Fuyang, Yang vicious lake wetland ecological home stay hotel / Shulin Architects
Poetic Living Place-The Swallow House
Fuyang, Yang vicious lake wetland ecological home stay hotel / Shulin Architects
Project Year
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unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects


Since ancient times, Fuyang has been a treasured land sit by the Fuchun River. The restored Yangbei Lake Wetland is divided into a larger part and a smaller part in a long strip which two parts are connected by a wooden arch bridge and surrounded by a large area of water and vegetation, featuring a unique landscape and good privacy, which makes it great choice for scattered small guesthouses.

The seven small houses, led by pebble plates, are distributed at appropriate intervals along the edge of the small island to be as close to the waterfront as possible, so that each has a spectacular view with appropriate distance. The island is connected by a bridge, but guests can also take boats for a different experience.

▲水边的燕屋 Swallow House by the river

湿地岛上私密的七个客房 Seven private rooms distributed on the Wetland Island

大面积水域包围客房 Guesthouses surrounded by large areas of water

木拱桥连接小岛上的客房 Wooden arch bridge connecting rooms on the island

傍晚亮灯的客房与水上孤舟Lighted-up guest rooms and the lone boat

映在水中的客房灯光倒影 The reflection of the room lights in the water

与自然为友,营造怡人居所 Befriend with nature, Build pleasant home


The Wetland Eco Hotel is composed of two types of rooms that are randomly distributed, both creating the feeling of living under a large roof, which also looks like wings of a bird, who settles here, lingers on the island for a while and lands on the water. The ancients like to make objects to adapt to local conditions, lightly intervene in nature and use wood to frame the house on the water, so that the house can be integrated and wrapped by nature. This ecological concept has always been in the bones of Chinese. These two kinds of houses, as many would say, contains a Jiangnan style, which I think, in part lies in the virtual space properties. For one thing, they magnify the proportion of the space under the eaves, connecting the living space and nature. For the other, they create a pleasant living space through the scale to embody the relationship among people, the space and nature.

马远《宋帝命题册》图源网络Ma Yuan landscape picture album with the poems written by the Song dynasty emperor

匍匐在岛上的几个大屋顶房子 Several large-roof houses crawling on the island

房子像鸟儿一样栖居于此,好像很久之前就长在这 Houses dwell like birds as if they had been here for a long time

很静态的江南气息Static Jiangnan atmosphere

屋檐下大露台连接了室内外空间 A large terrace under the eaves connecting the indoor and outdoor spaces


Besides, the Jiangnan style is also expressed by connecting the formation of the houses with the hills surrounding the wetland. The slope of the house’s folded roof is kept similar to the contour of the mountain so that the houses and distant mountains can be seen through the nearby reeds. From this angle, the houses seem to echo the mountain, greeting each other and responding to each other from a distance.

尽量将房子的尺度压矮,与大地亲切 Reducing the height brings closeness to the ground

傍晚透过水面看向房子和远山Houses and distant mountains through the water in the evening

折叠的坡屋顶与远山呼应 The folded sloped roof echoing the distant mountains

设计概念 Design Concept


The indoor layouts of the two rooms are not the same. One has a very compact space indoor and a very large terrace outdoor. The indoor space meets the basic needs for living while most of the time, the outdoor space provides a chance to enjoy the beautiful lake and mountains and feel the nature. In terms of morphological relationship, two large triangular double-slope roofs cover the entire room, which is tilted at one end. The transparent glass façade is combined with the large roof, limiting the viewing range and the direction. The indoor space is divided into sleeping area and leisure area by the bathroom in the middle in a symmetrical way. In the middle, the bathroom is designed to be lower than the roof, so that the ceiling is a consistent space. A relaxing tea drinking area and an outdoor bathing bathtub are set on the large terrace, and frameless glass panels are designed next to the water to reduce shields of the view.

大屋顶下亮灯的客房 Lighted rooms under the big roof

茅草屋顶的客房隐藏在植物后面 The guest room with a thatched roof hidden in plants

起翘的茅草屋顶 Thatched roof tilted on one side

被遮蔽的客房 Sheltered rooms

概念生成 Concept

通透的全景玻璃,晨光打入客房休闲区 Light goes into the leisure area through glass façade in the morning

全景睡眠区 Panoramic sleeping area

屋顶下的户外圆形大露台 Large outdoor circular terrace under the roof

结构分解示意图 Exploded axonometric diagram


Another design concept of the room is to frame three small boxes into a large roof, each with a different size and height for different functions. The boxes are separated from the roof and simply places on the frame to create a sense of lightweight, while the air can pass under the double-layered roof, which also effectively avoids the high indoor temperature in summer and saves energy. Two terraces connect the box to the frame to form a complete space for use.

Nearly half of the guest rooms are semi-outdoor spaces, emphasizing the importance of semi-outdoor experience in a natural environment.

概念生成 Concept

塞入三个小盒子的客房 Room fit into the three small boxes

岛内石板路上看客房 Guesthouse seen on the pebble plate

概念生成 Concept


In terms of facades, the living room is equipped with a corner floor-to-ceiling window that can be completely opened. If all the windows are opened, the house would provide a complete view of the lake, aquatic plants and the terrace. The room can be comfortable when the opened entrance door makes the wind passing through. The bedroom is set up two-step-high from the ground, with an interesting triangular window on the rood, through which the wooden structure above and the sky can be seen. The toilet is connected to the bedroom on the back, in which a large bathtub is set in front of floor-to-ceiling doors and windows that can be fully opened. Guest would feel like enjoying a bath outdoors. There is a terrace outside the bathroom for resting after the bath.

打开折叠门,室内外空间贯通一体 Indoor and outdoor space fit together when opening the folding door

客厅看向入口玄关和卧室 Entrance and bedroom from the living room

客厅空间场景 Living room

卧室空间和三角天窗 Bedroom and triangular skylight

卫生间 Toilet

卫生间外的露台 Terrace out of the toliet

结构分解示意图 Exploded Structural Detail Diagram


Clear construction, real building


Most components are assembled on-site from prefabricated manufacturers. We mainly chose steel structure, which are assembled and welded on-site. Solid wood is used on the roof beam, the wall is supported by light steel keel, while the outer surface is combined with relatively standard plate and glass doors and windows made in factories and put together on-site. 80% of our materials are prefabricated, so through good cooperation on construction, the project can be completed rapidly and accurately, effectively reducing the damage to the environment and noises.The steel structures are used in different ways in the two houses. In the smaller type, steel structures and spatial facade are exposed in an obviously way, while the glass door and window fill in the middle of the structure, forming an integral relationship.The large type is completely separated by the structure of the roof frame system and the indoor box. The roof system is clearly visible, including steel-wood segments, the connection between wooden components and the overhead steel structural rods at the bottom. In addition, the inner structure of the box is wrapped, so that the space logic is expressed very clearly, and the beauty of the building is also displayed through it.

Appreciations towards Shulin Architects for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/12/03
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