” model of main public space with thedual-sport area. Sports facilities such as sports fields,gymnasiums and swimming pools are three-dimensionallyarranged at the east and west of this elongated campus, and,in the middle, a complex and three-dimensional public stepssquare with a width of 25M is used as a traffic connection,which becomes block-type core public space system of theschool. Many open public activities of the school and thecommunity also(art festival parade, Lantern Festival, robotparade of science and technology festival, community gardenparty, festival temple fair, creative market, etc.) can beheld here. At the same time, all the large-scale publicspace in the school (including: restaurants, playgrounds,theaters, libraries, etc.) and teaching space open to thecommunity (including: dance classrooms, music classrooms,instrumental rehearsal rooms and art classrooms, etc.) areall set in this main traffic flow.

架空层的设计是这个“哑铃形公共空间模型”的延续,操场的跑道被延伸至架空层,各种类型的户外活动也自然被带进架空层。巨大而空旷的架空层空间被设计植入的合班教室,微格教室,社团活动室等功能分隔成连续的多个大小不一的多功能空间场域,相互渗透,趣味开放,既是全天候条件的运动空间,又是多样的社团活动和丰富学习探索认知体验的第二课堂空间。同时,又成为分隔静态私密教学空间和动态公共教学空间的物理分界和管理边界。The design of the open floor is a continuation of thisdumbbell shape public space model. The runway of theplayground is extended to the open floor, and various typesof outdoor activities are naturally brought into the openfloor. This large and empty open floor space is divided intoseveral continuous multi-functional space fields ofdifferent sizes to satisfy combined classes,small group andclub event. These multi-functional space fields interactwith each other and become interesting and open. It is notonly a sports space with all-weather conditions, but also asecond classroom space for various community activities andenriching learning exploration and cognitive experience.Meanwhile, it becomes the physical boundary and managementboundary separating the static private teaching space andthe dynamic public teaching space.

“∞”型中尺度动态循环交流空间模型 ∞-type mesoscale dynamiccircular communication space model在主楼的静态教学区,通过置入一个“∞”型的公共交流环立体链接教学区各层的休闲退台,空中平台,半室外阶梯课堂等各类非正式交往空间,为青年学生提供了多元化,个性化的开放交往机会,同时串联起主要的辅助功能教学空间形成全方位泛教育体系。In the static teaching area of the main building, a “∞”-typepublic communication circle is placed to connect the variousinformal communication spaces such as leisure set-backplatforms, aerial platforms, and semi-outdoor lecturetheatre on each floor of the teaching area, which providingyoung students with diverse, personalized and opencommunication opportunity, and assisting the main fuctionalteaching space to form a comprehensive pan-education systemas well.

普通讲课教室与实验教室直接链接的新型教育综合体 The new type ofeducational complex that ordinary classroomsdirectly linked with specializedclassrooms传统学校普通教室和各类专业教室相距较远,极大不方便学生和老师的日常教学和降低专业教室类功能空间资源利用率。方案通过将普通教室和专业教室并排链接,一方面十分便捷地增强理论教学与学生主动动手实践的机会,另一方面相对的走廊交通面积并没有增加,反而可以形成扩大型的内走廊公共交流空间和安全无风雨的公共活动平台,我们通过植入垂直的采光井形成宽敞明亮的水平交通,突破了传统交通走廊的单一功能框架。同时结合在这里,可以开展适应青年学生的小范围交流,泛教学,课间互动,科学展廊或者艺术展览等各类激发学生创造力和活力的活动,成功打造了自然采光,通风为一体的教育综合体空间模型。The ordinary classrooms were a bit far away with specializedclassrooms in traditional schools, which is inconvenient forstudents and teachers in daily teaching activities andreduces the utilization of specialized classrooms. Bylinking ordinary classrooms and specialized classrooms sideby side, it can easily enhance the opportunities fortheoretical teaching and students’ practice activities, andcreat safe and wind-free public activityplatforms.Meanwhile, the single-function framework oftraditional traffic corridors was broken through byimplanting vertical light wells, which orms spacious andbright horizontal traffic Here, we can carry out variousactivities to stimulate students’ creativity and vitality,such as small-scale communication, extensive teaching,after-class interaction, science exhibitionand art gallery.Successfully, a space model of education complex integratingnatural lighting and ventilation was created.

校园与周边社区居民生活的共享交往 Shared exchanges betweenthe campus and the residents’ lives in thesurrounding communities周边社区公共空间的极度匮乏,驱使我们希望将学校的物理边界打破,将学校作为时段性社区中心来使用。将校园的不同开放性教学功能空间按其特点分时段(每天放学后,周末和寒暑假)向周边社区居民开放,减少此类共享功能的闲置,最大化高效利用复合空间服务于整个社区,改善周边社区的公共配套功能,使得校园成为一个时刻都充满活力的场所。Considering the extreme lack of public space in thesurrounding community, we break up the physical boundary ofthe school and use the school as a periodical communitycenter. The open teaching spaces in the campus were sharedwith neighbour residents at different time according tothese spaces’ characteristics (after school, weekends andwinter/summer vacations), which reduce the idleness ofschool spaces, and maximize the efficient use of thiscompound space to serve the neighbour community. By doingso, public service facility of the surrounding community wasimproved and the campus become a wonderful place full ofenergy and fun at all time.

利用基地南北10米高差,进行全地形开挖,设置半地下的大体量共享功能底盘,校园主入口从临街的负二层标高进入。临街出挑的半地下室顶面有效隔绝道路噪音对上部教学楼的直接干扰,校园临街界面开放,视觉空间层次丰富,具有舒适的全天候家长等候缓冲区。学校功能空间的竖向立体分区给校园的社区开放带来管理的便利,同时又为师生提供了全天候教育综合体的空间模型。高位正负零层的设置,增加了教学楼总体楼层数的同时使南北两侧教室又都具备优良的开敞视野,南向看高尔夫景观场地,北侧恰好越过城中村屋顶看向远方,由于架空的主教学楼高度上超越了周边高密度城中村的屋顶,也保证了主教学楼优良的自然通风效果。It takes advantage of the 10-meter height difference betweenthe north and south of the base, implementing theall-terrain excavation and setting up the semi-undergroundlarge-scale functional sharing space, the main entrance ofthe campus is at the Basement 2nd floor elevation thatfacing the street. The top surface of the semi-basementwhich facing the street could effectively prevent the directnoise from the road to the upper teaching building. Thecampus façade that facing the street is open, which has richvisual spatial levels and a comfortable all-weather waitingbuffer area for parents. The vertical zone of the school’sfunctional space brings convenience to the management of thecampus’s community opening, meanwhile. it also provides aspatial model of an all-weather educational complex forteachers and students. With the high elevation of thepositive, negative and zero elevations, it increases thetotal number of floors in the teaching building and makesthe classrooms on both sides of the north and south have anexcellent open view at the same time, which looks at thegolf landscape field from the south and looks into thedistance from the north side over the roof of the urbanvillage. Because the main teaching building is higher thanthe surrounding high-density buildings in urban village,which ensures the excellent natural ventilation effect ofthe main teaching building also.

我们希望的是不以老师或成人的角度设计学校,回归以学生为本,以服务教育为理念来设计校园,最终创造开放性、个性化、多元化、多层次的交流空间,极力营造立体复合共享的校园空间。设计合作单位深圳天华,作为图纸报建主体单位,负责了全专业施工图设计。What we promote is to design school with the concept thatreturns to the student-oriented and services for educationrather than from the perspective of teachers or adults. Withit, we finally reate an open, personalized, diversified andmulti-level communication space, and win a three-dimensionalcomplex shared campus space.The cooperation company is Shenzhen TIANHUA ArchitecturePlanning & Engineering Ltd, as the main firm of theapplication for construction, which is responsible for thedesign of all professional construction drawings. 

项目结构:1、2栋教学楼采用框架结构,宿舍楼采用框架剪力墙结构。教学楼中部连廊为避免落柱影响下部空间采用27米大跨钢结构连廊。项目共设立两层半地下室,设置篮球场、报告厅等大功能空间,采用大跨度混凝土单向次梁的结构形式保证无柱大空间效果。报告厅上部台阶位置为满足后部台阶吊顶下净高结构采用斜板形式满足室内净高。Project structure: The 1st and 2nd teaching buildings use theframe structure, and the dormitory building uses the frameshear wall structure. In order to avoid the influence offalling columns on the lower space, the corridor in themiddle of the teaching building adopts the steel structurecorridor with 27 meters long span. There are two and a halfbasements in this project, some functional spaces, such asbasketball courts and lecture halls were set up here. Ituses the structure form of large-span concreteunidirectional secondary beam to ensure the large spacewithout any columns. Meantime,The position of is to, and theinclined plate form is used on the upper steps of theauditorium to meet meet the clear height structure under theceiling of the rear steps.

为实现“海绵城市,合理利用水资源,在室外设置雨水调蓄系统——PP雨水回收模块,收集屋面及地面雨水,回收经过简单处理水质达标后用于绿化浇洒、地下库冲洗和道路浇洒。暖通设计:“以人为本、绿色环保、科技领先、节能降耗”的设计理念。通过合适的系统设计和节能手段,提高能量的利用效率,为学生提供舒适的室内环境和良好的室内空气品质。泳池为室内恒温恒湿泳池,采用风冷热泵系统,室内采用组合式三集一体机组,室内恒温恒湿,池水辅助加热。Water supply and drainage design: In order to realize the“sponge city” and rationally utilize water resources, arainwater storage system – PP rainwater recovery module isset up outdoors to collect rainwater of roof and ground r.After simple treatment, the quailified rainwater would beused for greening and underground garage watering flushing,road spraying, etc.HVAC design: “people-oriented, green environmentalprotection, technology-leading, energy saving andconsumption reduction” design concept. Through appropriatesystem design and energy-saving means to improve theutilization efficiency of energy, and provide students witha comfortable indoor environment and good indoor airquality. The indoor constant temperature and humidityswimming pool adopts air-cooled heat pump system, combinedthree-set unit, indoor constant temperature and humidity,pool water auxiliary heating.

电气设计:为积极响应国家低碳环保、节能减排号召,从市政引入2路10kv至本工程开关站,采用放射式接线方式至变配电所高压配电室,提高供电的可靠性,实现节能降耗。教室区域充分利用自然光照明特点设计智能照明系统,切实降低学校的电能损耗。BIM设计:项目应用BIM设计技术有效解决机电管线综合问题,在初设阶段模拟管线碰撞情况建立模型,在施工图阶段管综通过BIM计算结果合理避开,保证梁下净高要求和避免后期施工反复情况,节约施工成本和施工时间。Electrical design: In order to actively respond to thenational call for low-carbon environmental protection,energy conservation and emission reduction, introduce 2channels of 10kv from the municipal administration to theswitch station of this project, and use the radial wiringmethod to the high-voltage power distribution room of thesubstation to improve the reliability of power supply andachieve energy saving and consumption reduction, too. Theclassroom area makes full use of the characteristics ofnatural lighting to design an intelligent lighting system,and effectively reduce the school’s power consumption.BIM design: The project uses BIM design technology toeffectively solve the comprehensive problem ofelectromechanical pipelines. At the initial design stage,establish a model to simulate the pipeline collisionsituation. At the construction drawing stage, thecomprehensive pipeline is reasonably avoided through the BIMcalculation results, to ensure the clear height requirementsunder the beams and avoid repeated construction, saveconstruction costs and construction time.

项目名称:深圳市龙华区行知中学 项目地点:中国 深圳 建筑面积:58124平方米 项目周期:2018年3月至2021年3月 建筑设计:筑博设计-联合公设设计团队:钟乔、吴玉华、张甜甜、彭璟阳、黄昕、郑晓婷、马衡驷、李东敏、蔡启文施工图设计:深圳市天华建筑设计有限公司设计团队:伍颖梅、管志伟、陈洁、李香宙、彭凯、王冲冲、刘畅、杨骑军、何俊、金庆友、资慧云、肖启权、肖晴朗、陈伟鹏、李金枝、马瀚笙、关永立、贾长友、徐世魁、李贵明室内设计:深圳界内界外设计有限公司景观设计:笛东规划设计(北京)股份有限公司幕墙设计:深圳市朋格幕墙设计咨询有限公司建设单位:龙华区政府投资工程前期工作管理中心/龙华区工务署代建单位:深圳市万科城市建设管理有限公司建筑摄影:吴清山、萧稳航、吴玉华 视频制作:山间影像 

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